
2019/03/04 00:00:00
Quatro is a set of 9 housing units that engages the domestic space from a condition of diversity of uses. Although the main determinant of the client was 9 "type" dwellings, it is proposed to approach the project under a catalog of occupancies where the basic rules are set by the "programmer" but the opportunities for use are adapted by the user who inhabits them.
The starting point is to give spatial versatility to the user according to their needs and family composition, instead of projecting 9 equal and rigid houses at the programmatic level, a set of rules are proposed in which the rigid space is composed of the wet core of housing and an open structure to different appropriations of the inhabitants, which turns the project into a catalog of houses under a composition of summation of occupancies that vary thanks to the use of furniture as a delimitation resource.
The houses are paired and structured by four axis perpendicular to the dividing wall where the wet cores of each house adjoin and the flexible space maintains a direct relationship with the green area of the house through large glass panels on the ground floor the upper floor is conceived as a solid volume of andesite volcanic stone that houses the private activities of each dwelling.
At the beginning, the field of action was limited to the projection of 1 type dwelling, the field of reflection led to the projection of different occupancies that structure each dwelling. The proposal of a hybrid space that allows the user to organize their home and assume spatial appropriation, leads to understand housing as the sum of domestic spaces generating in each user their own identity to live.
In the end, the least amount of decisions is made, generating options, that with the addition or subtraction of a piece of furniture, a wall or a horizontal plane, each inhabitant composes his / her home, giving the project a number of transformation options, not just the Inside, the facades are a response to the decision made in the interior, sometimes with openings and other times closed.
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