以简洁的方式 the process of expressing 来表达复杂形式的过程 complex forms concisely is to 就是将内涵融入事物 put implicit meaning into things
连接室内和室外的景观和轴线 将重点放在比例和几何学的概念上以传达一种当代形式的氛围感
Connect the indoor and outdoor landscape axes and focus on the concepts of scale and geometry to convey a contemporary form of atmosphere
自然启发了我们很多工作 Nature inspires a lot of my work 从古代伊特鲁里亚船到南加州建筑 From ancient Etruscan ships to Southern California architecture 通过操作和简化来创造新的东西 Create new things through manipulation and simplification 倾向于关注形式和比例 Tends to focus on form and proportion 而不是表面和颜色 Rather than surface and color 注重光影如何在形体上发挥作用 Focus on how light and shadow work in shape
让空气与光自由地流通,用大面积的落地玻璃,塑造空间的流畅度与通透感 Let the air and light flow freely, and use a large area of floor-to-ceiling glass to shape the fluency and permeability of the space.
Materials with natural colors and characteristics allow people to fully experience the beauty of life and nature.
Minimalism is about creating complete harmony, not about simplifying things
项目名称:玥湖园 室内设计:未印设计 软装设计:未印 项目面积:800㎡