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武汉 K11 新艺术空间展丨中国武汉丨法国艺术家 Vincent Leroy

2021/06/28 14:55:33
在武汉K11新艺术空间开幕之际,法国艺术家Vincent Leroy在此举办大型展览,特别呈献了全新沉浸式装置——星云。
On the occasion of the opening of its new Art Space in the city of Wuhan, K11 dedicates a major exhibition to French artist Vincent Leroy & presents it new immersive installation Nebula.
位于武汉的新 Chi K11 艺术空间现已开幕,Vincent Leroy的大型展览集合了艺术家的代表作与新作,让参观者沉浸在动感与诗意的世界里。
K11 inaugurates the opening of its new Chi K11 Art Space in the city of Wuhan with a major exhibition dedicated to French artist Vincent Leroy. This exhibition immerses visitors in the artist’s kinetic & poetic  universe by bringing together some of his most notable works as well as new creations.
▼展会概况,exhibition overview © Vincent Leroy Studio
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▼太阳风暴碎片,Solar Storm piece © Vincent Leroy Studio
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▼日出装置,Sunrise installation © Vincent Leroy Studio
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▼光投射在地板上,light projection on the floor © Vincent Leroy Studio
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▼光环装置,Boreal Halo installation © Vincent Leroy Studio
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其中,沉浸式装置星云(Nebula)格外耐人寻味。在原始的白色空间中,15 只四足有机体漂浮在地面上方。超轻型充气结构让这些体积庞大的奇异天体悬于空中,形成迷人的动态星云。与Vincent Leroy的其他作品一样,星云是一场对人们视觉、情感与身体体验的测试。
Among them, the immersive installation Nebula is particularly intriguing. In a pristine white space, 15 tetrapods levitate above the ground. Despite their imposing size, these strange celestial bodies, made up of a super light inflatable structure, seem floating weightless and form a fascinating kinetic nebula. As often with Vincent Leroy’s installations, Nebula is the opportunity to test a visual experience as well as an emotional and bodily one.
▼星云装置概览,General view of Nebula installation in Chi K11 Art Space Wuhan © Vincent Leroy Studio
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▼缓缓移动的模块,all module in slow motion © Vincent Leroy Studio
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▼人与物质的互动,the material intrigue © Vincent Leroy Studio
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Upon entering the installation, the public wanders among the tetrapods which, suspended from various mechanisms, literally envelop them. In a slow and continuous movement, the floating elements move and evolve around the visitors, sometimes slightly brush them, meet, merge or, on the contrary, moves away in a cosmic and poetic ballet.
▼悬浮模块,the module looks in levitation © Vincent Leroy Studio
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▼参观者沉浸在星云中,people in imersion in Nebula © Vincent Leroy Studio
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Show title : Light, Black Hole, White Noise duration : until August 2021 Location : Chi K11 Art Space Wuhan, China Curator and coordination : Yvette Jiang Yu Wei, Irren Yu Xing Xuan, Fen Lu Fen, Jingyi Li Credit video and photo : Nan Yao and K11 Wuhan Sound video : Jérôme Echenoz Adorable Studio
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