竹海 FLOWING BAMBOO · 环保创新与艺术展示的完美结合丨中国汕头丨GGD 好好设计

2021/08/16 15:19:00
竹海 FLOWING BAMBOO · 环保创新与艺术展示的完美结合丨中国汕头丨GGD 好好设计-0
【竹海】创研于湖的南边,是中国竹子主要原产地之一,顺应地利【竹海科技】是针对竹业开发,管理,供应,研发,生产,销售的全球首家“竹”全产业集团。潜心研发 “竹炭板”以优渥的属性正逐步替代传统板材,这将是不可回避的“环保革命”。 [FLOWING BAMBOO] was founded in the south of the lake and is one of the main origins of bamboo in China. It conforms to the geographical position. [FLOWING BAMBOO] is the world’s first "bamboo" whole for the development, management, supply, research and development, production and sales of the bamboo industry. Industry group. With great concentration in research and development, "Bamboo Charcoal Board" is gradually replacing traditional boards with excellent properties. This will be an unavoidable "environmental protection revolution".
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【竹海】早于2019年便启动了“全球计划”将于全世界各大核心区位建立营运中心。即便是2020年伊始的全球疫情突发亦未影响到他们的布局。特区汕头作为粤港澳,长台闽两个超级大区的核心枢纽有着绝佳的区位优势【竹海】决定落子于此借力粤东辐射东南沿海区域。 [FLOWING BAMBOO] As early as 2019, the "Global Plan" was launched to establish operation centers in major core locations around the world. Even the global outbreak at the beginning of 2020 has not affected their layout. As the core hub of the two super regions of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Changtai, Shantou, the special zone, has an excellent location advantage [FLOWING BAMBOO] decided to settle here and take advantage of eastern Guangdong to radiate the southeast coastal area.
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竹海 FLOWING BAMBOO · 环保创新与艺术展示的完美结合丨中国汕头丨GGD 好好设计-5
【GGD好好设计】创始人林彦先生与【竹海】广东区域负责人温少歆先生一同在地考察现场时提出:希望是结合空间的特质,去建构一个“去”商业化的商业艺术展示空间,让设计和艺术去助力销售。多年的商业设计经历使林彦变得触觉灵敏并具备快速捕捉到精准 “用户画像” 的能力。 [DOUBLE GOOD DESIGN] Founder Mr. Lin Yan and [FLOWING BAMBOO] Guangdong regional leader Mr. Wen Shaoxin together came up with the site inspection site: The hope is to combine the characteristics of the space to construct a commercial art exhibition that is "de-commercialized" Space, let design and art help sales. Years of commercial design experience has made Lin Yan become tactile and has the ability to quickly capture accurate “user portraits”.
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竹海 FLOWING BAMBOO · 环保创新与艺术展示的完美结合丨中国汕头丨GGD 好好设计-8
新址位于新津片区,这里原本是农业区域,或许是因为中心城区的可用面积日趋紧张,近年来变成各类建材资本扎堆的地方。质朴的环境与新兴的建筑物形成强有力的冲击感,在无字句处读书,无序却又焕发生机与可能性。 The new site is located in the Xinjin area, which was originally an agricultural area. Perhaps because the available area in the central city has become increasingly scarce, it has become a place where all kinds of building materials capital gather in recent years. The pristine environment and the new buildings form a strong sense of impact. Reading in a place where there is no word and sentence is disorderly but full of vitality and possibility. 设计思路推演(GIF) Design idea deduction
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竹海 FLOWING BAMBOO · 环保创新与艺术展示的完美结合丨中国汕头丨GGD 好好设计-11
场域的前半段,由入口将访者带到极端,单一动线的规划是设计师林彦刻意而为之。设计师改变惯性入口,将大门移动至空间整体最鸡肋的位置,将其打造成独立入口,有意在其中安插各类场景,让访者代入其中。立面大玻璃邀请日光肆意挥洒,任其在天地壁【竹炭板】留下行径的轨迹,点亮空间材质的肌理,铺陈出时间的印痕。 In the first half of the site, visitors are taken to extremes by the entrance, and the single line of movement is planned deliberately by designer Lin Yan. The designer changed the inertial entrance, moved the gate to the most tasteless position of the space as a whole, and turned it into an independent entrance, deliberately inserting various scenes in it to allow visitors to enter it. The large façade glass invites daylight to sway freely, allowing it to leave a trail of behavior on the wall [bamboo charcoal board], illuminating the texture of the space material and laying out the imprint of time.
