

Project Background
Zhangjiang Science City, often referred to as “China’s Silicon Valley,” is one of China’s four major comprehensive national science centers. The city is characterized by a network of roads named after prominent scientists from various countries, and it serves as a hub for world-leading industries in fields such as integrated circuits, aerospace, bio-medicine, and other “hardcore” sectors. The Zhangjiang Artificial Intelligence Industry Innovation and Service Platform Project is located in the central area of Zhangjiang Science City, bordered by Haike Road to the north, Naxian Road to the east, Xiangke Road to the south, and Haiqu Road to the west, occupying an entire city block. The project aims to create a new work paradigm that integrates contemporary architecture, research and development, and lifestyle, providing a work environment that is leisurely, free, relaxed, and natural for R&D personnel. Surrounding plots have already been developed, with the northern side facing a multi-story commercial area and the Riverside Landscape Belt. The east, south, and west sides are adjacent to science and education research and development buildings. To the southwest, the site is in close proximity to the Zhongke Road Station on Metro Line 13.
▼园区鸟瞰,aerial view of the campus©胡义杰
Urban Environment and Architecture
The Zhangjiang Urban Subcenter, marked by the iconic “Zhangjiang Gate” Twin Towers, is undergoing rapid construction. This area is positioned as a key hub for Zhangjiang’s core industries and carries the expectations for the region’s future development. The urban interface along Haike Road represents a focal point in the area’s urban design guidelines, aiming to shape the city’s skyline. The architectural forms in this area must not only meet the aesthetic requirements of the grand urban design but also integrate seamlessly with the small-block planning of the science city, creating a comfortable pedestrian experience. In this project, our primary focus is on the relationship between architecture and the urban environment. Through optimizing the urban spaces within the block, we aim to foster the formation of a cohesive regional character. The layout of the architectural cluster is not a product of self-expression, but rather a strategy to enhance the overall environmental quality of the area. The goal of the architectural design is not to emphasize the form for its own sake, but to dissolve the form of the building into the environment, allowing it to harmoniously adapt and fit naturally within the urban context.
▼园区街景,street view of the campus©胡义杰
▼园区建筑外观,exterior view of the campus building©胡义杰
▼园区建筑外观,exterior view of the campus building©胡义杰
Streets and Plazas
▼总平面图,site plan©致正建筑工作室
We adhere to the principles of urban design, emphasizing the integrity of urban space and the coherence of the pedestrian circulation system. The architectural ensemble adopts a semi-enclosed layout, with two towers—one tall and one short—placed diagonally at the northwest and southeast corners of the site, ensuring both towers enjoy expansive spatial views. In terms of the ground-level spatial relationship, the layout creates two plazas at the southwest and northeast corners, one larger and one smaller, arranged diagonally. The plaza on the south side focuses on ceremonial functions, accommodating the grand entrances and drop-off areas for the towers, while the north plaza offers a more relaxed atmosphere with dense planting. The two plazas, though relatively independent, are interconnected, forming an open shortcut that traverses the block and links the pedestrian space from the subway station to the Riverside Landscape Belt to the north.
▼建筑群体采取半围合式的布局,the architectural ensemble adopts a semi-enclosed layout©胡义杰
▼形成一条可以穿越街区的开放捷径,forming an open shortcut that traverses the block and links the pedestrian space©胡义杰
Hill Stones and Terraced Setbacks
▼形态生成,massing generation©致正建筑工作
Drawing inspiration from traditional Chinese landscape and nature philosophy, we aim to differentiate the architecture of the science city from the anonymous towers typically found in urban business districts. Each tower is vertically aligned with the two city roads on the exterior, while on the interior, facing the plaza, the building mass steps back in staggered layers. The retreating façades on both sides echo each other diagonally, reminiscent of the stacked rocks on the hill. Moving from the interior spaces to the terrace creates an imagery of gazing toward mountain view, where the volumes of architecture replicate the undulating, fragmented patterns of natural scenery.
▼营造一种山景对望的意象,reminiscent of the stacked rocks on the hill©胡义杰&致正建筑工作室
▼山石退台的意象,hill stones and terraced setback©胡义杰
▼山石退台的意象,hill stones and terraced setback©胡义杰
Interfaces and Materials
▼石材幕墙及玻璃幕墙,stone curtain wall and glass curtain wall ©致正建筑工作室
The “internal” and “external” interfaces, arising from the overall layout, are responded to with two distinct material textures. The setback interior interface, facing the plaza and terrace, encourages activity, interaction, and welcome lingering; thus, we selected a transparent, soft texture, employing a full glass curtain wall. In contrast, the upright exterior interface, facing the streets and the city, conveys elegance and solidity, for which we chose a robust materiality, using a light-colored granite lattice cladding system. Additionally, the outward-facing, angular sections of the stone grid are treated with gently sloping edges, forming triangular columns and window lintels that extend outward and downward. Vertically, every two stories, the sharp corners of the stone columns are staggered, creating a rhythmic variation in the façade, which balances the inherent heaviness of the stone.
▼石材细部,stone detail©胡义杰
▼雨棚细部,canopy detail©胡义杰
Modularity and Control
▼通风器节点,ventilator detail©致正建筑工作室
The building massing undergoes two directional setbacks, and the building envelope incorporates two different materials and tectonic systems. In order to unify these varying dimensional diversities, we established a 1.4m x 1.4m grid matrix. Using a modular approach, all construction elements—from the mass’s protrusions and recesses, curtain wall divisions, and balcony railings to the structural column grid and ceiling design—are aligned within this matrix system. As a result, the entire 40,000m² office building façade, both the stone and glass sections, features curtain wall units with a uniform width. The rational modular system facilitates precise control over detailing, and this modularity extends from the façade to the interior, achieving a harmonious and unified design. The natural ventilation system utilizes lateral ventilators, discreetly integrated into the junctions between the floor and the interstitial curtain wall, replacing traditional hinged windows. This significantly enhances the aesthetic clarity of the façade.
