


SVOYA studio "OKNA"
Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk 2015
Photo: Alexander Angelovski
The non-typical task to create a design of window salon allowed to have a fresh look at the exposure of such a specific product and leave a trivial approach.
The customer expressed the wish to create a cozy, comfortable space where a client will be given a full range of products with specific nodal elements which have notes of "home atmosphere".
The room of the salon, with an area of about 150 square metres, has been divided into the maintenance and trade and exposition areas. The front part is a cozy waiting area with the broadcast of thematic video and overview exposure, passing through which we enter the first hall. There is a comfort zone of working with clients, as well as the most informative exhibition samples - from a vast stand of profile systems to full-size window and door systems. The second hall is profiled on accessories, fittings and related products. Here we elevated door handles to the rank of art objects, using our pedestals "izdereva", this technique gave the possibility to increase the exhibition area.
The author design elements from SVOYA STUDIO - lamp "VKOSUYU", tables "SREZ", pedestals "IZDEREVA", Anton Sokolov’s paintings gives the unique of this interior. And the incredible heat and energy from the ceramic pottery of Sergey Gorban leave no one indifferent.
The salon is located on a busy clearly visible intersection, stained-glass windows allow to present all exposition to passers-by. Therefore the facade is laconic and stylish, emphasizing "rich inner life" of the salon.