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2019/06/20 19:29:47
GM Landscape Design: Every city has its own unique character. Suzhou (Gusu) is such a gentle and charming place where the heritage of gardens flows through to nourish everyone who lives here. This is why the most representative symbols of Suzhou have been created. It is a city with a unique cultural identity. The arcades, flying bridges, translucent windows, tranquil bamboo, a blend of the elements giving it just the right balance and harmony.
Suzhou people often say, “There is Jinji Lake in the east and Lion Hill in the west”. Nowadays, the Lion Hill area is full of high-rise buildings, bringing together finance, commerce, leisure and entertainment in one area. With the promotion of the national landscape city strategy, the Lion Hill area has become the new cover of Suzhou’s cosmopolitan and artistic landscape.
The project is located at the intersection of Changjiang Road and Zhuyuan Road in High-tech Zone, the core area of the city’s integrated one body and two-wing development pattern, surrounded by abundant natural resources, the mature commercial support and strong living atmosphere of Shishan. The showcase area will be presented first as an important landscape node of the future large area.
▼设计分析 Design analysis
Attractive water is the soul of Jiangnan. If space is the narrative carrier of multiple discourses, then how to make it participate in the evolution of current life is the question we need to consider. The design is inspired by the Humble Administrator’s Garden and uses water as the base, extracting the four elements of the garden: bamboo, bridge, window, and corridor. The four elements unfold in the space one after the other, opening up the prologue of contemporary Jiangnan poetic life.
01 竹 Bamboo
"不种闲花,池亭畔、几竿修竹。"中国人自古喜竹,不仅因其性空、笔直、有节的性格,还有那娓娓道来,远离烦扰的松弛。入口利用“ ”在古今时光的叠合中,书写姑苏的隐逸舒闲。踏上曲桥绕竹而行,大有“曲径通幽处,禅房花木深”的意境。
No idle flowers are planted; by the pond and pavilion, a few poles of bamboo are cultivated. The Chinese have loved bamboo since ancient times, not only for its hollow (humble in Chinese culture), straight and knotty (dignified in Chinese culture) character, but also for the sense of relaxation that comes from being away from distractions. The entrance uses bamboo to write about the seclusion and relaxation of Gusu in a superimposition of ancient and modern times. Stepping onto the winding bridge and walking around the bamboo, it has the meaning of “where the winding path leads to a quiet place, the meditation abode is deeply covered with flowers and trees”.
The design makes the space more dynamic through the collision of the real and the imaginary, the new and the old. Instead of stone, the boundary is enclosed by transparent glass, and a metal grille in the form of bamboo is arranged in a staggered manner. A pool of shallow water reflects the white walls and bamboo shadows, and with the passage of time, a different landscape vision is interpreted.
02 桥 The Bridge
When you go to Gusu, you will see that all the houses there are built on the river. A ‘bridge’ floating on water carries the movement of space. The smooth lines and the pool of water form the bottom of the picture, presenting an ink and wash painting with nature as the base and the flying brush as the meaning. Here, Jiangnan is still Jiangnan, but not just the Jiangnan of the pink walls and black tiles.
The design uses light and shade to condense the distant mountains and shadows and the humble clearness of the imagery of Suzhou, so that the spaces merge with each other and time is no longer a graduated scale, and it does not matter whether it is history or the future, day or night.
03 窗 Window
“竹摇清影罩幽窗,两两时禽噪夕阳”,初春时节从江南的窗望去,摇曳的绿与粉墙的倒影便是一道静谧的风景。我们认为,空间的生动不在于构造的繁复,而在于即景应变的精巧,「窗」通过“透”和“框” 合着人与空间,将感知重组为叙事性审美的对象,得画境,亦得诗性。
Bamboo swing over the windows, and couples of birds make noise in the sunset. In early spring, when you look out of a window in Jiangnan, the swaying green and the reflection of the pink walls are a quiet landscape. We believe that the vividness of space does not lie in the complexity of construction, but in the subtlety of adaptability to the scene. The ‘window’ brings together people and space through translucency and framing, reorganising perception into a narrative aesthetic object that is both pictorial and poetic.
The design takes the shape of a one-third arc of the inner wall of the bamboo, with a special curved terrazzo surface to enrich the overall wall detail. The floor is inlaid with copper strips, like the thin edges of Chinese scrolls when they are framed, adding a touch of luxury and simplicity to the space.
04 水 Water
The water and ink footnotes on the shores of Suzhou Lake are one virtual and one real, and the roof is connected to the eaves. Everything originates from nature and returns to nature. The space is freed from the daily chores and allows the viewer to look back at themselves in a mirror-like manner. In the landscape, people are moved, warmed and quieted, unconsciously moving the deep and shallow world into their arms.
05 廊 Arcade
The metal wind-driven installation interacts with and complements the space, shading the landscape and softening the view, creating a pleasant atmosphere. The curved metal curtain ripples with the wind, fine and dynamic, like the side view of the green hills and the lake, slowly flowing into the heart of people. It is also a rich and interesting experience to walk through.
It is impossible to interpret the whole of Suzhou in one space, so we have taken a strand of history, dismantled it and reorganised it, releasing more possibilities under the spatial awareness of Suzhou’s history.
设计手记 Design Notes
The design draws a constant stream of objects and ideologies from nature, sublimating ‘form’ to ‘meaning’ and interpreting traditional Chinese aesthetics with modern techniques. The slate at the bottom of the pool is laid in the direction of the fingerprints, and the bridge has a custom-made arched hyperboloid aluminium panel with embedded star lights, and a starry sky to write the poetry of life.
The garden is decorated with hackberry trees, sapium sebiferum, acer palmatum and pistacia on the verdant base of bamboo, creating a space that can be seen, smelled and savoured. The garden is a place where you can wash away all your tiredness when you enter.造过程 Construction process
▼设计手稿 Design sketch
方案团队:敬茗羽 刁果 朱文叶嘉 罗淼 肖潇 张开锦 冯文鑫
后期团队:刘雪峰 丁阳 周超 刘大刚 曾黎明 陈迪 吴娟 刘豪 包川 李帅
水电结构:殷良友 薛梅
甲方团队:陈吉国 周鑫 朱卫国 邹乐 吴襄 张永良 李言森
Project name: Chun he jing ming
Completion: 2020.12Project area: 8000㎡
Project location: Suzhou
Landscape design: GM Landscape design
Chief designer: Gao Fang
Design team: Jing Minyu, Diao Guo, Zhu Wenyejia, Luo Miao, Xiao Xiao, Zhang Kaijin, Feng Wenxin
Advanced design team: Liu Xuefeng, Ding Yang, Zhou Chao, Liu Dagang, Zeng Limin, Chen Di, Wu Juan, Liu Hao, Bao Chuan, Li Shuai
Plant team: Li Xiaojing, Chen Siying
Hydropower & Structure: Ying Liangyou, Xue Mei
Client team: Chen Jiguo, Zhou Xin, Zhu Weiguo, Zou Le, Wu Xang, Zhang Yongliang, Li Yansen
Client/developer: Dahua Group
Architectural design: Shanghai PTArchitects
Interior design: Steve Leung Design Group
Photography: Nancy studio
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