

青普梧林文化行馆位于福建省晋江市梧林古村落,场地面积约 6000 平米,由 13 栋福建传统民宅组成。谜舍设计受到著名人文度假集团青普 TSINGPU 的委托,主持将这个古建筑群落设计改造成客房、餐厅、茶馆、展览、论坛等兼具多元业态的文化旅游度假目的地。
Tsingpu Wulin Retreat is located in the ancient village of Wulin, Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, with a site area of about 6,000 square meters, consisting of 13 traditional houses of Fujian. Entrusted by the famous cultural resort group TSINGPU, we presided over the design and transformation of this ancient building community into a multi-business cultural tourism resort destination with guest rooms, restaurants, teahouses, exhibitions, forums, etc.
▼村落建筑概览,overview of the village©北京锐景摄影
▼村落中起伏的屋顶,undulating roofs of the village©北京锐景摄影
The buildings of the site are divided into two main styles: the old red brick house in southern Fujian and the Nanyang building. The buildings of different shapes subtly echo each other, creating a very rich experience of architectural places. We hope to retain such natural and original beauty, and deal with the overall space design in a more cautious way and avoid excessive design as much as possible. While fully respecting the regional architectural culture, and combining with the modern aesthetic design language, the “New Southern Fujian Space Form” with cultural and high-quality sense of vacation is created.
▼保留自然原始的美感,to retain natural and original beauty ©北京锐景摄影
As the first cognitive space for a guest, we kept the reception space construction timber structure, dismantled the wooden partition wall of the room, and through the introduction of glass skylights, hidden air conditioning, and created a bright space with the indoor comfort, letting a guest perceive the charm of minnan historic house space and new possibilities.
▼中庭空间,the courtyard©北京锐景摄影
▼接待区,the reception space ©北京锐景摄影
We rearranged the internal division of each ancient house in southern Fujian of the site and made a more relaxed and pleasant spatial pattern. We opened the facade facing the inner courtyard and filled it with wooden grille, so that the natural light can enter the guest rooms while providing relative privacy.
▼中堂,the central hall©北京锐景摄影
▼中堂家具,details of the central hall©北京锐景摄影
The rooms are mainly made of wood, paint, mat and other natural materials. The local components of the ancient building itself, such as the time-textured red brick wall of southern Fujian, the old wooden door and so on, have been retained selectively, and form an ingenious differentiated aesthetic feeling in the same space with the new modern materials, which greatly improves the guest room experience and spatial tension.
▼客房天井,patio of the guest room©北京锐景摄影
The use of rammed earth materials is a good echo of the historical sense of traditional architecture.
In order to ensure the comfort of guests living in the ancient buildings, each ancient guest room is equipped with air conditioning and hot water. Through precise mechanical and electrical design, equipment and pipelines are well hidden inside the ceiling and wall of the space and try not to destroy the primitive atmosphere of the guest room space.
▼吊顶维持古朴的氛围,maintaining the primitive atmosphere of the guest room©北京锐景摄影
The partition wall of the room has done a good sound insulation treatment. We carefully checked the hollow part at the junction of the beam and column with the workers at the site to ensure that the guest room has a good sound insulation. The wooden windows of the ancient buildings are re-carved with new wood materials, which not only has better usability, but also restores the characteristic opening way of the old windows.
▼客房起居区,living space of the guest room©北京锐景摄影
We are very concerned about the spatial scale of guest rooms in traditional architecture. Both too high and too low space will affect the comfort of accommodation, so we carefully handle the height of different areas, hoping to retain the tall architectural form of the ancient house in southern Fujian, but not lose the sense of intimacy of the human scale. We suggested that each guest room should be equipped with a vinyl record player, and the music surrounding the beams and columns would make the traditional architectural space with a sense of history appear more rich.
▼谨慎处理不同区域的标高,carefully handling the height of different areas ©北京锐景摄影
▼木质屏风分隔的睡眠区,the sleeping area separated by a wooden screen ©北京锐景摄影
▼睡眠区的古朴木门,vintage door of the sleeping area©北京锐景摄影
▼家具细部,details of the furniture©北京锐景摄影
▼入口木门,vintage door at the entrance©北京锐景摄影
Some of the larger old houses are surrounded by guardhouse. We closed the patio of the house with glass. A bathing area with natural light is created in the relatively inward and closed ancient house in southern Fujian.
▼拥有自然光线的沐浴区域,abathing area with natural light ©北京锐景摄影
▼沐浴区域细部,details of the bathing area©北京锐景摄影
Nanyang style architecture is another type of Fujian architecture in the site. We hope to create room space with Nanyang sense that is different from the southern Fujian style.
▼与大厝风格相区别的南洋感空间 room space with Nanyang sense that is different from the southern Fujian style
▼楼梯通向二层客房,stairs leading to the guest rooms on the second floor©北京锐景摄影
Nanyang culture is inclusive and diverse, and we try to convey this characteristic of Nanyang culture to the guests living in the guest rooms. In terms of space language, we deliberately avoid the typical symbols of traditional Nanyang style, instead, we use a simple but rounded design technique to create a space with a sense of inclusion. Soft outfit style is more diversified, into a large number of colors, patterns and natural elements. This kind of soft and hard outfit style collocation is our interpretation of Nanyang culture, which is inclusive but relaxed.
▼南洋客房,the Nanyang style guest room©北京锐景摄影
▼客房阳台,the balcony©北京锐景摄影
▼室内家具,the furnitures©北京锐景摄影
▼看向浴室,view of the bathroom©北京锐景摄影
▼从南洋客房看院落,view of the courtyard from the room©北京锐景摄影
The restaurant is the most social public space. We used new design techniques to interpret the structure and materials of the space, hoping to create a very open and bright ancient house in southern Fujian with modern space experience.
▼餐厅,the restaurant©北京锐景摄影
The teahouse space is an experience-type space that connects the retreat and outside the retreat. We hope to create a spatial atmosphere with rich layers. On the one hand, we retain the complete courtyard pattern and architectural form of the ancient house, so that visitors can feel the charm of the traditional ancient house; on the other hand, we also created a new tea space experience with multiple scenes and immersion by opening the facade and inserting a glass box.
▼茶馆外观,exterior view of the teahouse©北京锐景摄影
▼茶馆入口,entrance of the teahouse©北京锐景摄影
The overall tone of the teahouse space is relatively deep, close to the earth color, and the integration of the medieval style furniture with a sense of time echoes the sense of historical weight of the ancient house in southern Fujian.
▼入口吧台,bar at the entrance©北京锐景摄影
▼品茶空间,the tasting area©北京锐景摄影
▼透过木门看品茶区,view of the tasting area through the wooden doors©北京锐景摄影
▼平面图,plan© 谜舍设计工作室
面积:6400 平方米
完工时间:2021 年 6 月
照明设计顾问:Ljus Design(石岡真己子)
主要材料及品牌:AICA 涂料,Haro 地板,费罗娜,本土创造
Project: Tsingpu Wulin Retreat
Produce: Gong Linna, Tian Ming, Lin Weicheng, He Yadong
Area: 6400 sqm
Completion date: June 2021
Design: Nazodesign Studio
Project team: Tian Shaoyin, Zeng Yuxian, Li Ran, Wang Siyuan, Zhang Ruizhe, Zhang Qing
Decoration Design: Zeng Yuting
Landscape: Mayue MT
Design: Li Yong, Liu Mingyang, Xu Xiangyu
Luminaire: Ljus Design (Makiko Ishioka)
Material and brand: AICA, Haro, Florina, BENTU
Photography: Misae Hiromatsu, Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photo)
Contact: Office@nazo-design.com