

▼项目场地以及场地上的输水管道,the site and the pipeline / pedestrian ©Matias Bercovich
The construction serves 2 different functions. On one side, the school playground becomes an interactive and playful surface, a sort of ribbon that starts as a floor and morphs into a roof, kids can play on top, around, and underneath the structure. On the other side, the design is addressing an unconsidered and informal public space in the city; an above-ground water pipeline that over time became a pedestrian highway; by providing it with lighting at night for safety and aesthetic purposes, the structure also stands in the landscape as a sculpture, a landmark to create a sense of place.
▼项目概览,overall view ©Matias Bercovich
▼由装置看学校教室,viewing the school building from the device ©Matias Bercovich
▼一条由竹子搭建的丝带,A playful ribbon made of bamboo ©Matias Bercovich
▼在装置下方玩耍的孩子们,Children playing under the device ©Matias Bercovich
▼装置从地面延伸至屋顶,the device extends from the ground to the roof ©Matias Bercovich
The school allocated to our project a space at the border of the central open space, mostly used by boys to play football. Our designated space was literally a rubbish dump behind the school bathroom. We had to spend an entire week cleaning up and dispose of the trash. By transforming the most problematic part of the school into a very desirable space for the kids, the limited recreational space was optimized.
▼藤架下方的玩耍区,Play area under the pergola ©Matias Bercovich
▼“竹林”,the “bamboo jungle” ©Matias Bercovich
▼装置细部,details of the device ©Matias Bercovich
The concept was to create a micro-narrative as a series of imagination-fueled, self-directed games into a kind of parkour. The games give the children the freedom of exploring a multitude of ways of engagement. Both ends of the ribbon-like structure are inviting and welcoming the kids to come and play. One end starts as a bamboo mat floor right under a beautiful tree, the other as a tilted pergola. The circular shape of the structure contrasts with the architecture of the school and creates a special place on the site and in the minds of the kids, one that is playful and different.
▼落成后的项目备受孩子们青睐,The project is very popular and favored by the children ©Matias Bercovich
▼攀爬区,the climbing wall ©Matias Bercovich
项目的成型得益于香港设计信托基金会提供的种子基金。在建造过程中,设计团队与缅甸竹材专家Kyaw Zin Latt通力合作,Kyaw Zin Latt同时也是“缅甸仁爱之家”项目的承包商。此外,他还参与了结构的设计,提供了一系列对竹子种类以及节点形式的建议,并将设计团队的构思做成1:1的实体推敲模型等。为了使施工过程对工人来说更容易,本项目没有采用任何绘制文档,而是全程依靠模型作为搭建依据,通过1:50的模型将结构以可视化的方式呈现出来,并通过测绘标记以及简单易懂的小图来向工人们展示出施工的细节。
Our project received a seed grant from Design Trust in Hong Kong that allowed the project to take shape. We worked together with Kyaw Zin Latt, a Myanmar bamboo technician, also a contractor for ‘Habitat for Humanity Myanmar’. He was also involved in the design of the structure, by either suggesting different joints to be used, which bamboo species were appropriate, prototyping some ideas 1:1 scale before the construction. In order to make the construction process easier for the workers, we decided not to draw any documents, but to rely only on an architecture model as a construction document. The 1:50 scale model was used to visualize the structure, write down measurements and draw small diagrams to explain construction details.
▼施工过程,construction process ©Matias Bercovich
▼模型,model ©Matias Bercovich
▼轴测分析图,axonometric diagram ©Blue Temple
▼平面图,plan ©Blue Temple
▼立面图,elevations ©Blue Temple
▼剖面图,section ©Blue Temple