缘起 Origin
三元桥海航大厦投入使用已有 10 余年,周边环境已显陈旧破败,大厦首层及户外景观已满足不了新的商务写字楼的业态需求,写字楼城市形象及商务氛围亟需改善。建筑首层及景观的改造就在这样的背景下开始。
HA office building has been in use for more than 10 years, the original site design cannot satisfy the needs of new business mode, emerging programs and current building tenants. The renovation aims to create a new urban image for the building, as well as a new site ambience to elevate the environment quality and to accommodate emerging programs.
The two diamond-shape office buildings have a strong character while the mature Scholar trees, Goldenrain and Ginkgo trees arrayed along the perimeter formed a very lush vegetation base. However, the main pedestrian entrance to the building was too cramped while the space between two buildings was messy and lack of focus. Vehicle and pedestrian circulation also needs redesign to improve safety and convenience while return the space occupied by Parking to the public.
▼项目周边环境 Surrounding environment of the project
▼场地现状 Situation
总体设计 Overall Design
The new landscape has adopted an integrated design approach, responding to architecture’s new layout and façade, bringing indoor and outdoor space together, utilizing current planting base, embedding circulation into the overall layout, and eventually creating a diversified outdoor space in a high-end business setting.
▼项目总平面 MasterPlan
▼设计策略 Design Strategy
办公景观设计除了考虑商业标识和动线,还需提供多样户外活动空间:聚会、会面、放空,甚至私人时刻。保留西侧的槐树和无患子,树大成荫人来聚-- 此处将作为一个多功能的公园区,同时对北侧狭窄的缓冲区进行了积极的线性处理。小径、口袋空间、季相植被带与碎石带交织在一起,共同塑造空间。
Apart from business identity and circulation, the office landscape needs to provide spaces for various outdoor activities: gathering, meeting, relaxation, and even private moments. By preserving the scholar trees and golden rain trees on the west, an area with greenery, shades, and seats is created as a multi-functional park zone. Meanwhile, the narrow buffer zone on the north has been treated positively in a linear manner. Paths and pocket spaces weaving together with seasonal vegetation strips and gravel strips created space.
▼改造成本管控 COST Control
由于预算有限,整个场地都进行了成本控制,将场地划分为 3 个区域,以进行 3 种不同的翻新策略:全面拆除,保护性拆除和翻新;同时,对现有场地材料进行选择性保护。拆除过程中加以保留,并在新设计中复用。
Due to the limited budget, cost control has been carried out through the whole site. The site has been divided into 3 zones for 3 different renovation strategies: total dismantle, protective demolition, and refurbishment. Meanwhile, existing site materials have been selected and protected during the demolition and reused in the new design.
南侧商务办公入口广场 High-end Office Image EntryPlaza
The lobby between two buildings behaves as a glass cube intruding into the major architectural mass, breaks indoor-outdoor boundary, reinforces north-south axis, and creates two focal point at the north and south ends. Landscape design addresses the two key nodes with special elements to create a relatively inward office space from being interrupted by urban chaos.
▼南侧入口广场 Entry Plaza
As the interface between site and its context, the entry water feature on the south forms a partial barrier to create a visual focal point blocking urban chaos from entering while allowing pedestrians to flow through.
▼南侧入口水景 SouthEntry Water Feature
▼内凹的曲线造型作为主要叠水界面 The concave surface facing architecture behaves as a cascading water feature with gradient terraces
▼叠水涟漪细节 Waterscape profile
The water feature section has presented an elegant concave curve toward office plaza, reflecting and collecting all the content and keep them on the site. Meanwhile it presents an undercut wall element toward city to form a firm but not blunt edge.
The concave surface facing architecture behaves as a cascading water feature with gradient terraces,widening up as the water flowing down. Such a gradient design responds to water’s own hydraulic characteristics, magnify the everchanging water dynamics.The stone module has been shaped in various sectional shape to control thewater spill outlet on each terrace to create a elevational water fall effectwith random rhythm.
▼叠水石材细部 Customized stone module detail
▼水景剖面(基础避开现状管线)Waterscape profile
北侧景墙 The feature wall
The feature wall on the north end has inherited the module concept from the south water feature, stacking brick blocks with different gray shades to form a wall element with subtle curvature. The design approach interpreted as pixilation of traditional material to form an interlocking and sliding relationship with stone walls and vegetation bands around, therefore, to create a modern landscape with traditional Chinese aesthetics.
▼景墙正立面 The facade of feature wall
“云山 竹林 红枫”“Red Maple in Yunshan Bamboo Forest”
▼景墙细节 Featurewall details
▼石墙与植栽错动穿插 Stone wall and planting dislocation interspersed
北侧景墙两侧的休闲花园 North Garden
The linear garden next to feature wall on both sides aims to create a human-scale garden with certain intimacy. Lower flower shrubs and groundcover along with bamboo cluster have been utilized to create a quiet place for people to stop and savor the ZEN moment among busy office hours.
▼水处理 Water management
Along with the tree preservation, a rainwater filtration and recycle system has been designed and built on the north edge, an elevational low point on the site. Planting strips with water resistant vegetation and gravel strips are interweaving together to create a continuous linear water path to collect and cleaning the rainwater from the building façade and other part of the site. Rainwater will be collected through a perforated pipe underneath the filtration layer, and then be transferred to urban stormwater system.
▼休闲花园鸟瞰 Aerial view of linear garden
西侧休闲林荫广场 West Tree Plaza
The original Goldenrain trees and Scholar trees preserved to form a semi-formal office plaza on the west. The existing root balls were higher than the existing road elevation and there was a vegetated slope on southwest corner. The new design works with the existing site condition instead of changing it.As a result: 1. A shaded plaza has been created under the existing tree canopies; 2. Direct the seat orientation and vision toward the vegetated area on southwest corner. The passages cutting into the grass slope are lines extended from building columns to form a more integrated relation between architecture and landscape.
实景鸟瞰 Aerial View
▼改造策略大树保留 Tree Preservation
In order to protect trees, no excavation was done to bring the existing grade underneath trees to a lower level to match the rest of the site. Instead, landscape design extended the slope area underneath, added extra layer of protection mulch on top, and brought the slope to a gentler grade to increase the soil stability. New design adopted an approach of cutting into the slope at safe zones to create pocket spaces, adding metal retaining walls to create a modern touch. Seats and steps along pocket edges encourage people to enter the site and have more active and purposeful interactions with the preserved trees and the architecture.
▼林下休闲广场 Tree plaza
▼清晨林下休闲广场 Tree plaza atsunrise
▼傍晚的林下休闲广场 Treeplazaatsunset
▼座墙细节 Seat wall details
项目名称:万科时代中心-- 叁元三元桥海航大厦改造
项目面积:8000 平米
景观设计:OneScape 一域
设计团队:李正阳丰欣雨曾逸民 鲍琪 崔雁新
建筑及室内改造团队:盛哲建筑设计、维拓建筑设计有限公司 (施工图)摄影师:栾祺
Project Name: Vanke Times Center – San Yuan
Location: San Yuan Qiao, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Design Scope: 8000 sqm
Project Client: Vanke Beijing
Landscape Design: Onescape
Leading Designer: Peng Lu
Landscape design: OneScape
Host designer: Peng Lu, guo Jing
Design Team: Li Zhengyang, FengXinyu, Zengyimin, Hanlu, Baoqi, Cui Yanxin
Architect: SZ Architecture, Weituo Architecture
Photographer: Luan Qi