知末案例   /   餐饮空间   /   火锅店


2025/02/17 15:08:21
Abstract:Gathering round the fireplace for a feast and rejoicing
On the streets of Yuyuan Road, Dahu Hotpot is like a huge social Rubik’s Cube, each side of which accommodates different social groups and types of activities. On one side is a place for wild artists to show themselves, where they speak freely and passionately at the stage at the entrance; on the other side is a warm and cozy “storytelling” area, where three or five friends sit around the steaming hot pot to greet each other and share their daily lives, and the boiler in front of the table becomes an emotional intersection…
▼建筑外观,exterior of the building©王可
The daylab studio launched a unique spatial interpretation on the streets of Yuyuan Road, transforming the previous single-function hotpot restaurant into a dynamic shared urban living room. People travel between different Rubik’s Cube blocks, weaving a street social scene that is both diverse and vibrant.
▼室内概览,overview of the indoor space©王可
Entrance:Positive transformation of negative blocks
店面入口处的等位区摒弃传统火锅店门口拥挤堆砌的做法,而是选择分享出一个面阔 7m 的社交平台,结合台阶的设置,大虎不仅成为了愚园路上的最佳表演舞台,同时也是街头最佳观众席。近 30㎡的入口空间给街头增添了无限可能:有时它是街道小型活动的举办场地,有时它是观点交流的分享场所。
▼入口“舞台”,”stage” at the entrance©斗西设计
The waiting area at the entrance of the store abandons the crowded and stacked approach of traditional hot pot restaurants, and chooses to share a 7m wide social platform. Combined with the setting of steps, Dahu has become not only the best performance stage on Yuyuan Road, but also the best audience seat on the street. The nearly 30㎡entrance space adds infinite possibilities to the street: sometimes it is a venue for small street events, and sometimes it is a place for sharing ideas.
▼可自由变换的等待区,the flexible waiting area©王可
▼入口体块动画演变,evolution of the entrance©斗西设计
At Dahu, the flexible and open layout breaks the stereotype of the traditional dining waiting experience. Combined with flexible track grille doors and customized movable benches, it is no longer a monotonous waiting area, but can be freely flipped and transformed like a Rubik’s Cube, and can be freely transformed into various modes such as gatherings, waiting, and street flash events according to scene requirements.
To tackle the awkward corner at the entrance, the solution is to extend the box into the interior. At this time, the abrupt corner is transformed into a long box that grows naturally in the building, which has a sense of volume visually. In addition to aesthetics, the design team further gave strategic suggestions on business formats based on rich business experience: to build this place into a “store in a store” as a dessert and tea stall for the Dahu brand. This change has transformed the negative block that originally blocked the street view into a conspicuous “meeting point” on the streets of Yuyuan Road, further increasing the sharing attribute.
▼成为愚园路街头显眼的“碰头点”,a conspicuous “meeting point” on the streets of Yuyuan Road©王可
The exterior of the box is clad in wavy aluminum plates, with three windows thoughtfully designed to meet both site conditions and business needs. Inside the store, one window remains open as a transfer window, while the two exterior windows feature flip-up designs, allowing them to open or close based on business demands. On the side of the box, an open virtual space is fitted with a hidden track glass door, offering flexible use to adapt to seasonal changes.
▼成为愚园路街头显眼的“碰头点”,a conspicuous “meeting point” on the streets of Yuyuan Road©王可
场地建筑外观出色,位置优越,但因距离人行道过近,以及凹凸起伏的外立面,使得足有 500 平的店铺视觉收缩反而像一家 100 平的小店。针对这一问题,破解的关键点在于美感缺失的雨棚:在物业要求不允许对其进行改变形状、包饰、拆卸的前提下,设计团队运用玻璃钢格栅板进行遮挡,结合分段处的金属灯管形成了焕然一新的门头效果。既不遮挡光线,又与有年代感的建筑完美交融,既保留了历史的韵味,又为街道注入了现代的活力。
Although the site is in a prime location, its proximity to the sidewalk and its uneven facade makes the 500-square-meter store look like a 100-square-meter store. The key to solving this problem lies in the lack of aesthetics of the canopy: under the premise that the property management does not allow it to be changed in shape, fully covered, or disassembled, the design team used fiberglass grille plates to cover it, and combined with metal light tubes at the segmentation to form a brand-new door head effect. It does not block the light, but blends perfectly with the old building, retaining the historical charm while injecting modern vitality into the street.
