


This series of illustrations continues my work of meditation about architecture and the elements
that compose it, design it and make it part.
The wall is the "skin" of architecture, the archetype, the protection, the enclosure, the barrier, the
mediation, the shell and the synthesis of formal and technical research. I always enjoy reading the passage of time through the wrinkles that form on the walls and mark the maturation of
The wall can be a key to read and interpret various styles and architectural languages as well as to see how the use of materials, finishes and colors marks the passing of eras and architectural
A wall is made of matter and atoms that vibrate. The wall is torn, compresses, bends, disguises
himself, tattooed and strips. Hides and hides, it reveals and unveils, it protects and repairs.
A simple white wall can release a huge expressiveness and great communicative skills.
The wall have on me a powerful hypnotic effect that catch me and transports me with fantasy. The materials that overlap, the writing that adorn it and layers that occasionally discover structure have a revelatory power that relate stories: it is enough to just stop and listen to it. Touch a concrete wall can become a sensual and sensory experience.
In these images I have tried to summarize and photograph through graphics fragments of
architecture. Drawing a wall and drawing on the wall, draw architecture drawing on architecture.
. .....Louis Kahn “Architecture appears for the first time when the sunlight hits a wall”......
Year 2016
Work finished in 2016
Status Completed works
Type Graphic Design