Using a refurbished Polaroid 600 camera, nine designers have captured a unique interpretation of London street art. Benjamin Hubert, for example, looked at London as a work in progress, capturing scaffolding and construction sites
同样,产品设计师金·托梅(Kim Thomé)坚持他所知道的,抓住了沃尔森斯托(Walthamstow)和哈克尼(Hackney)-他称之为家的区。作为一个热衷于骑自行车的人,thomé利用他探索的两轮体验来发掘伦敦隐藏的街头艺术;在破碎的小巷中,穿过沼泽地和金属桥梁。
时装设计师尤顿·崔(Eudon Choi)(他是个土生土长的肖雷迪奇人,将非常熟悉城市艺术的不同成功之处)做了一些意想不到的事情,他冒险走出了自己的行政区,到伦敦周边的乡村去做他的大部分收藏品。他没有捕捉传统意义上的街头艺术,而是以街头表演者为题材。其他要把伦敦街头艺术放在画框里的设计师包括:原始边缘、保罗·科克西奇、本杰明·休伯特、马辛·鲁萨克和德阿莱格里。
Graphic artist Camille Walala was drawn to brightly coloured facades, including Daniel Buren’s artwork (left) at Tottenham Court Road station
Camille Walala
Camille Walala
Camille Walala
Camille Walala
Design duo Matteo Fogale and Laetitia de Allegri took a more literal approach to the street art theme
De Allegri & Fogale
De Allegri & Fogale
Fashion designer and Shoreditch resident Eudon Choi honed in on elements that usually go unnoticed
Kim Thoné took the streets on his bicycle, capturing his local neighbourhood in Walthamstow and around Hackney
Marcin Rusak’s images of old cars had a vintage bent
Marcin Rusak
Paul Cocksedge produced a series of abstract imagery, focused solely on one object
Paul Cocksedge
Design duo Raw-Edges captures images of London street art on their laptop for a tongue-in-cheek take on the theme
One half of creative food studio Bompas & Parr, Sam Bompas naturally turned his lens on London’s food markets
keywords:Photography, Raw-Edges, Architectural photography, Paul Cocksedge, London exhibitions