

July Cooperative Company:The project is located in Luchen district, Wenzhou city which is a garden design for Lvcheng residential demonstration area. The core area of the garden is located in the east of the main building, next to the east parking area. A long lounge run through the site that divided the space visually but also connected two different parts in spatial distribution.
设计构思 Design Concept
庭园是具有生命的造型艺术. 每个庭园给予人的第一感受不是它的功能分布,而是它的表情和传达给人的氛围。本项目的核心区包含进入廊架后的“沥雨斜影”及中心水面的“霖落玉盘”,遵循预设的空间氛围,使用不同的石材和不同的处理手法以模拟雨的表情,展现从沥雨至霖雨的主观感受。
Garden design is the plastic arts with rich vitality. The first sight of each garden would be impressed by its expression and atmosphere instead of its function distribution. The core area of this project includes two-part: “the shadow of drizzle ” and “ the sound of the hale water ”. Following the preset space atmosphere, different stone materials processed by various craft techniques used here to transform the expression of rain – which is the main design theme in this project.
▼沥雨斜影(踱入) The shadow of drizzle(Enter)
Guests will be touched when entering the first space of the corridor. The road gradually increases and the width of the road becomes narrow. A one-way grid blocks the view of the entrance that makes the garden shown indistinctly behind,which provide an mysterious warm-up for visitors to experiences the follow-up space.
▼进入廊架区域的看景 Scenery of the corridor entrance
▼进入方向只可看到下半部分的种植空间,结合道路渐窄渐高的趋势,突出该区域幽玄的氛围Only the lower part of the planting space can be seen from the entrance direction, emphasized the enclosed atmosphere through the trend of the road becoming narrower and higher
霖落玉盘 The sound of the hale water
The atmosphere becomes bright when people turn around and enter the core water area through the long corridor. Reveal the majesty of the landscape by comparing the stone column to heavy rainfalls. The sound of water drops from the corridor into the pool is just like a beautiful variation.
▼石柱似雨柱,落入镜水玉盘The slender stone columns regard as the silk rain patterns, drops into the mirrored water surface
▼黄锈石石柱通过挖空、铣槽、抛光、凿打,丰富其表面的形式 Enrich the surface of the yellow rust stone pillars through hollowing, milling groove, polishing and chipping
▼“雨柱”局部 “Rain Column” detail
The one-way grids no longer block the view when guests walkout from the sales area. The exposed scenery provided a profound impression at the end of the journey.
▼沥雨斜影(留步) The shadow of drizzle(Lingering)
▼再次步入长廊的反向视角 The opposite perspective of the corridor area
▼苔藓、庭木、景石相结合,给予宾客以自然、空灵,如若山间沥雨的感受 The combination of moss, trimmed trees and stones give the guests a natural and ethereal feeling, such as the drizzle in the mountains
▼场地平面图 Master Plan
▼“雨柱”设计草图 “Rain Column” Design Sketch
Project Name: Linyu Garden
Client: Greentown
Project Location: Lvcheng demonstration district, Wenzhou, China
Project Type: Residential
Design Firm: July Cooperative Company
Lead Designers: Heng Kang, Bo Shen, Yang Su, Yaqin Zeng, Haizhou Zheng
Design Scope: Concept Design, Construction Drawings Design, Design Supervision
Design Area: 4500 square meters
Park Planning: Hangzhou Ji Yi Landscape
Construct Date: 2019.06
Completion Date: 2019.09
Photographer: Hai Zhu
项目中的材料运用 Application of materials in this project