

▼视频,Video ©zaicks studio
Meloso餐厅回应了墨西哥于2017年9月19日发生的地震。它位于起源于墨西哥的San Luis Tlaxialtemalco小镇,这里仍然保留着前西班牙殖民时期的习俗,例如一种名为“奇南帕(chinampas)”的耕种技法。该镇和Xochimilco总督府是受地震影响最严重的地区之一,而政府和基金会发起的重建项目无异于消除记忆、更替景观和植入外来建筑,这些项目在设计、建筑特征和居住方式上都放弃了当地原本的生产方式和社交网,这种社交网根植于数十年来守护神庆祝活动以及露台和厨房的共存,加强通用住房模式这种做法没有考虑其社会文化背景,而且破坏了赋予人们身份认同的习俗。
▼越过绿植望向餐厅,the restaurant over green plants ©zaicks studio
Meloso arose in response to Mexico City’s earthquake on September 19, 2017. Located in the town of San Luis Tlaxialtemalco, it is a town which originated from Mexico City that still preserves vestiges of the pre-Hispanic era such as cultivation on ‘chinampas’ (floating gardens). This town and Xochimilco’s governorship in general were among the most affected by the earthquake. The reconstruction of the government and some foundations is an attack on the memory, a landscape replacement, a substitution of the place with foreign constructions, they have put aside in their design, architectural identity and its inhabitant’s way of occupying associated with their forms of production and their social network that has been consolidated for decades through their patron saint festivities and coexistence in patios and smoke kitchens, imposing a generic housing model that does not take into account its sociocultural context and fractures the customs that give identity to the people.
▼临街立面,street view ©zaicks studio
▼室内一瞥,a glance to the internal space ©zaicks studio
▼室内概览,overall view of the internal space ©zaicks studio
▼当地原始材料组合,the combination of local original materials ©zaicks studio
▼灯光效果,lighting view ©zaicks studio
▼制作台,the production table ©zaicks studio
▼细部,details ©zaicks studio
The furniture refers to and is a tribute to their way of sitting at festivities, which consists in putting wooden planks on stacks of partitions. Meloso’s proposal arises from this reflection, which is why we pick up the thread of the site’s vernacular architecture gestures and take its tectonics up in the use of wide walls and mud that make up the raw material with which the space is intervened, giving new life to the materials and their possibilities of building elements are what make what is built contemporary, but at the same time timeless. A place that seeks silence and reduces its design to the basics, the somewhat obsessive repetitive use of materials makes a synthesis of simplicity.
▼关闭的拱门,the closing arch ©zaicks studio
▼透过圆窗望向制作台 ©zaicks studio
the production table through the round window
▼墙上圆窗,the round window on the wall ©zaicks studio
▼夜景,night view ©zaicks studio
▼轴测图,axon drawing ©T-UNOAUNO + ARQAZ
▼平面图,plan ©T-UNOAUNO + ARQAZ
▼剖立面,section-elevations ©T-UNOAUNO + ARQAZ