
2025/02/17 13:21:48
西班牙建筑公司 PRÁCTICA 为罗马尼亚克卢日-纳波卡市索梅什河岸的再生和自然恢复开发了一个项目。这个 15 公里长的干预项目穿越了包括历史中心、工业区以及 20 世纪 60、70 和 80 年代的住宅区在内的多样化城市环境。索梅什河岸的再生和市民激活起源于 2017 年克卢日-纳波卡市政府举办的一项开放的国际竞赛,该项目得到了欧盟的资助。竞赛由由哈伊梅·达洛卡、何塞·马约拉尔和何塞·拉蒙·塞拉组成的 PRÁCTICA 建筑公司赢得。PRÁCTICA 协调了一个广泛的跨学科和国际合作者团队,共同在河流沿线实施了建筑、景观、工程和城市化设计。
TThe Spanish architectural firm PRÁCTICA has developed a project for the regeneration and renaturation of the banks of the Somes River as it crosses through the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The 15 km intervention passes through diverse urban conditions that include the historic center, industrial areas and residential neighborhoods of the 60s, 70s and 80s. The regeneration and citizen activation of the banks of the Somes stems from an open international competition, organized by the Municipality of Cluj-Napoca in 2017, and has been implemented with funding from the European Union. The competition was won by the Spanish architectural firm PRÁCTICA, composed of Jaime Daroca, José Mayoral and José Ramón Sierra. PRÁCTICA coordinated an extensive group of interdisciplinary and international collaborators with whom they have implemented the architecture, landscaping, engineering and urbanization along the river’s course.
▼项目概览,Overall of the project©Sergiu Razvan
▼新索梅什河绿色基础设施,A New Green Infrastructure On The Somes River ©Sergiu Razvan
▼区位图,Location© Práctica Arqutiectura
▼河流平面图,Plan of the river© Práctica Arqutiectura
▼总平面图,Master plan© Práctica Arqutiectura
The project understands the Some River as a green corridor capable of connecting other nearby public spaces thanks to the incorporation of a network of paths, bicycle lanes and pedestrian bridges. The course of the river acquires thickness, giving rise to a set of new public spaces: parking lots converted into squares overlooking the river and riverbanks with integrated beaches and bleachers. Thus, the riverbanks are activated as collective spaces for accessing the river and engaging with its fauna and flora.
▼河畔绿色走廊,Riverside Green Corridor©Sergiu Razvan
该项目恢复了河岸的自然特征,将原有的狭窄且坚硬的边缘扩展并软化,形成了一个更自然的环境。因此,这次干预促进了生物多样性、微气候的形成、二氧化碳吸收和入侵物种控制。该项目重新设计了河流,作为一个在不同规模和多种程序上运作的新社交空间,一个新的绿色基础设施,是城市中不同社区之间的会面和交流场所,服务于居民超过 300,000 的克卢日-纳波卡市。
▼分析图,Analysis diagram© Práctica Arqutiectura
The project recovers the natural character of the river banks, expanding and modifying the pre-existing narrow and hard edge into a softer and more natural environment. Thus, the intervention promotes biodiversity, microclimate formation, CO2 absorption and invasive species control. The project redesigns the river as a new social space that functions at different scales and with different programs, a new green infrastructure, a meeting and exchange space between the various communities that inhabit the city of Cluj-Napoca, with over 300,000 inhabitants.
▼河畔绿色空间与桥梁,Riverside green space and bridge© Imagen Subliminal
索梅什河穿过克卢日-纳波卡市长达 15 公里,途径不同的城市环境:历史中心、工业区和住宅区。在 20 世纪下半叶,其河岸被混凝土墙改造,造成高度的差异,并限制了城市与河流之间的视觉和物理联系。该项目源于 2017 年的一次开放国际竞赛,是城市再生和自然化的典范,重新评估了索梅什河对城市的重要性以及两者之间的联系。河流被构想为一条绿色走廊,通过可持续移动路径的网络,连接多个公共空间和绿地。此外,设计了一系列自然梯田,以自然化环境,将城市与河流之间的硬边界转变为更宽、更透水的河岸,从而促进生物多样性。
▼分析图,Analysis diagram© Práctica Arqutiectura
The Somes River crosses the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, for 15 kilometers, encountering diverse urban conditions: the historic center, industrial areas, and housing neighborhoods. During the second half of the 20th century, its banks were modified with concrete walls, which established a drastic difference in height and limited the visual and physical connection between the city and the river. This project stems from an open international Competition in 2017. It is an example of urban regeneration and renaturalization, which revalues the role of the Somes for the city, as well as the link between the two. The river is conceived as a green corridor that, through a network of sustainable mobility paths, connects multiple public spaces and green areas. In turn, a system of natural terraces is designed to renaturalize the environment, transforming the hard boundary between the city and the river into a wider and more permeable riverbank that allows for biodiversity.
