Conceptual Cuban artist Wilfredo Prieto used Mexico City's Kurimanzutto gallery as his studio for over a month, in preparation for the current solo sculpture show 'You can't make a revolution with silk gloves'
在过去的二十年里,古巴艺术家威尔弗雷多·普里托(Wilfredo Prieto)因他能够在普通的、被忽视的物体(水果、硬币、液体、火柴)中梳理出崇高的东西而赢得了“超级极简主义者”的名声。他微妙的干预措施将他们从日常生活中解放出来,把他们变成了令人陶醉的雕塑(从一个立方体的西瓜,到一堆乱七八糟的铁丝,模仿云层的堆积,以及一架被绑在桌子上的飞行直升机)。
主画廊的角落分别被一个扇子固定着,扇子吹着一根连在葡萄干上的一根头发,从艺术家的指甲上吹出十块剪纸。与此同时,在后面的院子里,Prieto用香奈儿5号(Chanel 5号)嗅出了热带花园的香味,装满了厨房里的两个抽屉(一个是食盐,另一个是马尔顿),在楼上的项目空间里,一个西红柿可以装满从房间的一边到另一边的磁铁卷,费力地把一个手势划到后面的墙上。
尽管该剧的标题带有黑暗的斯大林主义色彩,但普里托的有机干预中出人意料的关联似乎更适用于切·格瓦拉(Che Guevara)的话:“革命不是在成熟时落下的苹果。”你得把它弄下来。“
Characterised by an almost shocking simplicity, Wilfredo Prieto's sculptures and installations function as a poetic commentary on social and political issues. Pictured: Dancing Hair with Raisin, 2015
Hanging from a string is a lone red alstroemeria flower that seemingly overlooks a folded stage curtain and a McCracken-esque lean-to sculpture made from plates of glass sourced from a local window shop. Pictured: Transparent, Dark, Dirty, 2015
The Cuban artist is known for his way of communicating with less, making provocative objects from items that might usually be easily overlooked. Pictured: Wilfredo Prieto
The materials used by Prieto to create his conceptual installations vary, depending on the particular idea or the concept he is working on
The artist tries to distance himself from his roots, preferring to to adopt a sort of detachment, in order to know himself better. Pictured: Egg and 8 Ball, 2016
In the rear courtyard (pictured) Prieto has scented a tropical garden with Chanel No. 5
With simple gestures, the artist suggests we distance ourselves from the day-to-day, to try to experience it in a new light. Pictured: Stone with Silk, 2016
For one piece, Prieto filled two drawers with salt: one with table salt, the other with Maldon. Pictured: The No Name Salt and the Maldon, 2016
keywords:Mexico, Exhibitions