

terrain-nyc : 为曼哈顿上世纪60年代的一个白色砖房街区内13000平方英尺的内部庭院设计了新的景观。位于一个现有的垃圾下面,主要的挑战是设计一个轻量级的花园,同时在整个种植过程中增加多样性和多样性。这项工作的范围还包括重新设计位于建筑南侧北面的两个街景。
terrain-nyc : designed a new landscape for a 13,000 square foot internal courtyard within a 1960’s white brick residential apartment block in Manhattan. Located above an existing garbage below, the major challenge was to design a lightweight garden, while adding diversity and variety throughout the plantings. The scope of the work also includes the re-design of two streetscapes at the northern a southern faces of the building.
这个庭院的种植设计围绕着城市森林的想法发展,并重新利用了空间中现有的大部分种植。这个地方接收到中等亮度的光线,非常适合在森林中混合使用。种植的植物包括小树林,包括桦树、草莓、木兰和观赏性枫树,以及一层地覆盖和低植的本地蕨类植物、林地植物 。
The planting design for this courtyard evolved around the idea of an urban forest and re-used most of the existing plantings that existed in the space. The site receives a medium level of light, ideal for a forest under-story mix. The plantings include groves of smaller trees including birch, serviceberry, magnolia and ornamental maples as well as a layer of ground-covers and low plantings of native ferns, woodland plants, hostas and hellebores.
地点:纽约曼哈顿格林威治村 面积: 13000平方英尺_客户:私人公寓板 合作者:托马斯·芬尼曼建筑师(建筑师) -克里斯托弗·罗马 承包商:天际线修复- Stephan andretos
Location: Greenwich Village, Manhattan, NY Size: 13,000 Square Feet _Client: Private Condo Board Collaborators: Thomas Fenniman Architect (Architect) – Christopher Rome Contractor: Skyline Restoration – Stephan Andreatos