▼玻璃幕墙,glass curtain wall©胡义杰
▼玻璃幕墙,glass curtain wall©胡义杰
▼石材幕墙,stone curtain wall©胡义杰
In this project, we focus on how architecture and space can support the Science City—an area with a certain development history and a concentration of high-end, cutting-edge industries—to complete its industrial chain and upgrade the urban image, while fostering a dynamic industrial and living atmosphere. We aim to introduce a new model for R&D office buildings in Zhangjiang Science City through the spatial concept of an “Urban Valley”. By extending macro-level, human-centered urban design strategies to each single building and the specific spaces within them, we aspire to offer a more humanized, natural, and ecological working and living environment, in contrast to the homogenized office spaces typically found elsewhere.
▼入口夜景,entrance at night©胡义杰
▼夜景,night view©胡义杰
▼夜景鸟瞰,aerial view at night©胡义杰
▼一层平面,ground floor plan©致正建筑工作室
▼二层平面,first floor plan©致正建筑工作室
▼三层平面,third floor plan©致正建筑工作室
▼五层平面,fifth floor plan©致正建筑工作室
▼六层平面,sixth floor plan©致正建筑工作室
▼七层平面,seventh floor plan©致正建筑工作室
▼十一层平面,eleventh floor plan©致正建筑工作室
建筑师:周 蔚 + 张 斌 / 致正建筑工作室
主持建筑师:张 斌
项目建筑师:李 沁、李 硕
建筑:专业负责人:王红兵 设计:林国显、郑强
结构:专业负责人:张永昱 设计:冯传山
暖通:专业负责人:程建威 设计:宫慧美
给排水:专业负责人:金阳 设计:侯南卫
强电:专业负责人:于刚 设计:林浩、严顺军
弱电:专业负责人:于刚 设计:林浩、严顺军
景观顾问:上海迪弗建筑规划设计有限公司 / 马进 袁煜奇 李凌
专业分包:幕墙:上海玻机智能幕墙股份有限公司 泛光:上海东泓照明工程有限公司 空调:江苏南通二建集团有限公司 消防:江苏南通二建集团有限公司 弱电智能化:上海信业智能科技股份有限公司 景观:上海市园林工程有限公司
设计时间:2015.05 – 2017.12
建造时间:2020.05 – 2023.01
结构形式:1#研发楼:钢框架 + 钢筋混凝土核心筒结构 2#研发楼:钢框架结构 3#配套楼:钢筋混凝土框架结构
建筑层数: 1#研发楼地上16层,2#研发楼地上8层,3#研发配套楼2层,地下2层
Project Name: Zhangjiang Artificial Intelligence Industry Innovation and Service Platform, Pudong, Shanghai
Architects: ZHOU Wei + ZHANG Bin / Atelier Z+
Partner in Charge: ZHANG Bin
Project Architect: LI Qin, LI Shuo
Design Team: ZHOU Xuefeng, HONG Chenjin, LI Le, YE Lei, FAN Mingming, JIANG Shou, TU Dan
Design Consultant: D-plus Studio
Design General Contractor: Shanghai Zhongjian Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd.
Project Leader: WANG Dehua}
Architecture: Professional Lead: WANG Hongbing 设计:LIN Guoqiang, ZHEN Qiang
Structure: Professional Lead: ZHANG Yongyu 设计:FENG Chuanshan
HVAC: Professional Lead: CHEN Jianwei 设计:GONG Huimei
Drainage: Professional Lead: JIN Yang 设计:HOU Nanwei
Strong Current: Professional Lead: YU Gang 设计:LIN Hao, YAN Shunjun
Weak Current: Professional Lead: YU Gang 设计:LIN Hao, YAN Shunjun
Landscape Consultant: Shanghai Difu Architectural Planning and Design Co., Ltd. / MA Jin, YUAN Yuqi, LI Ling
Location: No. 55 Xiangke Road, Zhangjiang Science City, Pudong, Shanghai
Client: Zhangjiang Group Co., Ltd.
Construction General Contractor: China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Third Construction Co., Ltd.
Construction Subcontracting: 幕墙:上海玻机智能幕墙股份有限公司 泛光:上海东泓照明工程有限公司 空调:江苏南通二建集团有限公司 消防:江苏南通二建集团有限公司 弱电:上海信业智能科技股份有限公司 景观:上海景观工程有限公司
Design Period: 05.2015-12.2017
Construction Period: 05.2020-01.2023
Site Area: 11,466m2
Building Area: 3,434m2
Gross Floor Area: 49,999 m2
Structure: R&D Building 1, Steel Frame+ Reinforced Concrete Core Tube Structure, R&D Building 2, Steel Frame Structure, Ancillary Building 3, Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure
Building Story: R&D Building 1, 16 Stories, R&D Building No, 8 Stories, Ancillary Building 3, 2 Stories, 2 Basements
Building Height: R&D Building 1, 80m, R&D Building 2, 41.05m, Ancillary Building 3,11.1m
Principal Use: R&D Office, Ancillary Services, Parking Garage
Primary Building Materials: Sesame White Granite, Fluorocarbon Spray Pre-coated Aluminum Sheeting and Profile, Ultra Clear Safety Glass, Brushed Stainless Steel
Primary Landscape Materials: Granite, Pebble, Cor-ten Steel Plate, Aluminum Plate, Bamboo Laminate Timber
Cost: About 440,000,000 Yuan RMB
Photography: HU Yijie