▼店招设计,store signboarddesign©王可
大虎是少有的坚持 24 小时营业的火锅品牌,如同城市中的一盏不灭灯塔,默默守候着夜晚饥肠辘辘的食客。除开门店的运营,如何在深夜里醒目地让人看到,同时又不打扰街头夜晚的静谧,从门头店招设计上,我们开始思考:由于这家店与路边间距过窄,常规的单一店招形式势必难以奏效,且也不适合在老建筑上做太多“加法”。因此我们从远、近、左、右多个角度进行推敲,在不同位置做了不同尺寸、形式简洁的店招方案,以便四面八方的来客都能看到这家名叫大虎的火锅品牌。
Dahu is one of the few hot pot brands that insists on operating 24 hours a day. It is like an eternal beacon in the city, silently waiting for hungry diners at night. In addition to the operation of the store, how to make it visible to people in the middle of the night without disturbing the tranquility of the street at night. In the design of the storefront sign, due to the narrow distance between the store and the roadside, the conventional single store sign form is bound to be ineffective. We considered from multiple angles, such as far, near, left, and right, so as to make different and simple signboard solutions in different locations, so that visitors from all directions can see this hot pot brand called Dahu.
▼店招设计,store signboarddesign©王可
Modularity:Continuing the variable concept of the Rubik’s Cube
在大虎社交魔方中,我们在空间立面上设计了一个间距 1 米、纵横排列、带有 A 孔的金属骨架结构。当骨架下的原始墙面状况良好时,骨架作为金属衬线装饰;而当原始墙面状况不佳时,则骨架可面挂镀锌板或一些墙面装饰进行造型遮挡,此方法只需要对原始空间墙面稍加修整,就能以极短时间、极低造价完成墙面装修,且后期便于回收利用,是我们一直遵循的环保设计手法。
In the Dahu Social Cube, we designed a metal skeleton structure with A-holes arranged vertically and horizontally with a spacing of 1 meter on the space facade. When the original wall under the skeleton is in good condition, the skeleton is used as a metal lining decoration; when the original wall is in poor condition, the skeleton can be hung with galvanized sheets or some wall decorations for modeling and covering. This method only requires a slight trimming of the original space wall, and the wall decoration can be completed in a very short time and at a very low cost. It is also easy to recycle in the later stage, which is the environmentally friendly design method we have always followed.
▼金属骨架结构,metal skeleton structure©王可
▼金属骨架结构细部,metal skeleton structure detail©王可
With the support of the skeleton structure, each side of the space can be spliced and transformed into countless forms according to actual needs, just like a Rubik’s Cube. We fix movable furniture such as advertising screens, promotional light boxes, lighting tubes, etc. on it to meet the functional and formal requirements.
▼金属骨架结构上的宣传灯箱,light boxes on the metal skeleton structure©王可
综合空间整体布局考虑,厨房要设置在 2F,需要有效率的出回餐动线,在不浪费营业面积与满足消防要求的前提下,在空间中分别置入了无轨道出餐电梯与回餐电梯,经与专业厂家等多方沟通合作,设计大胆创新了传菜梯的造型,通过金属构件连接不锈钢、黄色胶木球头、亚克力板,趣味性的呈现了工业化裸露结构的魅力,为整个空间增添了一处独特的视觉焦点。
▼传菜梯,food delivery lift©斗西设计
Taking the overall layout of the space into consideration, the kitchen is to be set up on the 2nd floor, which requires an efficient food delivery and return route. Under the premise of not wasting business area and meeting fire protection requirements, a trackless food delivery lift and a food return lift are placed in the space. After communicating and cooperating with professional manufacturers and other parties, the design boldly innovates the shape of the food lift, connecting stainless steel, yellow bakelite ball heads, and acrylic panels through metal components, which interestingly presents the charm of the industrial exposed structure and adds a unique visual focus to the entire space.
