知末案例   /   JGMA

伊利诺斯州S.O.S儿童村 & 罗斯福广场社区中心,芝加哥/具有前瞻性的社区之家

2021/10/06 10:33:07
The design for the new SOS Children’s Villages Illinois and Maestro Cares Community Center exemplifies a unification of SOS’s child-fostering mission, with the surrounding family “villages” of the Roosevelt Square community. The prominent corner site along the active Blue Island Avenue, just south and west of Chicago’s downtown area, welcomes engagement with adjacent residential neighborhoods, while presenting a positive and compelling outward image to the public.
▼项目远景,viewing the project at distance © Tom Rotisser
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周边居民可采用多种交通方式到达SOS儿童村,场地紧邻CTA 60路巴士站与蓝粉线快速公交站,并且设有分流明确的汽车、自行车以及行人道路与场地入口。丰富且便捷的交通线路将SOS儿童村与周边社区紧密联系在一起,同时也吸引了大量的人群,进而增强了社区的活力。建筑采用了单层的形式,主要由交叉层压木材(CLT)建造而成。除了作为罗斯福广场村(Roosevelt Square Village)邻近的社区中心与办公室外,还为当地居民提供了一处独特的公共培训厨房。
SOS Children’s Villages Illinois is served by public transportation (CTA 60 bus and Blue and Pink rapid transit line stations), automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian access. Through these many modes of accessing the new location, the SOS Children’s Villages participates in and augments the vibrancy of the existing neighborhood. SOS Children’s Villages Illinois’s Roosevelt Square Community Center is a new single-story Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) office and community center with kitchen space near their Roosevelt Square Village property.
▼社区中心入口,entrance of the project © Tom Rotisser
▼金属瓦楞板与玻璃组成的外立面,Metal corrugated panels and glass envelope © Tom Rotisser
JGMA’s design is a physical manifestation of the forward-thinking nature of the SOS Children’s Villages organization. Processional approaches to the building through a public plaza and community gardens also contribute to a sense of arrival, while establishing a positive street presence, clear site circulation, and community-oriented outdoor gathering. In the roof, solar panels are located to generate direct electricity to the center, reducing electricity costs and CO2 emissions.
▼建筑与周围的步道,the building and surrounding walkways © Tom Rotisser
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▼花园成为建筑与街道之间过渡,The garden becomes a transition between the building and the street © Tom Rotisser
▼立面与步道细部,detail of the metal facade and the walkway © Tom Rotisser
This center is an 11,000 square foot space that serves the children and families at Roosevelt Square Village and surrounding communities. Programs include academic, therapeutic, social, and recreational support; multi-use spaces for community members to connect to public resources and engage in training, activities, and events; and a signature culinary kitchen providing food and nutrition education, as well as job-skills training for the hospitality industry. In addition to the more than one hundred children and families cared for by SOS Illinois, more than 5,000 people from the surrounding neighborhoods are served by the center.
▼接待空间,reception area © Tom Rotisser
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▼多功能活动空间概览,overall of the interior multi-function space © Tom Rotisser
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▼不同的座位形式满足不同活动需求,Different seating forms meet different activity needs © Tom Rotisser
Inside the blue corrugated metal panel, the one-story building creates a dialogue which is fostered between private programming, administrative and counseling offices, and more open, collective, and communal programs: group computer, study areas, community event space, and a learning kitchen. Ultimately, this new center facilitates and encourages community interaction, while providing for safe and comfortable facilities for children, families, and staff.
▼平面图,plan © JGMA
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▼立面图,elevations © JGMA
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▼剖面图,sections © JGMA
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Official Project Name: S.O.S Children’s Village – Roosevelt Square
Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Client:  S.O.S Children’s Village
Architects/designers: JGMA
Project Design Principal: Juan Moreno
Project Manager: Dan Spore
Lendlease – Development
TGRWA – Structural Engineer
Knight Partners LLC – Civil Engineer
Cosentini Associates – MEP Engineer
Site Design Group – Landscape Architecture
Project sector: Civic, Humanitarian
Budget: 5.66 M USD
Project completion date: 2020
Photographer: Tom Rotisser
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