

Clients wanted to increase the capacity of their current offices in order to develop new projects. For this, they acquired a warehouse measuring around 279.00 m2 and with a ceiling height of 8.00 m, which was the basis of the entire challenge.
▼空间概览,preview ©Ivo Tavares Studio
The program for the new offices had to include six offices, two collective work areas, two meeting rooms, a social area for employees, a seating area, male wc, female wc and storages. Simple spaces were intended, so that the appropriation could be based on the identity of the new business projects.
▼错落的体量,staggered volumes ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼简洁的内部空间,simple spaces ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼由开放办公区望向会议室 ©Ivo Tavares Studio meeting room from open work area
▼开放办公区,open work area ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼通高中庭,height atrium ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼明亮的公共空间,bright common space ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼天窗采光,skylight ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼侧窗采光,side window ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼不同空间均采用聚碳酸酯,application of polycarbonate in different spaces ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼聚碳酸酯表面,polycarbonate surface ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼内部效果,inside view ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼办公室,office ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼会议室,meeting room ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼聚碳酸酯墙面和转门细部,polycarbonate wall and rotating gate details ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼楼梯,staircase ©Ivo Tavares Studio
The new installations, intends to introduce a uniform collective, where the routes discipline and the volumes confine in areas of work and leisure. The project aimed to create different areas of use without distinguishing and ranking, so that the entire space was uniform in terms of its experience, materiality and form.
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©éOp – arquitectura e design
▼二层平面图,first floor plan ©éOp – arquitectura e design