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竹海 FLOWING BAMBOO · 环保创新与艺术展示的完美结合丨中国汕头丨GGD 好好设计-14
轻松的基调,在刻意打造的沙龙场域中蔓延,试想我们可以在此进行不只是公事上的一切日常活动,而你我皆受邀其中。林彦认为设计的底色是【突破限制】,因此让两根方管去撑起一整块实心大理石,石料在没有“下地”的日子里,将承载多个重要“角色”这是【技术与艺术】的结晶,亦是【竹海】对于极致态度的前导语言。 The relaxed tone spreads in the deliberately created salon field. Just imagine that we can carry out all the daily activities here, not just on business, and you and I are invited to it. Lin Yan believes that the background color of the design is to "break the limit", so let two square pipes to prop up a whole piece of solid marble. The stone will carry multiple important "roles" in the days without "going down to the ground". This is [Technology] The crystallization of "and art" is also the leading language of [FLOWING BAMBOO] towards the ultimate attitude.
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一切的呈现本该是动能,在此刻犹如一个静默的时空,让到访者集中注意力将更有利于产品质感的呈现。用全球唯一【竹炭钢琴】奏响那些时间里最动人之处。 Everything is supposed to be kinetic energy. At this moment, it is like a silent time and space. It will be more conducive to the presentation of the product texture to allow visitors to focus. Use the worlds only [Bamboo Charcoal Piano] to play the most moving parts of those times.
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竹海 FLOWING BAMBOO · 环保创新与艺术展示的完美结合丨中国汕头丨GGD 好好设计-19
多功能长台的设计灵感来源于【达·芬奇】的《维特鲁威人》以比例最精准的男性为蓝本,因此后世也常以“完美比例”来形容当中的男性。 The design of the multifunctional long platform is inspired by [Da Vinci]s "Vitruvian Man" based on the most accurate proportion of men, so later generations will often use "perfect proportion" to describe the men among them.
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面层展示是【竹海】的立馆初心,【GGD好好设计】选用多项相异媒材,以直面且多元化的手法铺陈在空间,目的是希望访客参与会议时,去身临其境,去触摸,去感受温度。而不仅侷限在空泛的想象或大同的营销话术之中,让产品自己“发声”。 The surface display is the original intention of [FLOWING BAMBOO]. [DOUBLE GOOD DESIGN] chooses a number of different media and spreads it in the space in a direct and diversified manner. The purpose is to hope that visitors will be there when they participate in the meeting. , To touch, to feel the temperature. And not only limited to vague imagination or Datongs marketing words, let the product "voice" by itself.
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竹海 FLOWING BAMBOO · 环保创新与艺术展示的完美结合丨中国汕头丨GGD 好好设计-24
复合面材的呈现,让竹炭板不再是单一的炭黑。万能收口解决方案,增添视觉的分割韵律,形塑整体空间的美学,强调原料的环保属性。自入门初始,这便是一场单一材料运用的试验过程。 The appearance of the composite surface material makes the bamboo charcoal board no longer a single carbon black. The universal closing solution adds visual segmentation rhythm, shapes the aesthetics of the overall space, and emphasizes the environmental protection properties of raw materials. Since the beginning of the entry, this has been an experimental process of using a single material.
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竹海 FLOWING BAMBOO · 环保创新与艺术展示的完美结合丨中国汕头丨GGD 好好设计-27
林彦认为空间的设计并不需迁就某个特定功能,材质的运用更应随心所欲,创造出无限的使用可能,以突显材质优越的兼容性。 Lin Yan believes that the design of space does not need to accommodate a specific function, and the use of materials should be arbitrary, creating unlimited possibilities to highlight the superior compatibility of materials.
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宁可食无肉,不可居无竹。无肉令人瘦,无竹令人俗。————苏轼《於潜僧绿筠轩》 竹子自古就是自然馈赠人类的建材,但因为技术原因,天然的竹子其耐候性一般,鲜有百年的竹建筑留存于世。【竹海】将毛竹经过破碎再进行高温炭化,加工成活性炭粉压制成型。通过技术手段改变了竹子的物理形态,涅槃后的竹炭板低醛,高硬,防潮,净化,满足了现代人的“居竹”需求。 Bamboo has been a natural gift of building materials to humans since ancient times. However, due to technical reasons, natural bamboo is generally weather-resistant, and few hundred-year-old bamboo buildings remain in the world. 【FLOWING BAMBOO】The moso bamboo is crushed and carbonized at high temperature, then processed into activated carbon powder and pressed into shape. The physical form of bamboo has been changed through technical means. The bamboo charcoal board after Nirvana has low aldehyde, high hardness, moisture resistance, purification, and meets the needs of modern people for living in bamboo.
