

近日,萨夫迪建筑事务所与秦皇岛海碧台宣布了二期工程的正式启动。位于北京以东两百多公里的渤海沿岸,秦皇岛海碧台将在已建成的一期的基础上,在两边各延伸增加了两座 32层住宅建筑。 秦皇岛海碧台为城市栖居提供了一次大胆的实践机会——于花园环境中建造高密度住宅,将空中花园、露台、私人阳台、阳光房,与一系列公共花园相结合,从地面到空中,打造了一个垂直立体的自然景观。
Safdie Architects and Kerry Properties have announced the second phase of the Moshe Safdie’s design Habitat Qinhuangdao, a high-density residential complex located on the coast of the Bohai Sea, 200 miles east of Beijing. Adding 2,800 units distributed across two 30-story terraced buildings, Phase II doubles the initial development which opened in 2017 and completes Safdie’s vision for the waterfront site. Habitat Qinhuangdao offers a bold new concept for urban living: high density housing in a garden environment, combining private terraces, balconies, and solariums with numerous public gardens, at the ground and in the sky.
▼一期建筑航拍视角,aerial view of Habitat Qinhuangdao Phase I © 秦皇岛海碧台
▼越过海面的视角,view of Habitat Qinhuangdao over the sea © 秦皇岛海碧台
▼外观概览,overview of the project © 秦皇岛海碧台
“亚洲对高质量住宅的需求,使得我们有机会延续Habitat ’67 的居住理想,”摩西·萨夫迪(Moshe Safdie)说,“当今城市密度的上升,要求我们重新考虑住宅建筑的原型:一种既能保有社区归属感和身份认同,又能确保隐私和私人户外空间,我们不是在建造住宅单元,我们建造的是一个又一个家。秦皇岛海碧台为城市住宅提供了一种新的范例,在有效土地利用率和人性设计的基础上,提供了一般高层建筑群所无法达到的配套设施。”
“The demand for quality, affordable housing in Asia’s growing cities has allowed us to apply the principles that informed Habitat ’67 on a grand scale,” said Moshe Safdie. “The increased density of today’s cities requires us to rethink building types to maintain a sense of community, while ensuring privacy and private outdoor space. By breaking down the Megascale, we aren’t building units; we’re building homes. Habitat Qinhuangdao offers a new model for high density housing, one where the level of amenities surpasses that of the typical high-rise complex, without sacrificing the structure’s efficiency or humanity.”
▼场地环境,site context © 秦皇岛海碧台
▼空中视角,aerial view © 秦皇岛海碧台
▼灯光效果,the lighting view © 秦皇岛海碧台
Set between the urban density of Qinhuangdao and the coastline, Safdie had to conceive of an approach that accommodated increased density in a manner that allows the views to and from the Bohai Sea to be maintained. Rather than building a community of towers, Safdie organized the housing into a series of linked residential blocks of 16 stories each set within lush gardens at their bases and linked together via landscaped skybridges at multiple levels.
▼阶梯形式排列的体量,arranged in stepped, terraced forms © 秦皇岛海碧台
▼街区视角,view from the community © 秦皇岛海碧台
▼穿插变化的体量,the intersecting and changing volume © 秦皇岛海碧台
Arranged in stepped, terraced forms along the shore, the resulting assemblage ensures that a large percentage of the units have direct access to private terraces with views to the Sea while creating large urban windows, that frame views, provide spaces for community and offer a sense of openness.
▼住宅形成丰富视角,a rich perspective view © 秦皇岛海碧台
▼空中连廊,the sky bridge © 秦皇岛海碧台
▼立面细部,details of the facade © 秦皇岛海碧台
▼退台形成天际线,skyline of the building © 秦皇岛海碧台
Responding to local ordinances requiring every unit receive at least three hours of sunlight even during the shortest days of winter, units are designed to maximize sunlight across the entire building, including both north and south facing orientations. The daylight and views from multiple directions results in a light and airy complex, profoundly affecting the quality of life of the project.
