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南通·世纪云辰 / MAXI 美溪景观设计解析

2019/11/14 23:01:35
MAXI Studio:南通世纪云辰,尝试运用多种新颖材料,进行有序节奏编排,空间上相互渗透、咬合穿插,营造出了多个有趣、可互动参与、自然清莹的生活场景。
MAXI Studio: Nantong Shiji Yunchen tries to arrange a variety of novel materials in an orderly rhythm, and interpenetrate and intersperse spaces to create many interesting, interactive, and natural life scenes.
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The challenges of the project are how to enrich the experience of the courtyard and the abstract expression of the “tong” of Nantong. “Tong”, in terms of space, is the penetration space connecting the interior and exterior of the porch, the tree passing through the hole to reach the sky, and the longing for a better life. It is also the interaction between people and landscape through the changes of the light and shadow on the glass brick wall, reflecting by the mirrors.
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项目背景 Background
项目位于江苏南通国际家纺城。南通简称“通”,地处“江海之会,南北之喉”,集黄金海岸与黄金水道优势于一身,还是国际化家纺商贸的贸易之都,本案就位于家纺城的北门户位置。展示区景观面积 4200㎡,入口及庭院核心区仅 1600㎡,如何把小庭院做大?怎么切割空间将其丰富?是本次设计的重点。
The project is located in Nantong International Home Textile City, Jiangsu. Nantong is abbreviated as “Tong”. It is located in the “Meeting of the Rivers and the Sea, the Throat of the North and the South”. It combines the advantages of the Gold Coast and the Golden Waterway and also becomes the trade capital of international household textiles. This project is located at the northern gateway of Household Textile City. The landscape area of the exhibition area is 4,200 square meters, and the entrance and courtyard core area is only 1,600 square meters. How to increase the area of the small courtyard? How to divide the space to enrich it? They are the focuses of future design.
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门廊外-- 沿街展示区 Outside the Corridor – Display Area Along the Street
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As the major visual line, the corridor connects and divides two core exhibition areas: the exhibition area along the street and the water garden area (the forest courtyard and the water courtyard). Ingeniously the corridor connects the top and sidewalls and reflects the sky, clouds, shadows, flowing water, islands, and silhouettes into the courtyard, enriching the landscape.
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The facade of the scenery wall and corridor at the entrance is made of imitation white wood-grain bricks, beige aluminum plates, glass bricks. The color is clean and bright, consistent with the language of the exterior wall of the building to have a unified first image interface.
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The entry scenery wall stretches more than 60 meters long, but not giving people an overwhelming feeling. On the contrary, when people pass through the tall trees, they can climb up the steps towards the transparent inner corridor and see a lowered top frame with an opening to allow the tree to grow upwards. The crystal clear sunlight on the glass wall brings more relaxed and natural sensations. Space is transited naturally that people will not notice that the scene has switched.
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When people walked slowly into the woods, they will find out that trees grow to the Cloud Corridors and Water Mirrors with the prosperity of the city slowly settling down.
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The serialized decoration line patterns on the ground of the Parking lot express the merge of the Nantong river and sea.
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The urban space intertwining with nature, like the two parallel melodies in a piece of music.
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大门-- 内廊空间 Gate-inner corridor space
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The porch frame has white-gray tones. The clean and lively colors emphasize the emerald evergreen trees. The facade is as simple as possible with minimalist lines to highlight the beauty of the material. The exquisite craftsmanship presents a close and high-level sense.
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To break the boundary between the inward and outward of the porch, space is hollowed out.
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The design attempts to encourage the trees to grow through the holes at the top, let the path be transformed into a small pier on the waterfront and extend into the water of the inner courtyard, extend the gate through the horizontal opening at the base of the wall, and let the light pass through the glass wall and cast on the inner gallery to invite some natural colors into space.
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The landscape elements are not merely decorations. The curious interaction and emotional transformations of people are all included in the courtyard. People will look up and down, stop by and take a close look at the landscape elements and finally look back to space when leaving.
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In winter, when the sun shines through the trees, the glass bricks are like small bottles that collect the warm sun, reflecting the shadow of the tree, and generating a colorful rainbow. The picture is moisturized and integrated with the natural environment we pursue.
