亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5

2021/08/18 09:00:41
Tumo创新技术中心是一个具有创造性的、且免费对外开放的数字媒体学习中心。继2011年,Tumo在埃里温的首家旗舰店以及之前由Bernard Khoury / DW5设计的AGBU NKR校区开业之后,Tumo于2015年5月在亚美尼亚第二大城市Gyumri又开设了分校。本项目之前,Tumo创新技术中心暂时安置于Gyumri技术中心之内,如今则将搬迁到邻近的Gyumri剧院中。为了能够满足新的空间与功能需求,Bernard Khoury / DW5事务所对原有的剧院建筑进行了一系列的改造与扩建。
The Tumo Center for Creative Technologies is an innovative, free-of-charge open digital media learning hub. Following the 2011 opening of its flagship location in Yerevan and the AGBU NKR Campus previously developed by Bernard Khoury / DW5, Tumo opened another branch in Gyumri, Armenia’s second largest city, in May 2015. Temporarily located in the Gyumri Technological Center, the Gyumri Tumo Center for Creative Technologies will be moved into the neighbouring Gyumri Theater, following our proposed rehabilitation and expansion scheme for the building.
▼项目概览,overall of the project ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-3
▼颇具历史特色的南立面被保留了下来 ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan The historic south facade has been preserved
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-5
▼新旧的对比  ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan contrast between the old and new elements
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-7
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-8
The southern and eastern facades of the building, initially constructed in local turfa stone and finished in white plaster, are preserved and restored, whereas all other facades and additions are rendered in a vibrant red colour, contrasting against the monochromatic palette of the surrounding cityscape. The public amphitheater is exposed at the upper level, exteriorizing the complex’s interior content through outdoor projections.
▼大部分立面以及新建部分都被喷涂成充满活力的红色,all other facades and additions are rendered in a vibrant red colour ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-12
▼鲜艳的色彩为建筑与周围环境带来了活力,Vivid colors bring life to the building and its surroundings ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-14
▼立面上清晰地显示出阶梯教室的轮廓,The outline of the amphitheater is clearly shown on the facade ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-16
The proposed scheme emphasizes the impact it will have on the social and cultural fabric of the city by connecting it to the existing public spaces in a gesture that reconciles the two differing topographic levels it addresses. The main student spaces are located on the ground floor level, accessible from the eastern façade at the lower park level, whereas all other public and non-student-related functions such as the main lobby, administration and public amphitheater are accessed at the upper street level along the western façade, from the roof of the ground floor space. Designed as an interactive public space including an imposing arch, bar and common gathering spaces, the roof acts as connection between the interior and exterior activities that can occur, tucked below a grand canopy whose mirrored underside reflects the vibrant happenings of the center to the surrounding city.
▼西侧入口 ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan entrance of the west side of the project
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-20
▼西侧入口作为室内外活动的连接空间,荫蔽在巨大的不锈钢顶棚之下,the roof acts as connection between the interior and exterior activities that can occur, tucked below a grand canopy ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-22
▼光滑的镜面不锈钢反射着建筑与周边环境,the grand canopy mirrored underside reflects the center and the surrounding city ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-24
▼西侧入口空间与顶棚细部 ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan details of the west entrance and the canopy
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-26
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-27
▼天台上学生活动的场景 ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan The scene of student activities on the rooftop
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-29
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-30
尽管经历了两次破坏性的大地震,Gyumri剧院顽强地幸存了下来,并吸引着大量的游客来此见证其历史建筑以及受到保护的建筑遗址,因此,在本项目中,尽可能地保留原始建筑部分是设计中至关重要的一点。这座始建于19世纪50年代的建筑经历了几个阶段的建设,从“人民之家”到“地方电视广播中心”,Gyumri剧院以不同的角色服务着当地的市民。然而,Gyumri剧院最初也是最为人们熟知的身份则是“歌剧院”,因此,原建筑的主厅被改造成最具“歌剧院”特征的空间 —— 旋转舞台剧场。
Despite having survived two major earthquakes gravely damaging the city, Gyumri still attracts visitors to witness the relics of its historic architecture and protected buildings, and so the choice to preserve as much of the surviving structures as possible was crucial. First built in the 1850s, the existing building has undergone several stages of construction in order to serve various programs ranging from a People’s House to a local television broadcasting center. However, the Gyumri Theater acquired its title from the opera house it once held, for which the main hall was converted into its most characteristic space: a theater with a pivoting stage.
▼位于底层的学生空间接待前台 ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan the reception of the student area on the ground floor
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-34
▼由前台看课后协同中心,viewing the after-school synergistic hub from the reception ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-36
Similar to the original Tumo, this 2,500-square-meter center’s curriculum encompasses the same four focus areas: animation, video game development, digital media, and web development. The after-school synergistic hub is to be equipped with state-of-the-art digital technology, and staffed by educators and media professionals to help students explore and produce creative content and media applications through real-life projects.
▼课后协同中心,The after-school synergistic hub ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-40
▼休闲聚会空间,Casual gathering space ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-42
Our intervention consists of reconfiguring the Gyumri Theater building into interactive learning platforms, with the main working space planned within the former opera house theater, designed as a stepped collective workspace and 3D printing lab that can be converted into its former 200-seat theater space for screenings and performances.
▼阶梯教室,the amphitheater ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-46
▼阶梯教室细部 ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan detail of the amphitheater
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-48
▼阶梯教室外的走廊 ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan hallway of the amphitheater
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-50
▼夜景,night view ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY – Photo by Sona Manukyan & Ani Avagyan
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-52
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-53
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY 
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-55
▼夹层平面图,mezzanine floor plan ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY 
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-57
▼二层平面图,first floor plan ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY 
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-59
▼顶层平面图,plan at cinema level ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY 
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-61
▼剖面图,sections ©DW5 BERNARD KHOURY
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-63
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-64
Location: Gyumri, Armenia Project Type: Institutional Status: In Progress 2016 Built-up Area: 2,475 ㎡
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-66
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-67
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-68
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-69
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-70
亚美尼亚 Tumo 创新技术中心丨Bernard Khoury,DW5-71
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