

此地 CyPARK,4.4 万㎡体量,集骑行、宠物、社群、商业公园、生活方式等多种标签于一身的新概念非标商业体,开业即成为成都热门打卡地。它以成都高新区文化中心为载体,通过建筑形态将商业和成都高新中演大剧院、成都高新区图书馆、成都市青少年宫、展览馆等大型文化空间串联起来,打造国内首个骑行主题新概念商业公园,不仅是对传统商业模式的革新,更是对未来城市生活方式的一次大胆尝试。
CyPARK, a new concept non-standard commercial complex with a total area of 44,000 square meters, integrates cycling, pets, communities, commercial parks, lifestyles and other labels. It has become a popular spot for tourists to visit in Chengdu since its opening. Based on the cultural center of Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone, it connects the commercial area with large cultural spaces such as Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone Performing Arts Center, Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone Library, Chengdu Youth Palace, and Exhibition Hall through architectural forms. It is the first new concept commercial park with cycling theme in China. It is not only an innovation of traditional business model, but also a bold attempt for the future urban lifestyle.
▼外观概览,Overall view© in VIEW
•影喻影像 – 肖波
云南人多把家放在半山腰,云山雾绕,只见来路,难见山顶。但向上攀登,总会走到眼前开阔之地。正如生活在城市的人们,有着困惑和混沌,但向上攀登,总能去到看清未来的地方。半山腰就是由此而来,成立于 2017 年,一个生活方式餐饮品牌,以“更持久的生命力,兼得克制与丰盈”为理念,倡导“将自然力量融入城市生活”。半山腰始终在探索云南食物之于外界的新可能,这一次此地 CyPARK 西南首店,从餐厅到物产,关于食物的情感与灵感,一半交给我们,一半留给你们。半山腰的西南首店也是首批入驻的餐饮于此地 CyPARK,是因为 CyPARK 所倡导的“Live to aspire here”的理念和半山腰“Live Wild Live Will”的生活主张不谋而合。而如何将自身的云南特色元素与成都这座城市完美融合到一起,则是留给 LivFAMA(LFA)团队的课题。
▼轴测图,axon© LivFAMA Designs & Co. LLC
Most people in Yunnan live in the mountains, surrounded by clouds and fog, and it is difficult to see the top of the mountain. But climbing up, you will always come to a wide open place. Just like people living in cities, they may feel confused and chaotic, but they can always climb up and reach a place where they can see the future clearly. The concept of “Mid-Mountain” originated from this place. Established in 2017, it is a lifestyle catering brand that advocates “integrating natural forces into urban life” with the concept of “more lasting vitality, restraint and abundance”. Mid-level Mountain is always exploring new possibilities of Yunnan food for the outside world. This time, the first CyPARK store in the southwest, from restaurants to products, half of the emotions and inspirations about food are given to us, and half are left to you. The first restaurant to be established on the hillside, the Southwest Head Store, is also the first to be located in CyPARK, because the concept of “Live to aspire here” advocated by CyPARK coincides with the lifestyle proposition of “Live Wild Live Will” on the hillside. How to perfectly integrate the unique elements of Yunnan with Chengdu is a task left to the LivFAMA (later abbreviated as “LFA”) team.
▼外摆区,Swing area©in VIEW•影喻影像 – 肖波
空间的秘密 The Secret of Space
在这次空间设计中,重量的对比占据着举足轻重的地位。LFA 团队希望从一个最原始的元素:泥土,作为设计概念可溯源的基础材料,它是最原始朴实的,也是重量的代表。LFA 利用“泥土”在空间的一半之处画出一条腰线,这条线条犹如一位艺术家的大胆笔触,一半是大地,另外一半是城市,营造出鲜明而引人入胜的对比。内部空间则是以夯土的原始韵味为基底,它未经雕琢,保留着大地的质朴与纯真,仿佛是大自然中最纯净、未经烹饪的食材,静静地铺展于眼前。其粗犷的肌理与纯粹的质感,与另一侧空间的细腻与精致形成了巧妙的对比,仿佛是人与自然之间的交界处。
▼手绘平面图,hand drawing plan© LivFAMA Designs & Co. LLC
In this space design, the comparison of weight plays a decisive role. The LFA team hopes to trace the foundation of the design concept back to the most primitive element: earth, which is the most primitive and simple material and also represents weight. LFA used “earth” to draw a waist line in the middle of the space, which is like an artist’s bold brush stroke, half of which is the earth and the other half is the city, creating a sharp and fascinating contrast. The interior space is based on the original charm of rammed earth, which is unadorned and retains the simplicity and purity of the earth, like the purest, uncooked ingredients in nature, quietly spread out before our eyes. Its rough texture and pure quality contrasts with the delicate and refined space on the other side, as if it is the boundary between man and nature.
