Joint Savings Bank Warehouse, because of its unique historical events during the World War II, has become a place that carries the national pride and cohesion of the Chinese people, coupled with artistic shaping such as literature and movies, is widely known as a landmark of red patriotism.
▼鸟瞰四行仓库,aerial view of the Joint Savings Bank Warehouse ©YUUUUN STUDIO
▼店铺外观,exterior view of the cafe ©YUUUUN STUDIO
The project “People’s Cafe” designed by Daylab is located in this building, a fashionable dining space aimed at younger generation. Its unique location and positioning have brought a certain degree of difficulty to the design, while also brought more possibilities: the difficulty lies in that it can neither be an insta-famous space that only pursues network flow, nor can it be a patriotic educational exhibition hall; the possibility is that if we can create a space that has a strong “red atmosphere” and can also make young people “feel fashionable”, it will be a unique existence.
▼入口空间,the entrance ©YUUUUN STUDIO
▼吧台区,the counter at the entrance ©YUUUUN STUDIO
▼看向阶梯区,view of the steps on the other side ©YUUUUN STUDIO
于是,我们大胆的运用了一些通常很难在年轻人喜好的空间里出现的色彩和元素,比如几乎「猪肝红」的带有强烈纹理的木质,比如来自于军旅的绿色,甚至和格格不入的红色做搭配,我们也融入了一些富有象征意义的元素,如阶梯、浮雕等,并通过设计处理让这些元素更容易让年轻人接受。我们希望消费者在这个空间里可以进行文化传播、情绪共鸣, 让这里成为一个既有历史感,又焕发着Z世代气息的设计。
Therefore, we boldly used some colors and elements that are usually difficult to appear in the space preferred by young people, such as “pig liver red” wood, such as the green from the army. We have also incorporated some symbolic elements, such as steps, reliefs, etc. Through design to make these elements easier to be accepted by young people. We hope that consumers in this space can carry out cultural dissemination, emotional resonance, to make it a place that has a sense of history as well as the feature of gen Z.
▼阶梯区内部,the steps area ©YUUUUN STUDIO
The warehouse is a reinforced concrete pouring frame, with granite strips on the surface. The walls are unusually strong, so are the historical sensation it brings to us. While behind the black iron door is the red brilliance that is ready to emerge.
▼开放用餐区,the open dining area ©YUUUUN STUDIO
▼融入富有象征意义的元素,incorporated some symbolic elements ©YUUUUN STUDIO
▼靠墙布置的用餐区,dining area along the wall ©YUUUUN STUDIO
▼沙发卡座,the sofa booth ©YUUUUN STUDIO
We extracted the romantic dark green from the “green military uniform”, and customized the exclusive dark red patterned floor tiles for the space, matched with the rich birch wood grain, and carefully selected furniture and fixtures. The collision and fusion of the history and modern elements are everywhere.
▼历史风情与现代金属感的碰撞融合 the collision and fusion of the history and modern elements ©YUUUUN STUDIO
▼沙发卡座细部,details of the sofa booth ©YUUUUN STUDIO
由于空间的层高很高,阶梯的设计是我们有意为之,结合大面积的窗户,阳光洒进来,提升了空间的进深感,也强化了一点点的象征意义。 Due to the high space, the steps are intentionally added. Combined with the large windows, when the sun shines come in, it enhances the sense of depth as well as strengthens a little bit of symbolic meaning.
▼包间区,the private area ©YUUUUN STUDIO
▼包间区家具,furnitures of the private area ©YUUUUN STUDIO
祖国万岁,人民万岁 —— 斗西设计
When the design is about to end, the owner wants to incorporate a five-pointed star into the space. I said it’s okay, but let’s not make it glows. The light is too high-profile. Let’s make a five-pointed star that can shine even in the dark.
▼细部,details ©YUUUUN STUDIO
▼总平面,general plan ©斗西设计
▼平面图,plan ©斗西设计