▼退台户型露台,terraces of the units © 秦皇岛海碧台
▼露台视角,view from the terrace © 秦皇岛海碧台
为了打造二期丰富的立体景观环境,萨夫迪建筑事务所与总部位于上海的 WAA 景观设计公司合作,整合设计了一系列社区花园,为社区活动提供或静态、或动态的活动场所。每一个都诠释了秦皇岛的自然环境,将为居民提供独特的体验。
To enhance and extend the garden environment at the base of the Phase I towers, Safdie Architects worked with Shanghai-based WAA landscape architects to integrate community gardens that host a range of dynamic activities and events. Four ground level gardens, each an interpretation of Qinhuangdao’s natural environment, will offer distinct experiences to the residents.
▼巢空间,the art space © 秦皇岛海碧台
Interactive children’s playgrounds, a landscaped amphitheater, planted promenades and a system of ponds, fountains and streams are deployed across the development. Additional communal garden and pool areas are created at the 15th and 30th levels of the buildings, atop the link bridges which connect the terraced buildings.
▼一期景观,landscape of Habitat Qinhuangdao Phase I © 秦皇岛海碧台
▼草坪影院,cinema on lawn © 秦皇岛海碧台
▼庭院水景,courtyard of the community © 秦皇岛海碧台
“嘉里建设看到了我们的设计理念如何与当地文化和环境产生共鸣,”Safdie Architects合伙人、项目负责人 Sean Scensor 说,“每户住宅相互错开、层层退让,这不仅创造了美丽的露台,让每个单元都感觉像一个顶层公寓,也让壮阔的海景悠然入户。这对建筑设计提出的挑战是,这种垂直运行的结构、管道和设施必须以不同的方式组织和构思,结果是给人们创造了一种生活在天空中的惊人感觉。”
“In Kerry Properties we had an ambitious client who saw how our design philosophy would resonate with the local culture and context,” said Sean Scensor, Partner-in-Charge of the project for Safdie Architects, “When you stagger and offset units from one another, stepping the buildings away from the sea, you create beautiful terraces that make each unit feel like a penthouse; the challenge it presents is that the structure, plumbing and services, which typically run vertically, must be organized, and conceived of differently. It takes care to resolve, but the result is the amazing feeling of living in the sky.”
▼夜景,night view © 秦皇岛海碧台
▼仰望住宅连廊,night view of the skybridges © 秦皇岛海碧台
今日秦皇岛海碧台的成功,得益于半个多世纪以来栖息地(Habitat)住宅系统不断的进化,使用新技术、新材料以适应不同气候和环境条件。自1967 年萨夫迪为加拿大蒙特利尔世界博览会设计了Habitat ’67以来,事务所对城市住宅原型设计的研究,贯穿了五十多年来萨夫迪的整个职业生涯中,不间断地探索“一人一花园 For Everyone a Garden”这样一个主题——一个将高层建筑中的“公寓 Units”变成“房子House”的隐喻——房子在不同朝向上都有开窗,社区内设置多个相邻的私人花园,给居住者提供了一种有身份认同的房子。栖息地住宅系列人居模型的核心原则,着重平衡城市住宅与自然光、新鲜空气、隐私和社区氛围的平衡。秦皇岛海碧台是迄今为止萨夫迪建筑事务所栖息地系列中规模最大的建筑项目。
Habitat Qinhuangdao represents the culmination of more than 40 years of study of how to make a high-rise urban dwelling more affordable, increasingly sustainable, and adaptable to climatic and contextual conditions. The design draws on the firm’s groundbreaking work in urban housing, which began with Moshe Safdie’s design for Habitat ’67, created for the 1967 World Exposition in Montreal. Throughout his career, Safdie has continued to explore the theme “for everyone a garden,” a metaphor for making an apartment in a high-rise structure into what connotes “house” — a dwelling with its own identity, openness in a variety of orientations, and adjacent personal garden space set within a community. The Habitat model embodies core principles of providing light and air, privacy, community, and indoor and outdoor living. Habitat Qinhuangdao is the largest construction of the firm’s Habitat model to date.
▼海碧台二期效果图,renderings of the Habitat Qinhuangdao Phase II ©Safdie Architects
▼设计草图,concept sketch © Safdie Architects
▼立面图,elevation © Safdie Architects
项目名称:秦皇岛海碧台 项目地点:秦皇岛金梦海湾 地产开发:嘉里建设 基地面积:19.4万㎡ 建筑面积:55万㎡ 建筑设计:萨夫迪建筑师事务所 景观设计:WAA(二期)、SWA(一期)
Design Architect: Safdie Architects Local Design Institute: China Shanghai Architectural Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd Landscape Architect: WAA Landscap