

架构师提供的文本描述。渡口上的小房子是一家季节性旅馆,由三间小木屋组成,这些小木屋由一组室外甲板连接起来,维纳海文岛位于缅因州佩诺布斯科特湾(Penobscot Bay)附近的一个岛屿上。这一设计尊重了大自然在这座岛屿上取得的平衡,在严酷的风和海洋的力量与脆弱的土壤层之间,这层土壤为花岗岩露地中的植被提供了一个很少的立足点-其中一些已经被时间割裂,而另一些则被分割和留下,成为曾经流行的花岗岩工业维纳哈弗(Vinalhav)的显眼记忆。
Text description provided by the architects. Little House on the Ferry is a seasonal guesthouse comprised of three micro cabins connected by a web of outdoor decks on Vinalhaven, an island off the coast of Maine in Penobscot Bay. The design is respectful of the balance that nature has struck on the island between harsh forces of wind and sea and a delicate layer of soil that provides a scant foothold for vegetation among granite outcroppings – some of which have been hewn by time, and others split and left behind as a visible memory of the once prevalent granite industry of Vinalhaven.
Floor Plan
The owners, who reside primarily in Austria, spend their summers and early fall on the island, in a larger, older residence. When the adjacent property, a defunct granite quarry with a dilapidated trailer, became available, they purchased it, with plans to build a guesthouse for visiting family and friends.
© Trent Bell
The resulting small cabins hover on piers above a former quarry, an approach that has minimized the impact of the building construction on the delicate recovering vegetation in the area. The cabins are comprised of a living and dining cabin and two separate sleeping cabins, each with a bedroom and bathroom. This small cluster creates a series of intimate and private spaces with strong visual connections to the landscape.
© Trent Bell
Given the remote nature of the site, and the very fragile conditions of the building location, a prefabricated cross-laminated timber (CLT) panel system was chosen. This system is a highly sustainable and cost effective construction solution, reducing labor, travel, and impact on the remote site. CLT panels utilize layers of lumber laminated together in a solid, bidirectional sandwich, and in this case were milled from Black Spruce and pre-cut to the exact building form in Quebec. The CLT panels were then shipped via truck and ferry and assembled on site, forming the entire enclosure for each building—floors, walls, and roofs. The structural capacity and ruggedness of the panels reinforce the minimalist form and material palette of the cabins, creating a clean, simple building form with material warmth that showcases the construction system.