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觅境无尽 | 中南泰州·君启景观设计

2019/12/10 18:28:23
Weimar Group: There is no better way to escape than by art, And there is no better way to connect with the world than art, Find the place of the environment, sing with everything.
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Taizhou, referred to as “Tai”, taking the meaning of “peaceful country and peaceful people”, first named Taizhou, is a famous historical and cultural city in China. Located in the north bank of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the north wing of the Yangtze River Delta, it is the gateway to central Jiangsu. It has been known as the “key port of land and water and the throat of the county” since ancient times. It is an important part of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in Jiangsu and one of the central cities of Shanghai metropolitan circle. It integrates the rhyme of Wu, Chu and Yue, gathers the wind of Jianghuai Sea, gathers together the humanities, and produces a large number of famous people. It is “the flourishing Confucian wind, the plain crown of Huainan”.
▼ 动图展示 Animation display
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This project is located in Taizhou Olympic Sports New Town, which is a sector that the government is focusing on for development, and it has tremendous economic development potential. It is the first level Zhongnan Ding Fu department work in Taizhou, and it aims to bring the aesthetics of the international forefront to the city. The design team is committed to creating a "context of digging, the central south" in Taizhou, and now they are "life advocates concise, the house is a luxury residential of digging, in order to" find "endless designs for the theme. With the rhyme of Jinsong as the guide, the shape, meaning, and soul of jewelry art aesthetics are extracted, reflecting the thinking of humanity, aesthetics, and philosophy in the landscape space between the inches.
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Jewelry is a kind of art, It’s like a box full of historical memories. On this little object,It preserves the characteristics of the era to which it belongs, And people’s dreams and interpretations of beauty, All creation stems from the sensitive capture of aesthetics, Endless land, only for you to open.
▼ 分析图 Analysis diagram
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What jewelry is to art, you are to luxury, The design team carried the jewelry brand’s pop art into the landscape design, In infinity, Find the ultimate mission of “luxury and care” for the ideal human dwelling.
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观仪:构于“境”-- 襟于“界”|Observation: Constructed in“Boundary”-Lapel in“Boundary”天地本无心,万物贵其真。入户缀以松,延枝迎宾礼。直干壮川岳,秀色无等伦。“珠宝首饰是人体局部的盔甲,就如建筑、景观一样,是人类的灵魂庇护。”城市界面,提取珠宝几何线条拓展延伸,立体裁剪为入口阔朗之形,契合于时代的灵魂表征——既不过分庄重,但也不轻浮,内涵深邃却舒适自然,999 块定制玻璃砖砌筑成的影壁从艺术工艺切割、内含物、重量以及色彩四大标准,革新后现代主义景墙设计,将艺术定格,散发着永恒的入户魅力。
Heaven and earth have no heart, all things are true. Indoor compose with pine, extension branch welcome ceremony. Straight dry strong sichuan yue, Xiusi without isonitron.
“Jewelry is part of the body’s armor, just like architecture, landscape, is the human soul shelter.” City interface, extract the jewelry geometry line extends, the shape of draping to entrance width, corresponds to the soul of the era of characterization – neither too serious, but it’s not frivolous, the connotation of the deep is comfortable and natural, 999 pieces of custom build by laying bricks or stones of glass block screen wall from art process cutting, inclusions, weight and color four standards, innovation postmodern landscape wall design, The art frame, sending out the eternal charm of the door.
▼ 口空间 The entrance space
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▼ 999 块定制玻璃砖砌筑成的影壁 999 custom-made glass brick wall
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Transitions, entrance into the shadow zhaobi, white freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting, “wind He Sheng, pine He Jin”, tile gravel sand, architectural interior space large area, paved a picture perfect picture scroll, pine PanQu, elegant, light and shadow alienation, restructuring of the modern order for washs practice, the thinking of contemporary art, to check the view picture of the pine, It is transformed into geometric, philosophical and white connotations, giving the viewer a pure existence, allowing “contemporary art” to enter into all forms, and opening the curtain of “Endless Land”.
▼ 写意对景 Enjoyable places
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写意:艺术“之境”-- 亦“无尽”|Freehand brushwork: artistic“land”-also“endless”翠苔松影色,静池泛云华。折廊清泉意,碧波烟飘渺。粼波溪石出,笑语嫣然意。
Green moss pine shadow color, quiet pool panyunhua. Foldway spring meaning, blue wave smoke misty. Lin wave brook stone out, smiling purples.
水中折廊 The water fold corridor
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Take a walk through the pine forest, dotted with contemporary art. Romain Rolland once said that the great significance of art is that it can show the true feelings of people, the mysteries of inner life and the world of passion. We use the works of the walkers, which represent the content of the free soul, as the image of the viewer. Looking at it, it is like stepping into the ideal green moss garden, listening to the whisper of the pine waves, watching the boundless stars, and smelling the silence of the four hours.
