



AOUMM’s design for communal indoor and outdoor spaces of EU Joint Research Center headquarters in Ispra involves four areas inside the building 101: the entrance hall, the adjoining meeting rooms and coffee area, a bike parking area and the external courtyard. The project aims to overcome the current lack of relational spaces in the building, both for work and recreation, intervening in specific areas after precise requirements expressed by the users, in terms of functional and perceptional issues.
The overall layout of the entrance hall is defined by two glass meeting boxes and open living areas, designed through the study of furniture, carpets, standing lights and hanging sound absorbing panels. The project foresees also the installations of a synchronized air flow on automatic entrance doors, the painting of the southern wall, the integration of the existing plants around the hall and an infographic proposal for signs and directions system.
The project involves the selective demolition of some part of a continuous glass wall and interior partitions to define the new spaces of two meeting rooms and a coffee area. Acoustical plating and soundproof walls will be applied to all vertical partitions, with consequent removal and reconstruction of the floating floor and the false ceiling. The new spaces will be equipped with air conditioning, smoke detectors, emergency lightings and sound absorbing panels. A new bike parking with 30 spots is planned in the former external coffee area. Three towers will be installed for charging up to four electrical bikes each.
For the external patio, the proposal envisages wide planters and seating integrated in deck areas with arbors and wooden platforms, allowing to allocate the irrigation system. All the elements are free standing, avoiding floor demolition.
Progettazione architettonica AOUMM - Argot ou La Maison Mobile Team di progetto Luca Astorri Riccardo Maria Balzarotti Rossella Locatelli Matteo Umberto Poli with Simone Ottaviani Stefano Girelli Laura Pozzari Davide Guida Giulia Bortolozzo Andrei Rizea Progettazione paesaggistica – concept arch. Dong Sub Bertin Ingegneria meccanica e illuminotecnica Polistudio srl Ingegneria acustica ing. Mattia Viganò Box vetrati riunione Citterio Pannelli fonoassorbenti LvB Acoustics Caimi Tappeti fonoassorbenti Kasthall Arredo Estel Group BuzziSpace Vitra Ahrend Caimi Illuminazione Artemide Progetto e realizzazione: 2019 Fotografie Filippo Poli