

GM landscape design: Xiamen is located in Minnan area. As one of the first cities to open port in modern times, it is deeply influenced by the eclectic Minnan culture. It inherits Bai Yue culture and spans five thousand years, thus allowing it to precipitate the depth of history. It absorbs western culture, faces the four seas, thus can make public the modern breadth. Different from the order restriction of the North-ocean imperial capital, the southern temperament of Xiamen is embodied in the pioneering sense of opening up to the outside without losing the Oriental heritage.
Zhongjun·Polaris Palace, located in the “all the egrets of the four seas return to the heart” of the egrets island center – Xiamen Island. This is a project with high requirements for landscape design. How can we create an ancient and modern artistic conception of Xiamen for it?
一进 | 一方印玺,大家之有 Private seal of the nobility 往昔先王,乃设印章。是铭是刻,归乎玄默。 · 傅玄《印铭》
With a sense of ritual as if crossing the threshold, enter the door, stand still, there is a blow on the face of the bronze texture.
The landscape wall is built with thousands of seal elements. The size and height of each seal are strictly controlled by parameters. The whole landscape wall has ups and downs, reflecting a strong sense of rhythm.
▼参数化图纸 Parametric drawing
Occasionally has the seal front upward, adorns “Tian Chen” the inscription in the ten thousand seals, as if “the idle knocks the chess piece” as relaxed, but resoundlessly sound.
Chisel ingenuity permeates the corners here. Is a simple natural sculpture, is a piece of natural baptism of the stone. The years left traces on it, such as the strange stone quenching, the brilliant gold.
转折 | 山水演绎,不露声色 Hills, River, Sunshine, Moonlight 花路入溪口,际夜转西壑。潭烟飞溶溶,林月低向后。唐 · 綦毋潜《春泛若耶溪》大家,从来都不显山露水,从来都沉稳自如。在一进与二进的景观连接空间中,我们以镂空的金属网帘垂下,起到视线的转折作用,彰显透而不露的朦胧质感。
The nobilities, never show off, always calm and free. In the landscape connecting space between one and two, we hang down with hollow metal net curtain, which plays a turning role in the line of sight and highlights the hazy texture of transparent but invisible.
Through the light, in different weather, in different times of the day, the interpretation of the “four different scenery” landscape scroll.
二进 | 府邸深门,铜声阵阵 Ancient Latch of the Gate 朱门高耸铜环,中天楼观共跻攀。 映绿阴朱户,斜拖素练沧湾。宋 · 葛胜仲《西江月》穿过网帘画卷,就来到了二进空间。走入堂屋前的最后一进,大家风范尽显无遗。
Through the net screen scroll, came to two space. The last entrance into the main room was a perfect demonstration of their manners.
The visual focus of the entire space is on this imitated bronze metal grid, with the latch elements into the landscape wall.
Close up, the latch lock details carved. The bolt fell with the crash of the bronze gate.
施工手记 | 细节灼见,真知方显 Parametric Design Makes Perfect
The real quality comes from the details, which is our principle in this project. From the choice of material, to the form of presentation, as well as the way to create — in the design process have been deeply discussed and studied, fine polishing.
好的方案也许需要经过 12 道轮回,推敲反复,方可落定。
A good plan may need to go through 12 metempsychosis, deliberate repeatedly, can be settled.
In the initial design, we wanted to create the two most important landscape walls in the project in a more modern form. Metal plate and electronic drop screen are used to create the first space and glass block is used to create the second space.
Modern methods are relatively abstract. In order to show the Oriental implication of the project more directly, the seal element and the bolt element landscape wall were finally determined after nearly 12 versions of the scheme deliberation.
金属推敲 Metal Scrutiny
In the process of building the two sides of the landscape wall, in order to enhance the “experience” of the whole project, in the choice of metal material and the treatment of the surface texture, we insist on using the hand chisel system. So as to achieve the most restore the effect of the slow life in the past, and reflect the ingenuity everywhere.
First with the same texture of the metal plate for color elaboration. Combined with different samples, the color and texture of the surface were studied comprehensively, and the most suitable color and texture effect of the project was obtained.
Two landscape points with metal focus: Far view, can be seen thick, just know the spring and autumn diffuse; Fine, you can see the ingenuity, that was slow.
石材推敲 Stone Scrutiny
Stone also plays an important role in this project. If the plasticity of metal is strong, the grasp of metal is more late, to how to achieve the desired effect of the process of repeated polishing, so the grasp of stone, more is in the early stage, how to choose the right stone of our vision severe test. We uphold the overall direction is: dark, with a heavy sense of quality stone.
大面积石墙 · 纹样打磨
Finally, the landscape stone retained the original natural and plain sense, and was carved to make it conform to the temperament of the project and add traces of historical baptism.
In the whole process, the team of party a worked together with us, including the selection of landscape stone, the gradual painting of the sculpture, the polishing and beating of the orange leather surface metal. It is our common wish to present craftsmanship works for egret island.
▼施工现场 Construction Process
广亩寄语 GM Wishes
As a research and innovation landscape design agency, through the means of parameterization, to achieve the elaboration of space, materials, construction and other details of the control, in order to maximize the expected results of the project, is our practice in this project. After several modifications and adjustments, the final satisfaction is our biggest achievement.
Landscape design: GM landscape
Design department: songsong wang working group
Design director: songsong wang
Team member: tianlong xu, zhu tian , hao jiang , yu Ming liu, fanqi yue, mengmeng qiao, dexin liu , yilan jian, haiming zhu , yanhong bai , wen zhang, mengyun song
Planting design: wenhong he , xingyun zhao
Hydropower & structure: xuyang song, wei han, li ren , junrui wang
Client’s team: liyun qian(design), jingqi he(design), feng Chen(engineering), yiwei Lin (engineering)Landscape area: 3987㎡ (demonstration area)Client: SCE
Construction: xiamen hongxu garden environment co., LTD
Photography: Nancy studio, Zhiyi Photography