

Landscape Møller & Grønborg Engineers Moe & Brødsgaard and Tækker Contractor Jørgen Friis Poulsen Client Municipality of Herning More Specs Less Specs
Courtesy of FRIIS & MOLTKE Architects
架构师提供的文本描述。Tj rring学校和Stjernen日托中心形成了一个创新结构,将学校和机构合并为一体。新的TJ rring学校和日托中心为儿童提供全面的服务:托儿所、幼儿园、小学和中学。这座建筑是一个玩耍和学习的中心:不仅在建筑设计方式上,而且在户外空间和周围的乡村也是如此。
Text description provided by the architects. Tjørring School and Stjernen Day Care Centre form an innovative structure that merges the school and institutions into one. The new Tjørring School and Day Care Centre provide a comprehensive provision for children: nursery, kindergarten, primary school and middle school. The building is a centre for playing and learning: not just in terms of the way the building is designed, but also very much in terms of the outdoor spaces and the surrounding countryside.
Site Axonometric
Tj rring学校和Stjernen日托中心是一个很好的例子,说明如何成功地合并一所学校、一所日托中心和当地社区。学校有从0年级到6年级的学生,日托中心是一个年龄一体化的机构,设有托儿所、幼儿园、一个课外中心和一个少年/青年俱乐部。
Tjørring School and Stjernen Day Care Centre represent an excellent example of how successfully to merge a school, a daycare centre and the local community. The School has pupils from Year 0 to Year 6, and the Day Care Centre is an age-integrated institution with nursery, kindergarten, an after-school centre and a junior/youth club.
Courtesy of FRIIS & MOLTKE Architects
Courtesy of FRIIS & MOLTKE Architects
2012年,Tj rring学校因“创新型学校和日托综合体”获得Herning镇理事会建筑奖,并于2012年在世界建筑节上被提名为“世界最佳教育大楼”奖。
In 2012, Tjørring School was awarded Herning Town Council’s Building Prize for “an innovative school and daycare complex” and, also in 2012, was nominated for the ‘Best Educational Building in the World’ award at the World Architecture Festival.
Courtesy of FRIIS & MOLTKE Architects
Architects FRIIS & MOLTKE Architects
Location 7400 Tjørring, Denmark
Area 9400.0 m2
Project Year 2014
Category Schools
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