▼传菜梯,food delivery lift©王可
Material: Sustainable design of industrial details
甲方建议我们采用不锈钢材质,延续大虎一贯的空间调性。但在有 500㎡的大面积空间内,大量使用不锈钢,不仅造价昂贵,视觉也会乏味;同时考虑到火锅店对于耐污性的高要求,我们设计将不锈钢、镀锌板、散热铝片、波浪形铝板等不同金属材质灵活运用,轻重有度,不仅丰富了空间的层次感,又符合经济环保的可持续发展的理念。
The client suggested that we use stainless steel to continue Dahu’s consistent spatial tonality. However, in a large space of 500 square meters, the extensive use of stainless steel is not only expensive, but also visually boring. At the same time, considering the high requirements of hot pot restaurants for stain resistance, we designed a flexible use of different metal materials such as stainless steel, galvanized sheet, heat dissipation aluminum sheet, corrugated aluminum sheet, etc., with a moderate weight, which not only enriches the layering of space, but also conforms to the concept of sustainable development of economy and environmental protection.
▼不同金属材质灵活运用,a flexible use of different metal materials©王可
Except for the kitchen, private room, bathroom and other necessary areas where the ceiling is covered, the original structure and surface of the ceiling are exposed in the rest of the space. For some parts that affect the overall effect of the space, basic building materials are directly used for decoration, and the use of surface decorative materials is deliberately reduced to implement the low-carbon and environmentally friendly design concept.
▼天花材料细部,ceiling material detail©王可
For the design elements of space advertising stands, seat partitions and facade divisions, we use recyclable, cost-controlled, and highly fire-resistant corrugated board materials. Its unique cross-sectional texture combined with the metal frame adds some details to the space, and more importantly, the green and environmentally friendly properties of the material itself.
▼使用可循环、成本可控、防火等级高的瓦楞板材料,using fire-resistant corrugated board materials©王可
▼工业部件的潮流延续,the continuation of the trend for industrial components©王可
▼工业部件的潮流延续,the continuation of the trend for industrial components©王可
▼定制桌椅,customized chairs and tables©王可
与营业区不同,卫生间墙面与地面通铺亮黄色方砖,天花与卫生间门做黄色同色处理,洗手池位于开放露台上,金属立柱上挂两个镜面屏幕方镜,仿佛每个在此路过的人都被捕捉定格为荧幕主角;窗洞处用黄色抽拉折叠式帘布与醒目的大虎 LOGO 结合,使得整个空间明亮而通透,大虎的卫生间像是一个精心布置的电影场景,每一处细节都充满了工业风设计感与艺术气息。
Different from the business area, the walls and floors of the bathroom are paved with bright yellow square bricks, the ceiling and bathroom door are treated with the same yellow color, the washbasin is located on the open terrace, and two mirrored screens are hung on the metal columns, as if everyone passing by here is captured and frozen as the protagonist of the screen; the window openings are combined with yellow pull-out folding curtains and the eye-catching Dahu LOGO, making the whole space bright and transparent. Dahu’s bathroom is like a carefully arranged movie scene, and every detail is full of industrial design and artistic atmosphere.
▼充满了工业风设计感与艺术气息的卫生间,bathroom is full of industrial design and artistic atmosphere©王可
▼亮黄色方砖,bright yellow square bricks©王可
Conclusion: The social value of shared neighbourhoods
Sharing is the essential feature of hotpot, and reunion is the social scene that naturally forms when people sit around the pot. In the dining space, we try to explore the relationship between food, space and people from multiple angles, that is, how to tap the potential of space through design to maximize social value.
▼空间概览,overview of the indoor space©王可
In a corner of the bustling city, we are always looking for unique experiences that can touch the soul and awaken the taste buds. On Yuyuan Road, “Da Hu” hot pot is more like a new social landmark for emotional exchange and street gatherings. Each side of the Rubik’s Cube is connected to a warm and daily life scene. Thd daylab studio, together with the Da Hu brand, tore off the label that hot pot restaurants must follow the market national trend, and played with a street culture with a strong sense of personality contrast. This is not only an innovative practice of hot pot dining space, but also an in-depth dialogue between the Da Hu brand concept and the Shanghai city spirit. Let every diner who enters the store feel the unique collision of industrial charm and metal aesthetics while enjoying the delicious food.
▼一层平面,ground floor plan©斗西设计
▼二层平面,first floor plan©斗西设计
项目类型:建筑 餐厅
材料:不锈钢,波浪铝板 瓦楞纸板 镀锌管 网格玻璃钢 木工夹
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