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局部鸟瞰 Local bird’s eye view
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▼ 群松林下叠水涌泉 Under a cluster of pine forests, water springs
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Concept of “product into the bone marrow, parker pine see spirit”, pine for momoki long, in the history, status detachment, a song to praise, poem to sing of pine, wen to loose, to draw, but here we take the spirit of rhythm, character shape of aggregates, and the meaning of modern art, in fusion collision here, in the evolution and innovation in the standard, Through the four levels of painting, monologue, dance, dialogue to create a perfect interpretation of the “beauty of contemporary art”, together with a sense of the continuous search for the “realm of enlightenment” in the art journey.
▼ 局部夜景鸟瞰 Partial night view
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▼ 薄雾松林 The mist pine forest
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水景雕塑框景 Framed scenery of water sculpture
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礼逸:观-- 景/入-- 境|Etiquette and Seclusion: View-Scenery/Entry-Environment
Nature base, ritual beech tree. Return to the home scene, salute reverence. Four times there is a scene, poetic residence.
▼ 礼序轴线景观 Order axis landscape
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▼ 对景景观 Places the landscape
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"There is a beech tree in every person’s heart. It almost has all the virtues in it for a psalm.When a gust of wind blows, the color of the four seasons, courtesy of the way home."
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后场以 10 棵阵列榉树,打造轴线景观,礼宾迎道,镜水岿然,光影变化间轻启入户仪式,庭落千年礼序铺展而出。以石景坡地为骨骼,以绿色植被为嫁衣,对景君启熠熠生辉,横向通透、纵向通达,步移景异,每一重归心旅程,每一境精雕细琢,定制归家入户的每一步尊崇,礼遇菁英人士的每一次归家。
In the rear, 10 beech trees are in array to create the axis landscape. The concierge greets the road, the mirror water stays upright, the light and shadow change light opens the door ceremony, and the millennium ritual sequence of the court is spread out. With the stone landscape slope as the skeleton, with the green vegetation as the wedding clothes, the king qi yi yi shining, transversal transparent, longitudinal access, move scenery different, each return to the heart of the journey, each environment carefully carved, customized home every step of respect, courtesy to the elite every time home.
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精工细琢-- 畅神取意|Seiko fine Chuang god take meaning
With my craftsmanship keep MSG carefully cut, we with craftsmanship to create a pine, a wood, a stone landscape, in the details of the garden to see the true chapter of artistic conception. The whole wooden stool at the entrance of the ceremony is made of imprinted plant wood, which is known as the “crown jewel of paradise rainforest”. The raw materials with high density, good texture, rich mineral lines and hard wear-resistant are selected. The designer retains the charm of the natural log of imprinted plant wood in the construction, which is generous in time and difficulty.
施工过程 The construction process
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在松的打造上,选以名贵黑松,实地考察,千里挑松,从施工到取材到移植几近苛刻,力求“自然天成”,通过现代艺术手法畅神取意松之品、之形、之态、之灵,保留其在现场的“独一性”与“野趣性” ,以叠石为骨,松木为魂,用工笔山水技法雕刻园林胜境,既在方寸毫厘间精雕细琢,却又以小见大、悦微知著,我们希望在这松涛水秀间,是泰州历史人文的沉淀,亦是匠人之魂的凝练。
On pine forge, choose to rare pine, field trips, thousands of miles to pick loose, from construction to materials to transplant was harsh and strive to “nature”, through the modern art gimmick chang god take meaning of pine, form, of tai, spirit, keep its at the scene of “uniqueness” and “open”, stacked stone, for bone, pine as the soul, with traditional Chinese realistic painting landscape techniques sculpture garden scenic spot, Not only in the square inch between finely carved, but also to see the big, Yue micro know, we hope that in the Songtao water show, Taizhou history and humanities precipitation, is also the spirit of the craftsman condensed.
The construction process
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As a permanent exhibition area, live delivery, WYSIWYG, will carry real human fireworks. The reason why we use jewelry as the concept of luxury art to create this Junqi landscape design is because it represents not only a gem that condenses the essence of the world, but also a masterpiece of a master and a poem of time.
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Gropius said: “Design is not a kind of knowledge, it is life, everyone has to participate in it.” The same is true of landscape art, there is no such thing as art, there are only artists. We use modern design techniques, repeated decomposition, reconstruction of the site, as well as the material and scale of the meticulous meticulous, is to hope that the landscape created here is also like a handed down art, bloom the “luster” of the ideal living, in the place of the gentleman to look up, every person, is an artist. Through the dream fog shadow, find the territory is the heart of the place, wild horses also, dust also, all things with the breath phase blowing also. You Kai, just waiting for you Kai, endless territory.– Designer’s Words
完成年份:2021 年
Project Name: Junqi, Zhongnan, Taizhou
Year completed: 2021Project area: 8094㎡
Location: Intersection of Taizhou Avenue and Yellow River Road, Hailing District, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province
Design Company: Shanghai Weimar Landscape Planning and Design Co., Ltd. Chengdu Branch
Design Team: Chengdu Branch
Client: Zhongnan Land & Haisheng Holdings
Construction unit: Shanghai Zhongyu Landscape Development Co., Ltd
Photographer: Qiu Wen Architectural Photography
Editor: Wang Qi
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