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In a corner space at the end of the gallery, we try to use blue and white plastic steel wire, checkerboard blue and white glass floor tiles, and gray titanium mirror wall to reflect the concept of a modern smart community presenting technology and interactions. At the same time, the steel wire also expresses the culture of the household textile city.
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From the household textile city to the smart community, the cloud technology line is connected with the textile thread, showing the changes in contemporary life.
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Thread is the smallest element of textile weaving that outlines life. The craftsmanship is also the aesthetics of life, which has made and changed the household textile city. As the foundation of Nantong’s economic and trade access to the world, the city is special and vital to Nantong.
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The arrangement of lines shapes the space. Through the direction of each line, a visual experience of virtual and reality is constructed. Through the plastic-coated steel wire that changes in sequence, the mirror walls on the three sides refract each other, reflecting many wonderful mirror images.
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门廊内-- 水景庭院区 Inside the Corridor – Water Courtyard
你站在桥上看风景,看风景的人在楼上看你。明月装饰了你的窗子,你装饰了别人的梦。——《断章》 之琳
When you watch the scenery from the bridge,The sightseer watches you from the balcony.The bright moon adorns your window,While you adorn another’s dream.
——Fragment by Bian Zhilin
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The glass scenery wall and tree ponds are the same. But light and shadow are always different. People enter the space and experience different depths of the space and sceneries.
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It is a nice view Looking at the yard from the platform. Standing a step away from the other shore, looking back at the platform from the swing, people can see another beautiful picture. The gushing spring is rippling between the spaces.
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The water courtyard spaces intertwine with each other. For example, the curved platform forms many small islands around. The banks of the island and the flower ponds on the shore both have stepping terraces with a gradually fading color following the walking path into the water. The design blurs the boundary and opens up water and green spaces.
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The people in the hats represent life on the river coast. They appear as a finishing touch at the far end of the courtyard. Five small sculptures of people in the hats can quickly capture the relaxed atmosphere. They are the art of daily life, and more locals can perceive them. the art of.
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The corridor frame extends into the courtyard and raises the ground elevation to form a staggered rest space with a full view of the water courtyard. There are four upwards steps and two sets of swings to create an accompanying family life scene for the future main area.
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The groove can accommodate small items. Slowing down the rhythm, people can wander around, enjoy the time, and harvest an afternoon of warm sun. Just like the words on the sidewall say: Step into the longing life.
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The morning light shines through the peacock pine forest, spreading on the glass brick wall, and carving time. On the swing, a family is playing the melodious future. We hope the courtyard not only provides beauty but also treats life well and people can empathize with it.
材料工艺篇 Material technology
This is a demonstration area with rich design details and high difficulty in construction. The client, designers, and construction team work together to closely follow the rhythm on-site and control the entire process. New processes and materials have brought many challenges. Finally, we thank everyone for their efforts, support, and tolerance.
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"The landing effect is the final design result."
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When we decided to use glass walls for gallery frames to divide and connect the space, we carefully selected from a variety of styles, purchased a variety of glass bricks on the market, compared the samples, and communicated the manufacturer’s practical experiences. In terms of color requirements, durability, installation, the basic installation structure, and lighting, the final selection is the sun pattern glass brick with a round and three-dimensional concave frosted surface.
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3400 块玻璃砖,在三个不同方向的墙面上呈现,均匀排列在一起,有着强烈秩序感。
3400 glass bricks are displayed on the walls in three different directions, evenly arranged together, with a strong sense of order.
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The concave-convex texture can record the contrast of light and shadow, and remember the different angles of sunlight. With the change of light at different times, the dynamic light and shadow convey the concept of time.
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This is an interactive three-dimensional art installation. The holes and spacing are carefully arranged to make each line accurately be positioned between the two fixed points on the ground and the facade. From both sides of the glass floor tiles, it extends to the gap of the mirror wall.
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每组排线的固定点在平面和立面上逐点位移,线与线之间产生不同的斜度,出现疏密渐变,形成了一个有趣的螺旋形,同时设计 6 组,不同角度有穿插叠加,在镜面反射的作用下,人互动参与其中,感受交织的丰富视觉特效。
The fixed points of each group of cables are shifted point by point on the plane and the elevation. The lines have different slopes, and the density changes, forming an interesting spiral. At the same time, 6 groups are designed interspersed at different angles. By mirror reflection, people interact with and participate in it, and experience the rich intertwined visual effects.
