知末案例   /   公共空间   /   健身房

YMCA 健身中心 | 室内外融合的运动天地

2016/06/26 05:07:21
YMCA 健身中心 | 室内外融合的运动天地-0
YMCA 健身中心 | 室内外融合的运动天地-1
YMCA 健身中心 | 室内外融合的运动天地-2
YMCA 健身中心 | 室内外融合的运动天地-3
YMCA 健身中心 | 室内外融合的运动天地-4
YMCA 健身中心 | 室内外融合的运动天地-5
YMCA 健身中心 | 室内外融合的运动天地-6
A running track was incorporated around the building because most Americans wold rather run outdoors. Running is the most popular workout for Americans. It helps build strong bones, strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular fitness and maintain a healthy weight.
YMCA 健身中心 | 室内外融合的运动天地-8
In this yoga, recovery and aerobic room, emphasis has been put on the use of daylight through skylights.This is because sunlight provides multiple health benefits such as natural mood enhancing, reduced stress and faster recovery, all of which are beneficial for fitness and physical therapy. The succession of apertures create an ever changing dynamic and playful pattern, adding a layer of visual interest to the space. Additionally, skylights cut the use of electricity in the space and  as a result provide energy savings for the tenants
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