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Vipp 农舍酒店丨丹麦丨Julie Cloos Mølsgaard

2021/07/16 16:26:53
Vipp Farmhouse is nestled in a forest on the 1400 acres estate of Søllestedgaard situated on the Danish island of Lolland. The old frames of a traditional farmhouse have found new purpose as Vipp’s 4th hotel destination and add plenty of farm-life feel to its portfolio of one-room-wonders.
▼Vipp农场酒店外观,appearance of the Vipp farmhouse ©Anders Schønnemann
Vipp 农舍酒店丨丹麦丨Julie Cloos Mølsgaard-3
▼白色外墙与茅草屋顶还原了丹麦农舍的传统外观, Whitewashed facades topped with a thatched roof equals a traditional Danish farmhouse ©Anders Schønnemann
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▼建筑细部, detail of the farmhouse ©Anders Schønnemann
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农舍建筑面积88平方米,包括三间卧室、一间浴室、一个组合厨房以及起居空间。受Vipp与庄园主Ulrik Th. Jørgensen委托,室内设计师Julie Cloos Mølsgaard将这座老旧的农舍华丽变身为现代化的酒店,将历史魅力与现代便利相结合,将巧妙的空间功能与充满趣味的艺术作品融于酒店之中。
3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a combined kitchen and living space make up the 88 m2 residence titled Vipp Farmhouse. Commissioned by Vipp and the estate owner Ulrik Th. Jørgensen, interior designer Julie Cloos Mølsgaard has realised a modern farmhouse that combines historical charm with modern convenience displaying both functional finesse and curious art finds.
▼入口玄关, entrance ©Anders Schønnemann
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Whitewashed facades topped with a thatched roof equals a traditional Danish farmhouse. Checking into this former gardener residence is like stepping back in time. While the architectural shell is a reminiscence from when it was built in 1775, the newly furbished interior brings us into the modern area of Scandinavian minimalism.
▼客厅,living room ©Anders Schønnemann
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▼厨房区域,kitchen area ©Anders Schønnemann
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▼厨房区域细部, detail of the kitchen area ©Anders Schønnemann
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“在疫情封锁期间,我们重新发现了自然与丹麦乡村的魅力,如今,我们将这种魅力与你们分享。第四家Vipp酒店,将为人们提供一个逃离世俗,享受自然的地方,在这里,人们将体验农场生活,来上一杯现挤的新鲜牛奶。”Vipp的第二任所有者Jette Egelund说道。
“During lock-down we have rediscovered nature and the charm of the Danish countryside, and now we share it with you. Vipp’s fourth hotel destination offers a convenient escape to nature. A taste of farm life, where the cow has already been milked”. – Jette Egelund, 2nd generation Vipp owner.
▼看书房空间与后门, viewing the bureau area and the back door ©Anders Schønnemann
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▼书房空间, bureau area ©Anders Schønnemann
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Vipp 农舍酒店丨丹麦丨Julie Cloos Mølsgaard-26
▼底层卧室直接通向后花园, The ground-floor bedrooms open directly to the back garden ©Anders Schønnemann
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在Vipp农舍酒店中,自然与历史是无处不在的。酒店附近的Søllestedgaard庄园的历史可以追溯到19世纪,并且曾以“Den Grønne Verden”的名号成为丹麦最大的私人绿地。丹麦众多米其林餐厅,包括庄园内的Spiseriet餐厅都采用了庄园自产的新鲜蔬菜。
While nature is omni-present at Vipp Farmhouse, so is history. The neighbouring estate Søllestedgaard houses a manor dating back to 1800 and boasts the largest private greenery in Denmark under the name ‘Den Grønne Verden’. Freshly picked produce are consumed by guests at Danish Michelin restaurants and at the estate restaurant Spiseriet.
▼二层卧室, The bedroom on the upper floor ©Anders Schønnemann
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▼极简舒适的北欧风格, Scandinavian minimalism style ©Anders Schønnemann
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▼卧室细部, detail of the bedroom ©Anders Schønnemann
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▼由卧室看另一间卧室, viewing the bedroom from the other bedroom ©Anders Schønnemann
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▼浴室, bathroom ©Anders Schønnemann
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▼浴室细部, detail of the bathroom ©Anders Schønnemann
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“曾经的老马厩如今已经改造成餐厅与商店,Vipp农舍的客人可以在这里购买或品尝附近农庄自产的250种新鲜蔬菜。”庄园主Ulrik Th. Jørgensen说道。对于那些喜爱自炊的人士来说,Vipp农舍更是一个理想之地,厨房里的应季蔬菜应有尽有,欢迎来到这个由Vipp打造的带有历史气息的画布上添加浓墨重彩的一笔!
“Our old horse stable is now transformed into a restaurant and shop where Vipp Farmhouse guests can buy or taste our variety of 250 greens cultivated on the fields next door,” says Ulrik Th. Jørgensen. And if you prefer to cook yourself, seasonal picks are waiting to be cooked in the Vipp kitchen at the farmhouse. Welcome to this historical canvas fully furnished by Vipp.
▼改造后的马厩和周边的历史建筑, Renovated stables and surrounding historic buildings ©Anders Schønnemann
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▼周边环境鸟瞰,aerial view of the environment ©Anders Schønnemann
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Vipp 农舍酒店丨丹麦丨Julie Cloos Mølsgaard-49
Vipp 农舍酒店丨丹麦丨Julie Cloos Mølsgaard-50
Vipp 农舍酒店丨丹麦丨Julie Cloos Mølsgaard-51
Vipp 农舍酒店丨丹麦丨Julie Cloos Mølsgaard-52
Vipp 农舍酒店丨丹麦丨Julie Cloos Mølsgaard-53
Vipp 农舍酒店丨丹麦丨Julie Cloos Mølsgaard-54
Vipp 农舍酒店丨丹麦丨Julie Cloos Mølsgaard-55
Vipp 农舍酒店丨丹麦丨Julie Cloos Mølsgaard-56
Vipp 农舍酒店丨丹麦丨Julie Cloos Mølsgaard-57
Vipp 农舍酒店丨丹麦丨Julie Cloos Mølsgaard-58
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