Mill Springs Ranch is a modern ranch house designed by Lake Flato Architects, located in Vanderpool, Texas. The interior design was conceived by Poët Interiors. Nestled at the confluence of two creeks on a Texas Hill Country Ranch, Mill Springs Homestead provides a water’s edge retreat.
磨坊泉牧场是一个现代化的牧场房子设计的弗拉托湖建筑师,位于得克萨斯州范德普尔。室内设计是由Pot Interiors设计的。密尔斯普林斯家地坐落在德克萨斯山乡村牧场上两条小溪的汇合处,提供了一处水边的退路。
Four structures organize around the site of a 20th century dam, forming a courtyard shaded by mature pecan trees and an intimate connection to cool creeks.
Anchored to the dam, the main living and gathering area provides dynamic views of the creeks and valley landforms shaped by time. Rooted in its place, interiors respond to the natural environment and merge with the landscape using a palette of regional materials that are tactile and modern.
Focused on the main creek and pecan grove, bedrooms leverage two treasures in Texas climate: water and shade. A series of artifacts crafted of locally quarried limestone, steel and glass, Mill Springs reflects the spirit of the original dam.
Architects: Lake Flato Architects Interior design: Poët Interiors Photography: Casey Dunn
建筑师:弗拉托湖建筑师室内设计:Pot Interiors摄影:Casey Dunn