韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所

2021/07/22 15:27:02
项目坐落于韩国京畿道著名的坡州艺术村(Heyri Village)。各种类型、形式、材料的建筑组成了这里复杂的城市肌理,这既是坡州艺术村的优势也是劣势,最终构成了其虽缺乏秩序但却自由多样的城市肌理特点。
The formation of a city in which various architectural types, materials, and forms are constructed is both a strength and a weakness of Heyri Village. It failed to create any order in the province and became a city freely composed of diversity.
▼项目与周边环境概览,overall of the project and surrounding environment © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-3
Instead of creating another complexity in a complex city, we tried to construct an architectural space through the wall, the most basic architectural vocabulary. The walls of the past are classical by structural limitations and have limitations that block spatial communication. By transforming these past walls, we try to create experiences and situations that have been changed by the chronotope setting.
▼外观概览,overall of the building © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-7
▼由延伸出来的墙体定义出的建筑空间,The building space is defined by the extended wall © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-9
▼由道路看建筑,viewing the project from the street © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-11
▼墙体围合出花园、构成露台,The walls enclose gardens and form terraces © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-13
▼内部空间分析,diagram © UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-16
▼墙体与内部空间的关系,spatial relationship between the walls and the volume © UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-18
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-19
Chronotope can be a method of integrating space and time through the fusion of several indicators and the intersection of axes. It is used to explore the possibility of a wall through a new definition in a way that resists formal theorization and systematization by questioning the architectural essence of an existing wall. The architecturally borrowed wall is not used as a structure of severance and division, but it is used as a frame of opposite attitudes such as integration and continuity, simultaneous space, and continuous time.
▼富有节奏感的沿街立面,rhythmic facade along the street © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-22
▼侧立面,side facade © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-24
▼最上层屋顶露台,top roof terrace © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-27
▼俯瞰屋顶露台,overlook the roof terrace © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-29
▼开放式的景观结构,open landscape structure © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-31
▼连续的开口贯穿了所有墙体,Continuous openings run through all the walls © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-33
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-34
▼阳台,balcony © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-36
We propose a nature penetrated architecture by inserting outside space between 13 walls. A garden space surrounded by a wall, a semi-outer terrace area, and a roof terrace is configured for enjoyment of the outside. In particular, the rooftop has an open landscape structure that penetrates the entire wall. It becomes an open roof garden where people can freely occupy and enjoy the space between walls.
▼室内空间概览,overall of interior © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-39
▼开敞通透的空间氛围,Open and transparent space atmosphere © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-41
▼室内外的界限十分模糊,The boundary between inside and outside is very blurred © Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-43
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-44
▼底层平面图,1F plan © UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-46
▼二层平面图,2F plan © UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-48
▼三层平面图,3F plan © UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-50
Location:60, Heyrimaeul-gil, Tanhyeon-myeon, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea 10859 Use:Living facility Site area:1,223.20㎡ Built area:574,66㎡ Total floor area:1,231.28㎡ Floor:3F Structure:RC Height:12m Design period:2018. 05 ~ 2019. 10 Construction period:2019. 12 ~ 2021. 05 Architect:Jang YoonGyu Jang, ChangHoon Shin Design team:YoungDong Goh, SangHyun Choi, EunSol Ko, ARa Cho, NaRye Han, SoHyun Yim, MyeongGil Jung, SeoYeon Joh Construction:SEUM Photographer:Sun Namgoong
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-52
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-53
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-54
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-55
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-56
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-57
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-58
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-59
韩国坡州时空之墙丨韩国坡州市丨UNSANGDONG 事务所-60
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