知末案例   /   YokYok

梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室

2021/10/11 15:05:07
«The challenges of this project were many. It was about to transform the place, to orient it, to unify it, and definitely to tell a story…»
应«Le Voyage à Nantes»的邀请,YokYok工作室设计了“云站”艺术装置,以重新激活位于Saint-Sebastien-sur-Loire市遗忘岛公园中心的旧谷仓。这座岛屿上的独特建筑,坐落于卢瓦尔河沿岸的河漫滩之上,其独特的形态清晰地彰显出它曾作为谷仓的功能与历史,宽大的俯瞰露台是整个建筑的亮点,在这里,人们可以全方位欣赏公园周围的优美景色。
Invited by «Le Voyage à Nantes», YokYok was led to propose an artistic intervention in order to reactivate an old barn, at the heart of the park of Forget Island, for the city of Saint-Sebastien-sur-Loire. (44, France) Situated along the Loire river, on a floodplain, the unique building of the island, which old barn’s function explains the singular morphology is set with an overlooking terrace offering views 360 around the park.
▼项目概览,overall of the project © Philippe Piron / Atelier YokYok
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-5
“项目面临着诸多挑战,设计旨在改造这个地方并赋予它新的生命,改造后的建筑将与公园景观形成对话,在统一整个场地的同时,以清晰可见的形式彰显出强大的存在感。最后也是最重要的一点,即,讲述出一个故事,激发人们的想象,为路人提供一个独立于景观之中的休憩空间。”Atelier YokYok的联合创始人、艺术家、建筑师Samson Lacoste解释道。
«The challenges of this project were many. It was about transform the place and give it a new life, then to orient it towards the park to create a dialog, and unify it to make it clearer and visible. Finally it was definitely important to tell a story to stimulate people’s imaginary and provide to the passersby an insolite break in the landscape.» explains Samson Lacoste, artist, architect and co-founder of Atelier YokYok.
▼蓝色的谷仓与云朵装置,Blue barn with cloud installation © Philippe Piron / Atelier YokYok
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-9
▼俯瞰公园景观的宽大露台,the large terrace overlooking the park © Philippe Piron / Atelier YokYok
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-11
▼备受人们青睐的休闲场所,A popular place for leisure © Philippe Piron / Atelier YokYok
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-13
“我们使用了单一的蓝色来统一建筑的力量,蓝色具有舒缓与治愈的功效,并与自然的绿色形成鲜明的对比,同时它也引入了故事的线索,成为云朵的背景。” 来自Atelier YokYok的艺术家、教师Laure Qaremy解释道。
«We used a blue monochrome for its unifying force. It soothes and contrasts with the green of nature while it introduces the story and holds the cloud » Laure Qaremy, artist and teacher, Atelier YokYok
▼概念分析图,diagram © Atelier YokYok
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-17
It is now still and part of the landscape. Immaterial and almost transparent it takes light as an origami papered sculpture and draws its volume in the sky. This floating object covers the terrace and brings an element that puts in scene the building.
▼折纸雕塑板的云朵装置,the installation is like an origami papered sculpture © Philippe Piron / Atelier YokYok
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-21
▼“云朵”起到为下方的座位区遮阳的功能,The “cloud” acts as a shade for the seating area below © Philippe Piron / Atelier YokYok
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-23
▼装置与座位区细部,details of the station nuage © Philippe Piron / Atelier YokYok
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-25
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-26
▼蓝色桌椅与栏杆,Blue tables and chairs and railings © Philippe Piron / Atelier YokYok
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-28
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-29
“‘云站’旨在为公园引入一个标志性的元素,以一个从远处便清晰可见的形象吸引人们的目光。”Atelier YokYok联合创始人、艺术家、建筑师Luc Pinsard说道。在本项目里,“云”这种人们熟知的诗意意向,以一种全新的方式诠释出来。艺术的语言将无形的事物具像化。通常,云是以多变的形象出现在空中,并随着风不断移动的,而在本项目中,这片“云”则成为了地标,将短暂的景象变为永恒。
«The aim with Station Nuage (let’s be literal and traduce ‘‘The Cloud Station’’) is to bring a symbolic object into the park. To create an image visible from far away that acts as an inviting call.» says Luc Pinsard, artist, architect and co-founder of Atelier YokYok. The cloud is here a revisited familiar poetic object. It brings materiality to the intangible. Usually constantly moving in the variable skies, this cloud becomes a landmark. The ephemeral becomes permanent.
▼蓝色统一了项目中各个元素,Blue unifies the elements of the project © Philippe Piron / Atelier YokYok
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-33
Its imaginary unfolds a dreamlike world in the middle of the nature and offers an invitation on a journey.
▼夜景,night view of the project © Philippe Piron / Atelier YokYok
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-37
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-38
▼细部夜景,night view of detail © Philippe Piron / Atelier YokYok
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-40
Artist/Architect: Yok Yok Comissioned by: Ville de Saint Sébastien sur Loire (44) Curated by: Le Voyage à Nantes Construction: SERMCI/LaCordeNantaise/LaMachine/CharierBTP/ Egema/Technopieux/YokYok Engineering/BET: Milae ingénieurs Exploitant/Operator: Paco Tyson
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-43
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-44
梦幻“云站” · 蓝色谷仓与云朵的创意对话丨法国丨YokYok 工作室-45
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