

Fangxiang landscape design: Qingdao, as a beautiful coastal city and one of the birthplaces of modern Chinese movies, has the dream of “the capital of film and television”. This dream is gradually becoming a reality from the “Eastern Film Capital” in the new district of the West Coast of Qingdao. Project Yingdu No.1 is located in the key position of “Eastern Movie Capital”, which is the inspiration of the project name. From Qingdao Liuting Airport to Yingdu No.1 Project, people can deeply feel the atmosphere of Qingdao’s livable mountain and sea urban space.
▼建成实景:条形涌泉水景 reality:Three parallel spring water
reality:Artt heap slope topography
场地给人的第一印象并不理想,看似是一个传统的市政公园。项目位于公园中间位置,改造红线面积约为 7000 平米。作为改造项目,我们很遗憾红线内没有可以直接利用的景观元素(水景、构筑物、材料、大树等)。所以项目设计其实是在做现状与改造之间的平衡,整体设计过程更像是一个精密的外科手术,需要严谨细微的设计来缝合。
The first impression of the site is not ideal, which looks like a traditional municipal park. The project is located in the middle of the park and the site property is about 7000 square meters. As a renovation project, it is unfortunate that there are no directly usable landscape elements (waterscapes, structures, materials, big trees, etc.) on-site. Therefore, the project design is a balance between the site inventory and transformation. The overall design process is more like a precise surgical operation, which requires a rigorous and detailed design to sew.
original site: Single scale, lack of experience
Based on a full understanding and analysis of the current condition, the design successively adopted the landscape themes such as “Shadow Gate”, “Curved Path”, “Dynamic Stream”, and “Pine Pond” to achieve a dramatic before-and-after transformation of spatial quality. The goal is to present a landscape atmosphere with the aesthetic quality of a movie picture.
▼建成实景:绿荫掩映中的样板房入口 reality: The entrance of the model house in the shade
影门 Shadow Gate
原公园主入口整体界面较为杂乱,需要整体进行重新梳理。我们精心设计了主入口等高线,自然衔接了相邻地块的地形。通过整合乔木植栽与地形,重塑 150 米长的自然景观界面。
地形改造研究 Study on the topographical reconstruction
▼两片 3m 弧形墙体引导人流进入示范区
Two 3m curved walls guide people into the demonstration area
两片高度为 3 米的线性景墙在地形与树林之中生长出来,光影婆娑的林中影门自然的将人流由市政公园空间过渡到现代住宅展示区空间。
Two linear landscape walls with a height of 3 meters stand out of the terrain and the woods. The light and shadow of the forest gate naturally transit the flow of people from the municipal park space to the modern residential display area space.
▼影门设计效果图 render of shadow gate
▼两片 3m 弧形墙体引导人流进入示范区
Two 3m curved walls guide people into the demonstration area
曲径 Curved Path
The current wooden boardwalk and dry creek connect the main entrance to the key landscape (rockery). The curbed path is innovatively designed under the original circulation framework. Inspired by the wave pattern, the pavement, grass steps, and planting are organically integrated, naturally involving the spatial boundaries inside and outside the property.
▼线性铺装与地形草阶、丛生树林有机的融为一体 The combination of linear pavement, grass terrace and tufted forest
▼线性铺装局部 Partial linear pavement
The width change of the winding path paving provides pedestrians with a variety of interesting walking experiences.
Through the linear change, the surrounding terrain and the interpenetration of green plants, the 70m rich walking experience is created.
▼褶皱地形与步径线性相呼应 The folded topography responds to the linear path
▼丛生树林下线性步道直达样板入口 The linear footpath under the tufts of trees leads to the model entrance
听泉 DynamicStream 三条平行穿插于灌木中的长条形涌泉水景作为曲径的延伸,非常有效的建立景观与人的视觉与听觉感官联系。
Three parallel spring water features among the shrubs act as an extension of the winding path, which is very effective in establishing a visual and auditory sensory connection between the landscape and people.
▼三条平行涌泉水景 Three parallel spring water
▼条形水景设计研究 study on parallel spring water
水景设计长宽比为 1:9,溢水缝隙宽度为 30mm,简约的设计和精致的细节使得水景在四季都会呈现良好的景观效果。
The waterscape design has an aspect ratio of 1:9 and an overflow gap width of 30mm. The simple design and exquisite details make the waterscape present a good landscape effect in all seasons.
▼远观水池涌泉 Distant view of the pool springs
▼条形水景掩映于绿丛之内 A strip of water is shaded by green bushes
松池 Pine Pond
The end of the winding path is the focal point rockery of the site inventory. It has a massive volume but a rigid effect, which does not meet the requirements of the project quality and function. Through the overall vertical design of the site, we took advantage of the topography to simply and effectively “demolish” the rockery.
▼改造后的松池,松林掩映 renovated pine pond
▼水雾中的松林倒影 Reflections of pine forests in water mist
▼水雾中的松林倒影 Reflections of pine forests in water mist
The design transforms the current “resources” (rockery, greenery, dry creek) into natural landscape elements. The rolling hills, the tortuous water, and the energetic pine create a contemporary picture of a natural pine pond.
▼松池鸟瞰图 aerial view of pine pond
▼当代的自然松池画卷 Contemporary painting of a natural pine pond
The renovation design of the Yingdu No.1 exhibition area is based on a comprehensive and detailed analysis and responses to the site, giving the site a new vitality. The renewal design process of the site is also a reflection of the “natural and livable” thinking process of the residential display area landscape.
项目名称:融创(青岛)影都壹號示范区改造设计完成年份:2020 年 3 月项目面积:7000 平方米项目地点:山东·青岛市摄影师:日野摄影
Project Name: Sunac (Qingdao) Yingdu No. 1 Demonstration Area Renovation
Design Year of completion: March 2020
Project area: 7000 square meters
Project location: Qingdao, Shandong
Photographer: RIYE
更多 read more about: 上海方象景观设计有限公司