

LANDAU: The Very Beginning Idea of the Design – A fun attempt at the aesthetics of the future landscape space
Rather than a sales tool, we are more willing to interpret the landscape design of “XiaofengYinyue” as an interesting attempt of the aesthetics of the future landscape space. It is like an experimental three-dimensional space game that forms a complicated structurally continuous three-dimensional space through a multi-layered logic and overlapping space. With strict linear strips and the tension of arc, it strengthens the penetration of space and expands the experience of the extended surface to try to build a systematic and complete space with complex logical relationship. There are wind, light, plants, water, as well as the most important thing, us. We hope to meet unexpected creative behavior here.
设计的结构——构建秩序和规则 Design structure – Establish order and rules
基地位于杭州滨江区,是首批国家级高新区,属于时尚科技并存的板块,住宅产品为现代风格的高层和超高层。而目前市场上作为销售卖场的景观场所,面积从曾经的 2-3 万平方米,缩减到 3-4 千平方米。景观设计经历了从花海湖面到一片纯粹静水面,销售方式也从传统售楼处,到书店、咖啡馆售楼,再到生活馆售楼。
The project is located in Binjiang District of Hangzhou, which is one of the first groups of national high-tech zones, presenting both fashion and technology. The residential products are modern high-rise buildings and super high-rise buildings. At present, the landscape space as a sales venue in the market has been reduced from 2-3 million square meters to 3-4 thousand square meters. The landscape design has changed the Huahai Lake to a pure still water surface. The sales methods transforms from traditional sales offices to bookstores, cafe, and life museum sales.
The difficulty of the landscape design is to find the characteristics of the site and the unique language according to the current highly competitive homogenization market, and utterly to use these languages to create a rich experienced and functional complex. Of course, the most important thing is the life experience we want to convey. What is the garden designed for future life looks like in the high-tech zone? We try to build a complete space system for future aesthetics. It will realize the natural transition from the open to the closed, city to community, street to courtyard, and form an abstract, extremely simplified, multi-dimensional, flat aesthetic spatial experience by setting rules with an integrated design language. We strengthen the dynamic and continuity of the space to express the feeling that a synchronic space intersects and penetrates with each other, thus giving people an extraordinary experience. We emphasize the spatial effects when people go through continuous viewpoints instead of the effect of viewing from a single viewpoint.
有辨识度的界面——打开的前场 Distinct interface – Open frontcourt
在前场空间和城市的关系处理上,我们建议将空间还给城市,利用建筑物前场的空地形成城市开放空间,这个想法得到了甲方的支持,因此仅有的 4000 平米场地,约有 1/3 面积是朝向城市开放的。
Under the consideration of the relationship between the frontcourt and the city, we propose to return the space to the city and to use the open space in front of the building to form an open space of the city. With the support of our clients, we make about one third of the site to an open space facing the city in an only 4,000 square meters site area.
The building facade and the wall form a continuous streetscape around the site. The extracted architectural language is used to make the wall part of the landscape. The window-hole shape with dark or light colors combined with the imported layout adding a sense of extension to the space boundary and at the same time becoming a clue of a continuous space. The open frontcourt provides various activities for the owners and the public at the same time. Finally, the entire frontcourt not only provides a continuous streetscape and an open courtyard for the urban, but also forms a strong contrast with the surrounding buildings and forms a distinct landscape in terms of spatial form, landscape volume, style language and so on.
The pure white, streamlined architecture with a still water surface is an extremely quiet spatial form. We add a set of creative sculptures with illusionary colors. We name it “the flowing lights”. Its sculpture form is taken from the creative toy “snowflake” in our childhood with a wish to looking forward the future while keeping the moments of the past. There are many interesting interactions with light, water, plants, fields and people. The site shows our past, present and future where we will continue to live. This is how we step towards the future.
▼前场夜景 Night view of the frontcourt
▼雕塑细节 Sculpture details
被放大的空间——走不尽的内院 Enlarged Space – The Endless Inner Court
约 400 平方米的内院实在不大,除了保证游走的乐趣外,还需要预留一部分用作销售活动场地。因此仅在活动场地和游走动线的缝隙中布置了少量的水景,但是由于水面从前院延伸过来,又在内院的汀步处消失,形成大水面的空间暗示,无形中延伸了水面,扩大了空间感受。同时,用廊架将主体建筑和样板建筑进行串联,延续窗洞墙、格栅墙的手法,独立出品牌馆、VIP 小花园。这样,在游走的动线中,视线会穿过一个个的小院和窗洞,或回看前场的水面,或是看到后场的软景,再次延伸了视线。
Except ensuring the experience of walking, the 400 square meter inner court has to give some space for sale activities. Therefore, we design few water landscape only in the activity spaces and on the circulations. However, the water surface comes from the front court and disappears at the walks along the water in the inner court, forming a suggestion of large water surface. The water surface is enlarged in this gentle manner and also the spatial experience is enriched. At the same time, the main architecture and sample architecture is connected by corridors. The ornamental perforated window and grid walls mentioned before separated spaces such as the Brand Room and VIP Garden. In this way, throughout the pedestrian circulation, visitors’ sight will go through every courts and window holes or look back at the water surface of the frontcourt, or look at the backyard landscape. Therefore, visitors’ sight has been extended again.