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How to hide the connector of the wire? Due to convenient construction and post-maintenance, we use upper and lower perforation and unilateral fixation and deepen the thickness of the ground cover gravel.
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在南通冬季 12 月的特殊开放时间里,精心挑选常绿树种,打造森林感绿境,最终确定:耐寒易存活、树形端正、瘦高挺拔、枝叶秀美,但小众的长叶孔雀松,作为第一骨干树,提升了示范区绿化标识性。
During the special opening hours in December in the Nantong winter, evergreen trees are carefully selected to create a forest-like green environment. Finally, we decided to use the cold-tolerant long-leaf peacock pine, which is easy to survive with a nice tall and thin shape, and beautiful branches. As the signature tree, it enhances the landscape identification of the demonstration area.
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In the space under both sides of the courtyard trail, we hope to find tall and upright evergreen trees. Searching all over Jiangsu and Zhejiang, we finally found the citrus resources with a tall tree shape, stretching lower part, and an open crown, which guarantees the activities under the forest and also constitutes the courtyard facade.
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The three evergreen trees, long-leaf peacock pine, citrus, and camphor in the Parking area, present three different green shades and provide the garden green colors under the warm sun in winter.
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长叶孔雀松属顶端优势强的乔木,枝叶干脆,导致运输过程极易折断或压扁变形,全冠的孔雀松到场后,常常只剩下一个较好的观赏面。因此,35 棵长叶孔雀松在现场尽心编排,反复起吊,只为找最适合场景的那一株,并展现出最好的那一面。
The long-leaf peacock pine is a tree with a strong apical dominance. The branches and leaves are dry and fragile, which makes it easy to break or squash and deform during transportation. When the full-crown peacock pine arrives, it often only left a better viewing surface. Therefore, 35 long-leaf peacock pine trees were arranged carefully on-site to find the most suitable side for the scene.
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The project is a permanent exhibition area, and the sales department will become a pedestrian entrance to the clubhouse and the main area in the future. It is often said that the main area in the future. Now, the future has already existed there. Looking back in the future, the best work is the life that is related to people.
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结语 Conclusion
The design hopes that in the community, the owners can put aside the glitz and live in a fashionable and romantic art atmosphere, and perceive the breeze and the moon, the sky and the clouds, the beauty of nature in the four seasons. People walk in and see the beautiful scenery. With the extremely clean walls, tall trees, bright and clean light spreading warmly on the glass, the trees leisurely piercing through the cloud corridor and water mirror, people on the river coast are chasing the light. Then, when they see the dreamlike and powerful cloud technology threads intertwined, they can envision a beautiful future life here.
Walking into the Fashion Art Gallery. Walking into the Natural Aesthetics Museum. Also approaching the life that people look forward in their hearts.
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景观设计:MAXI 美溪景观
面积数据:示范区景观 4200㎡、大区景观 60000㎡
Project name: METRO CLOUD, Nantong
Client: Zhongnan Land
Client team: Chen Ting, Ba Haitao, Jin Liangming, Lu Shihao, Shen Hui
Landscape design: MAXI Studio
Design Instructor: Liu Chang
Scheme: Tang Ying, Liu Jun, Zheng Yu, Liao Xinkai, Li Mengling
Civil Engineering: Li Yanping, Han Yongqiang, Mou Yanting, Jiang Xia, Yang Juming
Plant & Hydropower: Hu Zhangqin, Luo Fei, Zhang Yong
Project Location: Tongzhou International Textile City, Nantong, Jiangsu Province
Type: permanent demonstration area, Residence
Area: 4200㎡ landscape of demonstration area and 60000㎡ landscape of residential area
Completion: 2020.12
Landscape construction: Wuxi Yifang Zhuyuan Construction Engineering
Sculpture: Nanjing Shanxiao Culture and Art
Architectural Design: Jiangsu Zhongshi Architecture
Interior Design: Hangzhou Sunwen Architectural Decoration
Photography: Jingshang Photography, Hangzhou Toujing, Tang Ying
Written(Chinese): Liu Chang, Tang Ying
Part of the essay(Chinese): Li Yanping, Hu Zhangqin, Liu Jun, Zheng Yu
Image and manuscript processing: Liu Jun, Zhang Hangjia
Editor: Huang Jiajia
Proofreading: Chen Fang
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