


LEFT design was invited to create the new brand of the coffeeshop “BARISTA coffee garden” in the center of Krasnoyarsk. The aim was to create a space looking different from other coffeeshops in the city, without any brick so popular for this kind of spaces.
This place has a huge windows and we had not so much walls to decorate so we decided to use the ceiling as main attractive thing. We created a kind of pendant lights with flowerpots in upper part and LED light and mirror below. This lights were made here in Krasnoyarsk by our partner.
Nowdays socialmedia, for example Instagram, has a great influence so we had to consider it and create a space where person can easily make cool shoots and these photos will be unique and very recognazible. Mirrors on the bottom can easily provide this facility.
Big iron wheels with rope give the spirit of colonial past of coffee industry in general, not even nice but having place to be.
The big map was created also by LEFT and is made of birch cut and made by local artists.
PHOTO by Vladimir Barabash