



Spanish Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2018 360 VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JLrXdZ FILM: http://bit.ly/2Jydra2
Becoming, the motto chosen for the Spanish Pavilion in this edition of the Venice Biennale 2018, presents Spanish architecture as seen from learning environments, by means of actions, discourses and pieces of work developed by a wonderful set of architects that during the last years have questioned the limits and conditions previously assumed by our discipline.
becoming by means of a critical approach put into practice, discovers the complexity of our operational logics, in an open intellectual experience where students cook up their conflicts.
becoming understands the curatorial project as a research project and the Venice Biennale as an opportunity to confront concepts and ideas, where the pavilion becomes an invitation to go over the basis of architectural practice and what is going on in our planet.
Comisaria del Pabellón de España en la Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia 2018 Curator at the Spanish Pavilion for the 16th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia 2018
Atxu Amann
Comisarios Adjuntos Curatorial Team Andrés Cánovas, María Mallo, Nicolás Maruri y Gonzalo Pardo
Imagen y pabellón virtual Image and virtual pavilion bestiario
Equipo de diseño Design Team gráfica futura + Ioannes Busca + Open this end + Temperaturas Extremas Intervención exterior Outdoors Intervention Ana Matos, Iñigo Ocamica, Antonio Samaniego e Iñigo Tudanca
Participantes Participants
Estudiantes de entornos educativos españoles (2012-2018)
Equipo de expertos Expert Commitee Alberto Alarcón, Eva Álvarez, Irma Arribas, Uriel Fogué, Manuel Gausa, Andrés Jaque, María Langarita, José Morales, Enrique Nieto, Guadalupe Piñera, Almudena Ribot y Juana Sánchez
Colaboradores Collaborators After Belonging, Victoria Acebo, Carlos Arroyo, Pedro Astigarraga, José Ballesteros, Maite Borjabad, Nerea Calvillo, Iñaki Carnicero, Izaskun Chinchilla, Raquel Congosto, Juan Domingo Santos, Javier Echeverría, Alberto Estévez, Guillermo Fernández Abascal, Jacobo Gª-Germán, Susana García Bujalance, Paula García Masedo, Andrea González, María José Ferrero Ibargüen, Juan Herreros, Manuel Jiménez, Amparo Lasén, MAIO, Josep Maria Montaner, Nacho Martín, Vicente Monroy, Paula Montoya, Zaida Muxi, Alberto Nanclares_Basurama, n’UNDO, Manuel Ocaña, Manuel Pascual_Zuloark, Ana Peñalba, José Pérez de Lama, Pedro Pitarch, Carlos Quintans, Sampling Contexts (Begoña de Abajo Castrillo, Enrique Espinosa Pérez, Carlos García Fernández, Eva Gil Lopesino, Ángela Juarranz Serrano, Álvaro Martín Fidalgo y Borja Sallago Zambrano), Renata Sentkiewicz, Ter, Eduardo Vivanco y Remedios Zafra
Gestión de contenidos Content Management Luis Álvarez, Kiara Firpi, Alba González, David J. Iniesta, Elena M. Millana, Aida Red y Fernando Segovia
Traducción Translation Ángela O’Driscoll
Fotografía y video Photography and video imagen subliminal Music: Revolution Void
Comunicación y medios Media Paty Núñez Agency
Producción Production Clorofila Digital, Pellisa Ràfols y Nuonled
Con el apoyo de Supporters Sika, Don Apolonio, Pata Negra, La Española, Don Simón, Auara , Kriskadecor, Ecoluciona, Elisa Tomat, Jaulas abiertas, Cosentino y Constructora San José
Agradecimientos Acknowledgments Kirssy Vasquez, Pablo Bes, Laura Luengo, Sara Miguélez, Franco Longo, Inés Maruri, Andrés Rubio y Fabio Tentellini