▼休闲空间,Leisure area
© Imagen Subliminal
▼水岸露台,Riverside terrace© Imagen Subliminal
The river as a green connector and a dignified public space.
▼轴测图,Axonometric drawing© Práctica Arqutiectura
The project understands the Somes as a green corridor capable even of connecting with other nearby green spaces, which were functioning in isolation such as the Simion Bărnuțiur Central Park or the Cetățuia Park, thanks to the incorporation of a network of pedestrian paths and bike lanes. Its course acquires thickness due to the activation of a set of new public spaces: parking lots converted into squares overlooking the river and banks incorporating beaches and bleachers. The riverbanks are, thus, activated as collective spaces to contemplate, enjoy and access the course of the river, its fauna and flora.
▼步行桥,Footbridge©Cluj-Napoca Municipality
▼亲水平台,Water front platform©Cluj-Napoca Municipality
自然化 Renaturalization
▼分析图,Analysis diagram© Práctica Arqutiectura
▼分析图,Analysis diagram© Práctica Arqutiectura
While it was important to transform the Somes into a connecting spine of public spaces, it was also essential to enhance its context and ecological values. The project recovers the natural character of the river banks, expanding and modifying the pre-existing thin and hard edge into a softer and more natural environment. This is achieved by widening the river section, which supports a system of terraces. And it allows the banks to become a more diverse ecosystem which hosts different species of local vegetation, rocks, sand and biorolls. Biodiversity, microclimate formation, CO2 absorption and invasive species control are promoted.
▼水岸,Riverside© Imagen Subliminal
▼步行小径,Walking path© Imagen Subliminal
▼骑行道路,Cycling road© Imagen Subliminal
Pole of community attraction and interdisciplinary collaboration
The project redesigns the river as a new social space that functions at different scales and programs, a space of encounter and exchange between the diverse communities that inhabit the city. The recovery of the riverbanks has multiple benefits, beyond social strata and physical boundaries. It acts as a new participatory infrastructure that addresses both local and global contexts. It proposes a new framework for dialogue and coexistence through architecture, and brings together the efforts of a broad multidisciplinary team, Spanish and local, made up of professionals in architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, urban planning, as well as government agencies and the everyday users of the site.
▼夜景,Night view©Cluj-Napoca Municipality
© Práctica Arqutiectura
© Práctica Arqutiectura
▼桥梁剖面,Sections© Práctica Arqutiectura
Area: 332.137m2
Construction Cost: 25.700.768 €
Client: Municipality of Cluj-Napoca
Authors of the project: Jaime Daroca, José Mayoral y José Ramón Sierra
Team: Blanca Amorós, Raúl Brito, Cesia Campos, Amanda Castellano, Gonzalo Cortes, Santiago Estepa, Daniel García, Elisabetta Gravina, Ivan Iglesias, Andrea Navarro, Francisca Rocuant, Alonso Rosa, Costan Svinti, Sofía Valdivia, Banika Vijay, Beatriz Whithman
Local architect: Planwerk
Engineering: Aqua Prociv Proiect, Costin si Vlad Birou de Proiectare and EuroBB Energy
Landscaping: Landlab
Coordinator: Baseli Drum Consult
Construction Companies: ACI Cluj, Socot, Simacek and Nord Conforest
Photos: Imagen Subliminal (Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío Romero), Sergiu Razvan and Cluj-Napoca Municipality
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