


The church is located next to the Hospital dedicated to Pope Saint John XXIII and was inaugurated on June 25, 2014. It was designed by French architect Aymeric Zublena and Traversi+Traversi partners from Bergamo, the same architects who built the hospital.
The church is a linear block with an ambulatory surrounded by an array of thin, white columns, made by an innovative material, the TX Active “smog-eating” concrete.
The internal, minimal space is enriched by the work of many artists who have been involved in the project. Stefano Arienti realized the Garden of Eden in concrete with the impression technique, Andrea Mastrovito with his Via Crucis, Ferrario Freres with his stained glass-windows in the apse depicting the Passion, in collaboration with the master glazier Lino Reduzzi. Natural light enters the chapel through round openings in the wall and through the ceiling.
The project has won the Public Building Interior Award and the Supreme Award at the Surface Design Awards in London in 2015.