Last week, Galerie Kreo crossed the pond to set up a booth filled with memorable pieces at San Francisco's FOG Design+Art fair
“让有光”似乎是圣弗朗西斯科雾设计艺术展上加莱丽·克雷奥优雅的灯光展位发出的使命宣言。迪迪埃·克伦托夫斯基(DidierKrzentowski)说,在我所有的展位里,都有很多灯光,因为那是我的激情所在。他与妻子克莱门斯(Clmence)共同创办了这座画廊,并与她合著了一段灯光历史。对于Krzentowski来说,没有比Gino Sarfatti更有天赋的了-这位已故的意大利大师曾是2012年米兰La Triennale设计博物馆回顾展的主题。
Krzentowski穿着一件尖利的蓝色西装和海军蓝的拖鞋,穿着一件黄色的、青铜色的落地灯,在他最喜欢的位置上用一个简单的手把它调整了一下:一个两个灯泡的蓝色遮蔽的SracFATI SCONCE。他说,他考虑的是,不管你想要什么,都要选择不同的职位。“做一些复杂的事情很容易,但是很简单,很难。”
在灯下,从斯卡法蒂,维基萨默斯工作室和布卢莱克兄弟照明的镜子和吊灯,克里奥照亮了他们的装饰。靠着一堵墙,马克·纽森(MarcNewson)的一架碳纤维梯子靠在道希·莱文(DoshiLevien)的多色“四分卫”镜子旁。在展台的对面,海蒙的威尼斯风格的“猴子”镜子在亚历桑德罗·门迪尼(Alessandro Mendini)的反光白金“波特罗纳”(Poltrona)椅子和皮埃尔·夏宾(Pierre Charpin)用马基纳黑色大理石制成的空心控制台之间举行了法庭Krzentowski说:“这是个天才,因为它的内部是凹的,”Krzentowski指出,这个工程允许这种重量很轻的材料。
然而,展位上的焦点似乎集中在康斯坦丁·格拉西克(Konstantin Grcic)的玻璃顶“冠军”桌上。在赛车运动的启发下,它的红色、绿色和黄色的铝制底座似乎在召唤一辆公路自行车或香烟船,这是由漆器大师沃尔特·莫勒(WalterMaurer)在中间刻上的“捷狗”这个词来增强的。
One especially defining feature of the booth was the gallery's selection of vintage lighting by the late Italian lighting maestro, Gino Sarfatti (seen here with Jaime Hayon's Venetian-influenced ‘Monkey’ mirror)
Seen here – with a floor lamp from 1962 and a round mirror with small spotlights from 1971 (both by Sarfatti) – is Alessandro Mendini's reflective 'Proust' All’aperto armchair. A white gold Bisazza mosaic helped to bring an added shine to the booth
Also on display was Pierre Charpin's 'High Console'...
... and Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec's 'Geta Black' coffee table
Much attention was drawn by the glass-topped 'Champions' table by Konstantin Grcic, seemingly inspired by racing sports with its red, green and yellow aluminum base
A carbon fibre ladder by Marc Newson
Pictured from left: François Bauchet's 'Cellae Library' in technical felt, fibreglass and epoxy resin; a pair of vintage rectangular box wall lights by Gino Sarfatti from 1963, made from crackled lacquered metal and opaline glass; Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec's 'Shells 3' lights in black lacquered fiberglass; 'UN Lounge Chair' by Hella Jongerius
keywords:Galleries, Pierre Charpin, Galerie Kreo, Marc Newson, Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec, California, San Francisco, Doshi Levien, Jaime Hayon
关键词:画廊,Pierre Charpin,Galerie Kreo,Marc Newson,Ronan和Erwan Bouroullec,加利福尼亚,旧金山,Doshi Levien,Jaime Hayon