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“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río

2025/01/29 09:09:14
Two pavilions, structures whose size and perforations evoke the forms of stubble burners or small tool sheds. Roughed out preliminary spaces. Open-air rooms squarely-aligned to the existing traces of the irrigation channels that form their base and water the northern fields of Valencia, of Muslim heritage.
▼项目远观,viewing the project at distance © Oleh Kardash
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-3
▼建筑与环境,architecture and environment © Oleh Kardash
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-5
该项目旨在通过突出瓦伦西亚 l’Horta Nord 的文化与农业价值,与场地的历史遗迹展开深刻对话,并以陶瓷作为统一的设计元素。
▼手绘总平面图,hand-drawn site plan © Alejandro Martínez del Río
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-8
This project is the result of an initiative to highlight the cultural and agricultural value of l’Horta Nord in Valencia, engaging in an intimate dialogue with the site’s historical traces and using ceramics as a unifying element.
▼外观,exterior view © Oleh Kardash
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-11
▼两座砖材“小房子”,two brick “little pavilion” © Oleh Kardash
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-13
▼近景,closer view © Oleh Kardash
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-15
在与Nuet Ceramica 密切合作下,项目中特别开发了一种陶瓷格栅砖。砖块上的十字形镂空图案过滤光线、空气与视线,并设计了两种不同密度的图案交替使用,形成变化丰富的效果。
The lattice ceramic block was developed specifically for this project in close collaboration with Nuet Ceramica. The cross-shaped perforations filter light, air, and sight, alternating in a set of two pieces of tighter and wider pattern.
the building is made of ceramic grid bricks © Oleh Kardash
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-20
▼入口,entrance © Oleh Kardash
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-22
The arrangement and perforations of the primary ceramic block shape the walls, complemented by a series of secondary ceramic elements—honeycomb blocks, mechanized bricks, flat tiles. These additional pieces stitch the jambs of openings, wedge the prefabricated lintel beams, bind the open latticework, or align the rows of blocks with the irrigation channels.
▼预制过梁,prefabricated lintel beams © Oleh Kardash
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-26
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-27
▼砖材交叠,overlapping of the brick © Oleh Kardash
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-29
▼建筑内部,interior views © Oleh Kardash
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“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-32
▼材料细部,details of the brick © Oleh Kardash
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-34
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-35
Flooring shows a patchwork of ceramic profiles from the extrusion nozzles and display complex figures -an intermediate stage of production where paired profiles and auxiliary elements ensure proper handling, drying, and firing-. These “pavers” capture the aesthetic richness embedded in the manufacturing process.
▼外观细部,details of exterior © Oleh Kardash
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-39
▼光影,light and shadow © Oleh Kardash
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-41
▼手绘轴测图,hand-drawn axonometric drawing © Alejandro Martínez del Río
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“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-44
▼手绘稿,hand-drawings © Alejandro Martínez del Río
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-46
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-47
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-48
“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-49
▼立面图,elevations © Alejandro Martínez del Río
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“隐秘围合”丨西班牙丨Alejandro Martínez del Río-52
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