▼店铺立面,Facade©in VIEW•影喻影像 – 肖波
This harmonious dance between “heavy” and “light” is vividly displayed on the waistline of the space. This line is not only a physical division of space, but also a profound interpretation of life philosophy, which implies “Half Unripe, Half Ripe”, and it is in harmony with the idea of “half for us, half for you” halfway up the mountain. Guided by this waist line, the space seems to be endowed with life, telling stories about nature and the city.
▼立面近景,Facade close view©in VIEW•影喻影像 – 肖波
▼木质窗结构,Wooden window structure ©in VIEW•影喻影像 – 肖波
On the exterior facade, a waistline design is also cleverly hidden in the wooden structure, extending from the columns to the handles, connecting the outdoor scenery and indoor space together. It not only outlines the spatial hierarchy, but also leads the visual transition from the front hall to the main hall, and then naturally extends to the secondary hall, creating a harmonious and profound spatial rhythm. Just as good cuisine cannot be achieved without the support of high-quality ingredients, the extraordinary nature of space also stems from the most authentic respect and use of natural elements. Here, the unadorned rammed earth has become the soul of storytelling, telling the transformation process from primitive to refined, from blank to full in its own unique way. Incorporating the philosophical concept of “half”, the space is endowed with deeper levels and connotations.
▼立面遮阳结构,Facade shading structure ©in VIEW•影喻影像 – 肖波
Natural Night Elves
提到云南食材,其中最少不了的就是菌子,云南的野生菌,多藏身在人迹罕至的森林中,七八月雨季一来,采菌人便备着背篓,不分昼夜行走在半山腰,走两步弯下腰,轻轻翻找树根周边的“野精灵”。精心提取此元素并制作了一系列形态各异的蘑菇点缀进这个“山腰”的空间之中。这些具象小心思不仅以创意的设计点亮了店内的每一个角落,更仿佛是山间珍菌幻化而成的光之精灵,就这样,LFA 用一盏盏蘑菇灯,巧妙地搭起了一座桥,让成都的光影梦,云南的自然情,在半山腰此地 CyPARK 店中交汇成一首跨越地域的山间小曲调。设计团队 LFA 以自己独特的视角和理解,将这份双重的情感依恋融入空间,打造了一场关于光、影、自然的梦幻盛宴,让每一个走进店铺内的顾客都仿佛置身于一场关于光与自然的情景。
When it comes to Yunnan ingredients, the most important one is mushrooms. Yunnan’s wild mushrooms are mostly hidden in the forests where there are few people. When the rainy season comes in July and August, mushroom pickers will prepare baskets and walk on the mountainside day and night, bending down and gently searching for “wild spirits” around tree roots. This element was carefully extracted, and a series of different shapes of mushrooms were created to decorate the space of this “mountain side”. These subtle ideas not only light up every corner of the store with creative designs, but also seem like the light spirits transformed from precious mushrooms in the mountains. In this way, LFA cleverly built a bridge with mushroom lights, allowing the light and shadow dreams of Chengdu and the natural feelings of Yunnan to converge into a small mountain tune that spans the region in this CyPARK store on the hillside. The design team LFA integrated this dual emotional attachment into the space with their own unique perspective and understanding, creating a dreamy feast of light, shadow, and nature that makes every customer who walks into the store feel as if they are in a scene about light and nature.
