

Einderheide观景塔已准备好迎接登顶体验。这座观景塔具有双重功能:不仅提供周边景观的壮丽视野,还为蝙蝠提供了庇护。站在26米高的塔顶,可以俯瞰Brabantse Kempen森林的辽阔美景。而对于不喜高处的游客,塔内还设有两层观景平台,让人们从不同角度欣赏周围环境。这座全新建筑是NEXT architects推出的又一座“自然共生”项目,兼顾人与动物的需求,为景区增添了独特魅力。
Watchtower Einderheide is ready to be climbed. The tower has a double function. In addition to the view of the surroundings, the tower provides shelter for the bat. At a height of 26 meters you have a breathtaking view of the wooded area of the Brabantse Kempen. For those who don’t like heights, there are two floors with surprising views of the surroundings. It is a beautiful new addition to the series of nature-inclusive projects from NEXT architects, suitable for people and animals.
▼观景塔鸟瞰,aerial view of the watchtower ©Koen Mol
▼地标性塔楼,landmark tower ©Koen Mol
Understated icon
The tower is modest, but at the same time it has a recognizable and characteristic shape. The recognition and lookout tower is part of the recreational cycling and walking network of the Einderheide forest area. Visitors can take a spiral staircase up to a viewing platform at a height of 26 meters. From there they have a unique panoramic view of the surrounding area. In addition to the lookout function from the roof, the tower also offers surprising perspectives on the way up; notches, at different heights and on different sides of the design, provide a view during the climb. The tower provides a special view through its striking shape, both through the trees and over the forest.
▼极具辨识度的建筑语言,recognizable architectural language ©Karl Banski
▼塔楼造型简约,the tower is modest ©Karl Banski
▼塔楼内部楼梯,the staircase inside ©Karl Banski
Bat roost
这座观景塔不仅为游客提供景观视野,同时也专为树栖蝙蝠打造了庇护所。塔体采用木质结构,在多个高度设有不同类型的凹槽和洞穴,满足蝙蝠的多种生存需求,如冬季和夏季的栖息地,以及交配和筑巢的场所。这些特殊的栖息空间由生态学家Jeroen Mos专为该项目研发。木质材料不仅与森林环境融为一体,还有效模拟了蝙蝠的自然栖息地。唯独冬季栖息区采用半地下混凝土结构,同时作为塔的基础,为蝙蝠提供稳定的庇护环境。
The tower is not only intended for the view, but also provides shelter for tree-dwelling bats through the use of wood. A diversity of niches and cavities have been created at several heights in the structure with different types of habitats, such as winter and summer quarters and mating and nesting sites. These hives were specially developed for this project by ecologist Jeroen Mos. The wood not only fits well into the wooded environment, but it also contributes to imitating the natural habitat. Only the winter accommodation is designed as a concrete basement, half buried and therefore forms the foundation of the tower.
▼塔楼俯瞰,overlook from the tower ©Karl Banski
▼在多个高度设有不同类型的凹槽和洞穴,a diversity of niches and cavities have been created ©Karl Banski
The facade of the design consists of laminated larch columns, covered with thermally preserved pine. The roughness of the material gives the bats grip so they can land and crawl away.
▼塔楼内部结构,inside structure ©Karl Banski
▼结构细部,structure detail ©Karl Banski
Last area icon
这座低调却极具辨识度的地标,是省道N69沿线区域标志性建筑的最后一环。观景塔由Bergeijk市政府委托建造,并获得北布拉班特省及Boskalis的支持。其设计由NEXT architects联合WSP、Mos生态咨询与研究公司以及H+N+S景观建筑事务所共同完成。
The modest but iconic landmark forms the final piece in a series of area icons in relation to the provincial road N69. The tower was commissioned by the Municipality of Bergeijk with support from the Province of North Brabant and Boskalis. The design was created by NEXT architects in collaboration with WSP, Mos Ecological Advice and Research and H+N+S landscape architects.
▼从塔楼俯瞰森林,overlook the forest from the tower ©Karl Banski
▼设计策略,design strategy ©Next Architects
Type / Program → Uitkijktoren/Watchtower
Location → Nederland/The Netherlands
Client → Gemeente Bergeijk En Provincie Noord-Brabant
Size → 26 Meter Hoog/26 Meters (Height)
Status → Under Construction
Preliminary Design: 5 November 2020
Final Design: 6 April 2021
Start Building: May 2023
Completion: June 2024
Design → Next Architects
Team → Michel Schreinemachers, Bart Reuser, Marijn Schenk With Bobby De Graaf, Douwe Strating, Angelos Chouliaris, Sónia Cunha, Vyasa Koe, Monika Popkiewicz
In Collaboration With → H+N+S Landschapsarchitects, Boskalis, Wsp, Mos Ecologisch Advies En Onderzoek, Gemeente Bergeijk, Kunstloc Brabant, Elianne Van Elderen (Schrijver/Dichter),
Houthandel Van Dal (Leverancier En Hoofdaannemer), Reijrink Staalconstructie, Van De Sande (Fundering)
Details Stakeholders
Client → Gemeente Bergeijk, Theo Duffhues
Architect / Designer → Next Architects
Adress: Paul Van Vlissingenstraat 2a
Zipcode / City / Country: 1096 Bk Amsterdam