Licuri Paisagismo: Araraquara航海俱乐部由四个滑水爱好者创立于 1963 年。在这片 664 公顷的土地上,他们的第一个决策便是修建大坝,并于 1965 年正式落成。同时,创始人寻求了专业人士来帮助制定场地总体规划,先是邀请了建筑师塞尔吉奥·伯纳德 (Sergio Bernardes),然后是一个由工程师和建筑学生组成的团队,其中工程师罗伯特·马萨费 (Roberto Massafera) 和建筑师弗朗西斯科·桑托罗 (Francisco Santoro) 脱颖而出,因为他们提出了一个更符合新俱乐部意图的方案。与此同时,桑托罗还一同签署了这里未来多年的建筑建设及其景观设计。
水坝落成典礼 Inauguration of the dam for Clube members.
▼2010 年俱乐部整体鸟瞰 Bird view of the whole Club, 2010.
因此,在 1970 年底,俱乐部董事会聘请了一位景观设计师 Luiz Antonio Ferraz Matthes,他当时还是一名农学学生,曾做过 Roberto Burle Marx 的实习生。Matthes 由此成为了航海俱乐部景观设计的主创,将原来的大片牧场改造成了国家领土上最伟大的景观构成范例之一,将 cerradão 的自然遗迹与极具多样性和风景优美的花园结合在了一起。
Thus, at the end of 1970, the Board of Directors of the Club, which sought for a landscaper, hires for the challenge the still student of agronomy and former intern of Roberto Burle Marx, Luiz Antonio Ferraz Matthes. Matthes, becomes the main figure in the formation of the landscape of the Nautical Club, transforming pasture areas into one of the greatest examples of landscape composition in national territory, uniting natural remnants of cerradão with gardens of great diversity and scenic beauty.
▼场地设计变迁过程 Site change process.
▼场地建成现状 Present situation of site.
▼泳池综合体 Pool Complex, 2009.
▼游泳池入口 Entrance of Pool Complex.
▼桑拿综合体外部花园 External gardens of the sauna complex, FIPA Winner.
▼Euphorbia 花园-- 桑拿综合体的外部花园 Euphorbia’s garden – External gardens of the sauna complex, FIPA Winner.
▼桑拿综合体的外部花园 External gardens of the sauna complex, FIPA Winner.
▼瀑布花园 Waterfall garden.
我们可以看到,项目景观规划与建筑之间和谐共融,一系列现代建筑和精心设计的景观构成中,有着与 Burle Marx 自己最伟大的项目的巨大美学相似性,这既是尊重专业的结果,也是甲乙双方保持了 35 年以上友谊的积极影响。
We can see the harmony between landscape planning and architecture, in sets of modern buildings and elaborate landscape compositions, with great aesthetic resemblance to Burle Marx’s own greatest projects, the result of professional respect and the positive influence of friendship they have maintained for over 35 years.
▼2009 年湖泊俯视图 Lakes top view 2009.
▼2020 年百合盛开的湖泊花园 Lake Gardens, Flowering of lilies, 2020.
Roberto 在 1994 年访问俱乐部时曾表示,俱乐部美丽的风景是他最满意,也是唯一会签名的地方,这是他对朋友作品的真正赞赏。
When Roberto visited the club in 1994, he declared his satisfaction that the club’s beautiful landscape was the only one he would sign as his, in a true gesture of admiration for his friend’s work.
▼伯尔·马克思访问俱乐部 Burle Marx visit to the club.
▼棕榈花园 Garden of palms.
▼2009 年教堂花园 Chapel 2009.
除了花园和植物保护区外,纳尤蒂科还拥有 400 多种树木和灌木、100 多种棕榈树和 40 多种草本植物,从美学角度来看,它是俱乐部花园的真正组成部分,成为了周围单调甘蔗文化中的一片“绿洲”之境。
With more than 400 species of trees and shrubs, more than 100 species of palm trees and more than 40 herbaceous, in addition to the gardens and areas of plant preservation, Náutico has a true collection of plants that, aesthetically positioned, compose some gardens of the Club. The place is an “oasis” amid the monotony of sugarcane culture that surrounds it.
▼入口花园 Entrance garden.
总的来说,俱乐部的休闲和运动区共有 30 多个花园设计,它们的形态自然有机,具有高度的美学和科学严谨性。项目的大规模并没有显示出其问题,而是帮助景观在比例、形式和物种的使用方面得到了扩展,最终形成了 Náutico 伟大的文化景观。
In all, the club’s recreational and sports areas have more than 30 gardens designed from organic shapes and with high aesthetic and scientific rigor. The large scale of the project, instead of showing a problem, allowed the expansion of the landscape in proportions, forms and use of species that, finally, make up the great cultural landscape of Náutico.
▼2009 年入口花园鸟瞰 Entrace gardens topview 2009.
除了美学问题,Matthes 和他的小团队在过去 50 年的工作中,也针对设计和保护的挑战,阐述了几个关于景观管理的策略。包括园丁、管理人员培训、苗木生产以及维护资产的指导方针和规则。可以说,无论是从最小的尺度还是最全面的规模来看,航海俱乐部都可以被视为巴西景观设计的一个范例。
In addition to aesthetic issues, Matthes and his small team elaborated, in view of the design and conservation challenge, several strategies of management and management of the landscape over 5 decades of work. Actions that deal with the training of the team of gardeners, managers, the production of seedlings, as well as the definition of guidelines and rules for the maintenance of assets. Thus, the Nautical Club can be considered an example of working with the landscape, from the tiniest scale to the most comprehensive.
总体规划 General Plan.
▼注释平面 Illustrated implantation titles.
▼总平面图 Illustrated implantation.
项目名称:Araraquara 航海俱乐部景观设计
项目开始时间:1970 年
完成时间:2020 年
面积:1640.78 英亩
项目地点:巴西 圣保罗 阿梅里科布拉西林塞
景观事务所:Licuri Paisagismo
首席建筑师:农艺师工程师 Luiz Antonio Ferraz Matthes
建筑设计:Francisco Santoro
景观设计:André Tostes Graziano, Cauê Martins Silva
客户:Araraquara 航海俱乐部
照片来源:Historical collection, Henrique Santos, Bruna Moreschi, Cauê Martins
Project name: Landscape design of the Nautical Club of Araraquara
Project start year: 1970
Completion Year: 2020Size: 1640.78 acres
Project location: Américo Brasiliense, São Paulo, Brazil
Landscape Firm: Licuri Paisagismo
Lead Architects: Agronomist Engineer Luiz Antonio Ferraz Matthes
Architect: Francisco Santoro
Landscape architects: André Tostes Graziano and Cauê Martins Silva
Clients: Nautical Club of Araraquara
Photo credits: Historical collection, Henrique Santos, Bruna Moreschi, Cauê Martins