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CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司

2021/10/14 21:59:00
CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-0
近年,茶饮行业同质化竞争愈发激烈,各品牌都着力塑造自身的 icon,以吸引越来越年轻化的客户。在此趋势下,CoCo 都可同样需求在门店设计上展现自身的独特性……
In recent years, the homogenization competition in the tea industry has become increasingly fierce. In this connection, each and every brand has focused on shaping its own icon to attract more younger customers. By the same token, CoCo also shows its own uniqueness by design under this trend.
CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-3
CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-4
This case is located in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, which has one of the ten famous mountains, Lushan, with unique geography and human history. When discussing the space design direction of the shop, the shopkeeper and the designer reached a consensus, hoping that the starting point of the creativity can reflect the Chinese philosophy of life when drinking water and thinking about the source, and get inspiration from the gift of nature, so that the guests who come to our store can have different associations and exchanges with the unique environment and humanities of Jiujiang.
Remove the glass and door of the store appearance, and the space form is more free
CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-9
由于项目位于商场室内,设计师首先提出去掉玻璃与门的店面形态,得到了店主与商场方的认可,从而创造出客人更自由“流动”的门店格局。空间的整体设计以 CoCo 品牌的精灵头像特征为创作元素,设计师分别在天、地、墙划出三道彼此相连的弧线,盘旋环绕着客坐区中心上方的水波纹圆池,创造出如置身于山林怀抱的空间形态。
As the project is located inside the shopping mall, the designer first proposed to remove the glass and door, which was recognized by the owner and the shopping mall. In this connection, guests could enjoy themselves in this spacious room. The overall design of the space is based on the spirit head feature of CoCo brand. The designer draws three connected arcs in the sky, the ground and the wall respectively, circling around the circular pool of water ripples above the center of the guest area. Entering into this space, you could feel like in the forest embrace.
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CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-13
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Passing through the store, visitors just need to move footsteps to see the outline of the elf head on the arc, which echoes the elves in the store. The scene seems to follow, but the essence is carefully deduced through design, such as the meaning of nature creating a mountain forest Wonderland. Dynamic diagram of space conception
CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-17
CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-18
Because the store is close to the cinema and catering area, in order to take care of the diversification of guest status, the guest sitting area has specially designed a circular island seat, except for the card seat through the whole wall. The connected green plant landscape and opposite long platform are combined into a guest sitting form that takes into account waiting, leisure and easy communication. The green plants in the center match the ceiling of the circular pool with water ripples, injecting vitality into the space, adding the front and back layers of the space, and making the relationship between the guests more harmonious, creating a natural and relaxed atmosphere in the store.
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CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-22
CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-23
Inspired by the misty scene of Lushan Mountain, the wall of the guest sitting area is decorated with atomized aluminum plate as the background, so that the changes of environment, time and people are reflected in the clouds. The water ripple round pool ceiling in the center of the guest area is like a reversal of the lake scenery under the background of light and shadow. Viewed from different angles, the reflection of the lake also presents different changes.
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CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-27
CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-28
The seemingly symmetrical and orderly space composition creates a varied visual experience.
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CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-32
CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-33
The arcs in different directions create a changeable visual effect in the space. From entering the store to ordering, sitting or leaving, customers can feel the changes of the space with the movement of their sight and position, which has the same wonderful effect as moving around the mountain. It also interprets the classic poem of Su Shi, a writer of the Song Dynasty, describing the beauty of Lushan Mount: “The peak is formed on the side of the ridge, and the distance is different. I dont know the true face of Lushan Mountain for I only live in this mountain.”
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When moving to the corner of the store, you’ll find that with the weakening of natural light, the space changes from light to dark, driven to quiet. When the guests sit in the rising seats, the fairy heads on the wall bounce back and forth in a series of small round holes, making people surprised and smile.
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CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-40
One end of the corner is the operation room and the promenade in the form of the fire entrance. The long and narrow space is designed for single and double seats with the back against the wall. The dim light is like a path into the mountains. To this end, I could fully understand what the saying that “the road is so narrow that only one person can pass through” means.
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CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-44
There are four seasons in a year and each days are different. The indoor lighting is set with a variety of scene modes according to the time of the day. It can be light and bright during the day, and slow down the space rhythm with the weakening of brightness at night.
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Dynamic diagram of lighting scene changes
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Spatial structure explanation diagram
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CoCo 源于葡萄牙文,是笑脸之意。品牌期许让客人嘴里喝到的是满足,更能收获一份发自内心的微笑。本店的设计诠释了品牌:“为你·都可”的初心,让 CoCo 都可沉淀于地域发展的肌理,又能引起顾客对本土风貌与历史人文的兴致与联想。
The name of CoCo comes from Portuguese and means smiley face. The brand expects customers to drink happily and gain a heartfelt smile. The design of the store interprets the original intention of the brand: “All for CoCo”, so that CoCo can precipitate in the texture of regional development, and can arouse customers’ interest and association of local style, history and culture.
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The designer said: “In the design career journey, I sometimes get confused about the contingency of design results. Let’s take the design of this shop as an example. After inspecting the project site, I had no intention of visiting Lushan Mountain at first due to busy work. However, under the sincere invitation of the customer, I get a chance to see the unpredictable clouds and mists of Lushan Mountain, the precipitous and wonderful mountains. It also triggered the accidental consequences of the store’s design. As in life, facing the same thing, the view at this time will definitely be different from that at the time. Maybe we should express our current emotions more like a poet traveling through mountains and rivers!”
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项目名称:CoCo 都可九江九方店
Project Name: CoCo 9 Square Shop
Location: Jiujiang, China
Design Company: 123design
Chief Designer: Tuno Liu
Assistant Designer: Sam Yu
Area: 118 square meters
Cost: 0.28 million
设计起止日期:2021 年 3 月—2021 年 8 月
Design Cycle: March 2021 - August 2021
完工时间:2021 年 8 月
Main Materials: terrazzo, atomized aluminum plate, texture coating
Client Name: Nio Young
Photographer: Little Praise
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CoCo 都可九江九方店丨中国九江丨一二三设计有限公司-76
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