The design of inner court is extreamly simple, but complex for the space. When the off-white coating with few grey color combines to aluminum wires and stainless steel edges, the structure of the space is more clear and the depth perception is amplified by the contrast of dark and light. The white tone enhances the bearing strength of the colors in the space. The entire site, water body and sky interact with each other and form integrity with the warm white lighting and colorful sculptures. Especially the interaction treatment of the convex sculpture “lights of the eye pupil “in the center inner court makes the site more active and vivid.
▼庭院夜景 Night view
有错觉的动线——丰富的到达动线 Illusionary circulation – The arrival line with rich activities
在到达动线的组织上,通过景墙分隔了一个折返式的 L 形动线,一半是低处的车行,一半是高处的人行,中间用窗洞隔墙隔开,形成似连实不连的空间,所有的墙体和窗洞,延展至天花板,将二维空间营造成一个三维的立体空间。
For the arrival circulation, a fold-back L-shaped line is separated by the wall. Half of the L line is for the low-level vehicles, half for the high-level pedestrians. The middle is separated by the ornamental perforated window wall, forming a visually connected space. All the walls and openings of the windows extend to the ceiling and make the two-dimensional space feels like a three-dimensional space.
The active teams inspire a lot of possibilities during the creative process. Because of the pedestrian circulation needs to be a round trip, at the end of the return line with the visual illusion element, the window mirror combined with the continuous arch forms an interesting experience of the endless doors.
这些窗洞、门洞、回廊,看似单一的空间又相互作用,产生微妙的联系。使空间更整体、更丰富、更连贯。最终,我们在小小的 4000 平米范围内,结合内院动线,解决了 22 个停车位,形成约 200 米开合有序的游走动线。
These seemingly single spaces, window, door openings, and corridor, actually interact with each other and have subtle connections to make the space more unified, richer and more continuous.Finally, we combine the inner circulation and add 22 Parking lots to form approximately 200 meters pedestrian circulation in this relatively small 4000 square meters site.
被忽视的立面——无焦点的立面处理 The ignored façade – the afocal façade
In our design, we try the best to avoid the focal façade and highlight a more serialized and directed façades. We use the unified color and language of the same building to connect the space and make the architecture and landscape like a whole. We try our beat to use the complicity of structures instead of fractional richness. Through continuous opens on the wall, derangement, series connection, infiltration and depth, people in here can feel the spacial changes and walking interest, which are also the design intents.
被遗忘的材质——白色 VS 灰色 The ignored texture – White vs Grey
我们选用从建筑提取的白色结合一部分灰色形成场地的基底色。艺术涂料的白色和质感涂料的灰色对比,在强化空间层次的同时,突出了雕塑、软景和人, 时以白色为依托的画面,排除了一切再现因素,将不同的结构元素和装置元素整合在一起。于是,米白和灰调的墙面,黑金沙水面与白色豆砾石的地面,让其中绿色的草坪、蓝色的天空、以及彩色的雕塑,当然还有彩色的人得以凸显出来,这种色彩留白的处理除了控制了项目的成本外,也给访者带来了另一番体验。
The selected the white color that extracted from the architecture with few grey forms the foundamental color tone of the site.The artistic coating white contrasts with the texture coating grey, enhancing the multi-layer space and at the same time highlighting the sculptures, soft landscape and human beings. The white-based picture excludes every possible factors and integrates different structural elements with installion elements.Therefore, the off-white and grey walls, black-golden water surface and white gravel pavement enhance the visual accessibility of the green lawn, blue sky, colorful sculptures and people as well. This leftover-white treatment controls the budget and also brings visitors a very different experience.
装置细节 Installation detail
被感受的植物 The Plants with Emotion
To have an innovative design for the extended interface of the city and a harmony with the general planning, we choose to use high arbor trees, bush like tallow tree and camphor tree with crape myrtle for the soft landscape design of the frontcourt. The unified green fence makes the front landscape go forward one by one. The soften design among the soft and hard landscpe plays an important role.
We only design a simple lawn for the extreamly simple inner court. When the lawn interacts with the gravel and water, the purity becomes prime.
We select camphor tree, goldenrain tree, cherry and the extrodnary planting combo and flower land of the Greentown Group to make the back landscape vivid and active. Visitors can have different feelings from the front to the back, from a direct expression to a humble one, and from purism to richness. The added soft landscape makes the entire space to have changing views.
装饰和装潢是非本质的,空间的创造才是本质的。——贝尔拉格(Hendrik Petrus Berlage)
The ornaments and décoration is not Instinct but the creation of space. – Hendrik Petrus Berlage
景观设计:LANDAU 朗道国际设计
雕塑&灯具设计:LANDAU 朗道国际设计
建筑设计:大象建筑设计有限公司(GOA)室内设计:上海恩威建筑设计有限公司(HWCD)项目地址:杭州 滨江区滨和路与桂子路(规划)交叉口西北 50 米
Project name: Greentown collection
Developers: Hangzhou greentown binhe real estate co. LTD
Landscape design: LANDAU DESIGN
Sculpture & lamp design: LANDAU DESIGN
Architectural Design: GOA
Interior design: HWCD
Location: 50 meters northwest of the intersection of binhe road and guizi road (planned), Binjiang District, Hangzhou,China
项目中的材料运用 Application of materials in this project