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竹海 FLOWING BAMBOO · 环保创新与艺术展示的完美结合丨中国汕头丨GGD 好好设计-32
摆脱薄弱或无关的预设,以一种新的认识方式拥抱不确定性。迂回与虚掩。我们智造“未知”让来访者在无意识内跌入我们预设好的参观流程,犹如子弹上膛一般,根本停不下来。 Get rid of weak or irrelevant presuppositions and embrace uncertainty in a new way of understanding. Roundabout and concealed. We intelligently create the "unknown" to make visitors fall into our preset visit process unconsciously, just like a bullet being loaded, and cant stop at all.
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被【竹炭板】包裹起来的洽谈空间,遁入虫洞般的空间折叠,犹如爱丽丝迷失仙境,纵横交错模糊了边界,迷失了尺度感,在白日里“秉烛夜谈”,与“互联网”争夺用户注意力是实体经济刻不容缓的思考。 The negotiation space wrapped in [Bamboo Charcoal Board], folds into the wormhole-like space, like Alice lost in the wonderland, crisscrossing and blurring the boundary, losing the sense of scale, "talking with candles at night" in the day, and "Internet "Competing for user attention is an urgent consideration for the real economy.
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竹海 FLOWING BAMBOO · 环保创新与艺术展示的完美结合丨中国汕头丨GGD 好好设计-37
优异的材质亦需配备成熟的整体解决方案,产品研发部执着于各类棘手的收口解决方案与款式迭代,为每一份委托保驾护航。 Excellent materials also need to be equipped with mature overall solutions. The product development department is obsessed with all kinds of tricky closing solutions and style iterations, escorting every commission.
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设计师林彦关注的是潜藏在背后的逻辑,起承转合、开合围敞。空间是容器,展厅容的是产品与人,空间的始终归于一点,两者之间由无数隐匿的副线贯穿。制造随机停留的可能,使访者保留更多时间与体力,对品牌做更深入的品读。 Designer Lin Yan pays attention to the logic hidden behind it, starting, inheriting, turning, opening, closing and enclosing. Space is a container, and the exhibition hall contains products and people. The space always belongs to one point, and there are countless hidden secondary lines between the two. Create the possibility of random stays, allowing visitors to retain more time and energy, and to read more deeply about the brand.
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竹海 FLOWING BAMBOO · 环保创新与艺术展示的完美结合丨中国汕头丨GGD 好好设计-42
围绕选材间为回形的中心,空间顺时针将功能区域分为各类实例场景,通过动线的推敲,合理地分布并彼此交错相融。经由视觉的元素与空间语汇连接,潜移默化地促成人们在其中的行为,增强空间故事线索的串联,犹如打开潘多拉的魔盒,材质展示板背后对应的应用场景,增强现实身临其境。 Around the center of the selection room as a circle, the space clockwise divides the functional area into various instance scenes, which are rationally distributed and blended with each other through the scrutiny of moving lines. Through the connection of visual elements and spatial vocabulary, it subtly promotes peoples behavior in it, and enhances the series of spatial story clues, just like opening a Pandoras box, the corresponding application scene behind the material display board, and augmented reality immersive.
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精致趣味的场景是研究上大量的投入和近乎较真的细节执行,设计上从各个机能关联的推演得出最优的空间细分尺度,使【竹海】以一种独有的设计语境,完美诉说有关结构、材料和空间之间的品牌故事。不单是一个品牌展厅,这空间更是一本关于【竹炭板】的《应用指导手册》。 The exquisite and interesting scene is a large amount of investment in research and almost more detailed execution. In the design, the optimal spatial subdivision scale is derived from the deduction of various functions, so that [FLOWING BAMBOO] uses a unique design context. It perfectly tells the brand story between structure, material and space. Not only a brand exhibition hall, this space is also an "application guidebook" on [Bamboo Charcoal Board] 建设过程(GIF) Construction process
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平面图 Floor plan
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竹海 FLOWING BAMBOO · 环保创新与艺术展示的完美结合丨中国汕头丨GGD 好好设计-49
林彦,高级环境艺术设计师,启始于广东工艺美术学院设计系(环境艺术设计专业)。系「好好设计」创始人兼艺术总监,粤东90后设计师杰出代表。于2016年创办「好好设计」机构,秉承“好设计+好执行=好结果”为目标导向,定制最合适于“第一用者”的专属设计。从业近10年以来创作无数「好设计」,是无数甲方项目“吸睛”秘密武器,与忠实合作伙伴。 Lin Yan, a senior environmental art designer, started her career in the Department of Design of the Guangdong Academy of Arts and Crafts (Environmental Art Design). He is the founder and artistic director of "Good Design" and an outstanding representative of the designers of Yuedong 90. In 2016, we established the “Good Design” organization, adhering to the goal of “Good Design + Good Implementation = Good Results”, and customized the exclusive design that is most suitable for the “first user”. In the past 10 years, he has created countless "good designs", and is the secret weapon of countless Party A projects, and a loyal partner.
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