ITA - Il Bridgeport Village Mall è stato costruito nell’area metropolitana di Portland - Oregon settentrionale - in quella che è la regione più popolata dello Stato, la Willamette Valley.
Il Bridgeport Village Mall sorge in una ex cava di pietra che sul finire del 1999 si iniziò a bonificare, riempiendola, per destinarla allo sviluppo commerciale. Il progetto affidato allo studio P+R Architects è stato premiato nel 2006 con il Gold Nugget Grand Award for Outstanding Retail Project.
I prodotti di arredo urbano di Neri caratterizzano il progetto animando la piazza centrale e le vie, non solo pedonali. Cuore del progetto è la grande piazza con il gazebo affiancato da sette chioschi commerciali.
A completare l’arredo del mall sono stati scelti: Cestini della serie Laya e Idesia Panchine e stendardi della serie Laya Paline e portabici custom Mensole a muro con Light 600 del sistema Nashira.
ENG - The Bridgeport Village Mall is located in Portland metropolitan area, in Northern Oregon, in the Willamette Valley, the most populated region of the state.
The Bridgeport Village Mall rises in a former quarry that began to be reclaimed at the end of 1999 and was filled up, in order to use it as a commercial area. The project, that was assigned to the P+R Architects studio, was awarded in 2006 with the Gold Nugget Grand Award for Outstanding Retail Project.
Neri street furniture characterises the project and enliven the central square and the streets. At the heart of the project is the wide square with the gazebo and seven commercial kiosks.
The furniture also includes: Litter bins from the Laya and Idesia series Benches and signage from the Laya series Bespoke signage and bicycle racks Wall brackets with 'Light 600' from the Nashira system.
Year 2006
Work finished in 2006
Status Completed works
Type Public Squares / Urban Furniture / Shopping Malls