

格陵兰岛首府努克一处崎岖而空旷的海滨山地上,安斯特敦监狱——由SHL建筑事务所联合Friis & Moltke事务所设计的惩教设施——是一个教育改造犯人并引导他们重新回归社会的场所,也是一次关于“建筑具有影响人类行为的力量”的大胆陈述。安斯特敦监狱是格陵兰岛唯一一座封闭式设施,设计初衷是为服刑人员带来生活的目标和希望,使他们能从家庭团聚中得到鼓励,积极服刑改造。安斯特敦监狱同时为监狱的工作人员提供了现代化的工作环境——戒备深严的安保措施可以有效防止越狱、非法擅入监狱和携带违禁品的发生。
Nestled in the rugged terrain of Greenland’s seaside capital, Anstalten in Nuuk – a new correctional facility designed by Danish architectural firms Schmidt Hammer Lassen and Friis & Moltke – is the setting for progressive rehabilitation, and a bold statement about the power of architecture to affect human behavior. Greenland’s only facility with a closed section, Anstalten is designed to give the inmates a sense of purpose and hope, while allowing families in Nuuk to be reunited. The facility also serves as a contemporary work environment for personnel – a high level of security for both inmates and staff prevents escapes, illegal entry, and smuggling of illegal objects.
▼安斯特敦监狱,将戈特霍布峡湾的景色尽收眼底,Ny Anstalt, with sweeping views of Godthaab Fjord © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
The 8,000-square-metre facility is composed of a series of blocks positioned to follow the natural contours of the rocky landscape along Greenland’s coast 265 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle. The orientation and scale of the project make the building appear subordinate to its surroundings.
▼外观概览,exterior view © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼安斯特敦监狱被设计成一座三层楼的小村落,Anstalten is designed like a small village over three levels © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼具有锈蚀效果的耐候钢外立面, The burnt sienna corten steel facades © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼耐候钢外立面能适应当地的气候条件,并与周围的景观呼应 © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S The corten steel facades, impacted by the local climactic conditions, complement the surrounding landscape
Anstalten is designed like a small village over three levels with residential blocks, workspaces, education and sports facilities, a library, a health center, and a chapel. In addition, there is an administration division and various technical and security installations. The interiors are appointed with traditional Greenland flourishes by local artists to enrich communal areas with landscape paintings, traditional designs, and carve etchings into the perimeter wall.
▼安斯特敦监狱包含安全警戒性从最低到最高的五个建筑单元,Ny Anstalt consists of five housing units that range from minimum to maximum security © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼单元入口,entrance of one housing unit © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼入口细部,detail of the entrance © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼手绘草图,sketches © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
The project consists of three residential units with 12-square-metre private rooms for 76 inmates, 40 of which house inmates in the closed section. A panoramic window spans the common area, and most of the inmates have an unrestricted view towards the sea from the bar-less windows in their rooms.
▼沿海一侧立面,the facade facing to the ocean © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼安斯特敦监狱建筑与四周岩石景观和自然轮廓融为一体,Ny Anstalt’s building form follows the natural contours of the rocky landscape © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼大多数房间都能看到围墙之外的海洋和山脉之景,Most rooms have views of the ocean and mountains beyond their walls © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼围墙上装饰着格陵兰岛当地艺术家Aka Høegh创作的动物图案,The wall adorned with animal motifs by Greenlandic artist Aka Høegh © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
The project is designed to diminish physical and psychological violence by providing access to nature. This “humane facility” concept mimics the rhythm and structure of everyday life in the hope that once released, the offenders will have a greater chance of successful reintegration into society, with lower rates of re-of- fending.
▼监狱周围的自然景观成为建筑和公共空间的一部分,The surrounding natural landscape permeate the housing units and common areas © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼落地窗模糊了室内外的界限,将自然引入室内, Large windows in the common areas draw nature inside © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
Until now, serving a sentence for a severe crime committed in Greenland meant relocating some 3,000 kilometers away to Denmark. Inmates, who are currently moving into the facility, and the personnel who work with them, now have dramatic seascape views and modern, thoughtful surroundings in which to work and serve their sentence. But the changes will not only affect those within Anstalten’s walls; the facility will make reunification possible between inmates and their families living in Nuuk as inmates will no longer be relocated to Denmark, but will instead be able to serve their time closer to home.
▼开放性是安斯特敦监狱的重要理念之一,Openness is a central theme at Ny Anstalt © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼祈祷室,the prayer room © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼体育馆,the gymnasium © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
Now that Anstalten is open, Nuuk’s former 1960s prison has closed, allowing its inmates to be transferred to the new facility. Offenders currently incarcerated in Denmark will be offered the chance to return to their home country for potential new opportunities within Greenland.
▼连接住宿单元和监狱其他空间的走道,The walkway connecting the housing units and the remainder of the facility © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼居住区,living unit © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S
▼总平面图,master plan © Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects + Friis & Moltke A/S