

Houses, Serpong Sub-District, Indonesia
面积: 204 m²
摄影:Fernando Gomulya
供应商: Nippon Paint, GERMANY BRILLIANT, Inovar Floor, Niro granite, Philips
Contractor: DELUTION Build Ex-CRI, DELUTION Build Ex CRI
设计团队:Muhammad Egha, Hezby Ryandi, Fahmy Desrizal, Indira Pramundita S, Naufal Ryandi
Engineer:Muhammad Egha, Nando Rimaldi, Farhan Afifi, Macfud, Dydy Krisnanto
设计师:Delution Architect, Delution Architect
City:Serpong Sub-District
Ring House is a house with a concept that started from the client's desire to accommodate the hobby of playing basketball for father and son. Located in middle-class housing cluster in the Serpong sub-district of the Indonesian Capital, which measuring just 8x16 square meters. On this small land, client can still have a basketball area. The architect then expanded this become the main concept design, where the basketball area becomes the point of interest and communal area.
"This basket concept is not just applied within space layout, but also to the mass building, the basketball area is also connected by the void, which looks like basketball hoop."
With limited project land, architect must be compromised with the functional matters. Multifunctional spaces design as needed which is a great way to make the small go further. One of the easiest way to create multifunctional room is to put together basketball area with gathering room, family room with guest bedroom area, and also kitchen with washing-drying area as well as walk in closet and bathroom on the 2nd floor to accommodated the needs of the main bedroom and child’s bedroom.
项目完工照片 | Finished Photos