▼入口处,Entrance©in VIEW•影喻影像 – 肖波
▼室内空间概览,Interior overall view©in VIEW•影喻影像 – 肖波
▼窗边望向室内,Window looking indoors ©in VIEW•影喻影像 – 肖波
融合边界 Integration boundary 晨曦初露,暮霭沉沉,大自然的光影变化总能触动人心。成都人对光的痴迷,恰似云南人对菌类怀有的那份无尽眷念与向往,两者均深刻体现了各自地域文化中那份独特且深沉的情感寄托与依恋。
The first light of dawn and the deepening dusk, the changing light and shadow of nature always touch people’s hearts. The obsession of Chengdu people with light is similar to the endless nostalgia and yearning of Yunnan people for mushrooms, both of which deeply reflect the unique and deep emotional sustenance and attachment in their respective regional cultures.
▼客座区,Guest seating area ©in VIEW•影喻影像 – 肖波
作为成都⾸店,LFA 用巧妙的方式融入了这座城市的独特韵味。设计团队没有着重在形貌上,而是汲取了成都⼈⽂精神中的灵感,从晨昏、四季光影的不同时刻光影的变换出发,将⽼川式店铺的⽊板卡⻔元素融⼊现代设计之中,并大胆的将整个外立面设计成不同高矮的打开方式,引光入室的同时创造出⼀种既熟悉⼜新颖的视觉体验。这种设计模糊了室内外的界限,让顾客在享受美⻝的同时,也能感受到成都这座城市独有的开放、向阳与随和。
As the first store in Chengdu, LFA has cleverly integrated the unique charm of this city. The design team did not focus on the appearance, but drew inspiration from the humanistic spirit of Chengdu, starting from the different moments of light and shadow in the morning and evening, and the four seasons. They integrated the wooden panel and door elements of the Sichuan-style store into modern design, and boldly designed the entire facade to open in different heights, allowing light to enter the room while creating a familiar yet novel visual experience. This design blurs the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces, allowing customers to enjoy the unique openness, sunshine, and friendliness of Chengdu while also enjoying the food.
▼客座区近景,Guest seating area close view©in VIEW•影喻影像 – 肖波
Half Unripe, Half Ripe
Strolling through the long river of life, we often find that life is not entirely clear and distinct in black and white, but more often than not, it presents a subtle and profound charm of “half-Unripe and half-ripe”. This state is neither raw and immature, nor completely ripe and smooth, but a proper balance and harmony.
▼看向包间,Looking at the private room©in VIEW•影喻影像 – 肖波
▼灯光设计,Lighting design©in VIEW•影喻影像 – 肖波
“Half-Unripe” is a curiosity and awe towards the unknown world. It is like the rising sun, with the courage to explore and explore the new day, reminding us that even in the familiar daily life, we must be brave to try new things, embrace change, and constantly learn and grow. This “Unripe” is the youth and vitality of the soul, the desire for infinite possibilities in life, which keeps our soul from becoming numb in the repetition of day-to-day life. “Half-ripe” is the calm and wisdom after going through the storm. It is like a heavy fruit in autumn, which has accumulated rich nutrients through the baptism of time and exudes a unique charm of maturity. This “ripe” teaches us how to face life’s gains and losses with a peaceful mindset, how to find a sense of ease in complex interpersonal relationships, and how to remain resilient and optimistic in the face of setbacks. It is a gift bestowed by the years, which has taught us to let go, to cherish, and to be grateful.
▼室内设计细部,Design details©in VIEW•影喻影像 – 肖波
“Half Unripe, Half Ripe” is a philosophy of life, but also a design concept. The originality and modernity of materials, the weight and lightness of space, the naturalness and creativity of light and shadow all highlight the concept of half. The best state of life may be hidden in this just-right balance. These seemingly contradictory yet intertwined elements are not only a pursuit of aesthetics, but also a profound interpretation of life.
▼平面图,plan© LivFAMA Designs & Co. LLC
▼立面图,elevation© LivFAMA Designs & Co. LLC
项目名称 Under Clouds 半山腰
项目面积 427㎡
完成时间 2024
项目地址 中国,四川,成都市
主创及设计团队 Frank Ruan、何小锋、岳嘉鑫、李熠茹、文清波、陈晶晶、Mina
设计公司 LivFAMA Designs & Co. LLC
Project Name Under Clouds
Gross Area 427㎡
Date 2024
Location Sichuan,Chengdu,China
Design Team Frank Ruan、Xiaofeng He、Jiaxin Yue、Yiru Li、Qingbo Wen、Jingjing Chen、Mina
Design Company LivFAMA Designs & Co. LLC
Company Website