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板橋權世界 | 空間初相,現代簡約之美

2016/08/17 00:00:00
简介:建案名稱: 板橋權世界 鄭宅 作品名稱: 空間初相 設 計 師: 唐忠漢 建築類型: 新成屋/大樓 設計風格: 現代簡約 房屋格局: 一層三戶 建案地點: 台灣 新北市 攝影師: 游宏祥 Kyle Yu 空間坪數: 39坪 空間格局: 2房2廳2衛 主要建材: 白橡木地板、梧桐木風化板、噴漆、黑鐵
**空間企圖減化設計語彙 在界定上分別以各種不同功能的量體做為區分 並以降低量體高度為特色 除減少壓迫感以外
**材質的選擇單純化 以表現對材料本質美感探索的態度
垂直水平交錯處理 嘗試單一素材所能訴說的不同語言
讓簡單  成為最大的能量
**看見空間的初相  回歸生活最初的嚮往
The life attitude of subtraction, seeking for the initial strength in process of elimination.
Use the intermixing and distribution to award pure body weight of diverse functions as its primary definition of space, partitioning the region into various life settings.
Letting down height to reduce the sense of pressure created by the existent summer beam in the original space; the natural and mild wooden quality, pure blackness and whiteness have contrasted the primal tension of materials, modest but absolute.
After resorting to the neutral indication in regression back to the simplicity and objectivity in form
Finding the initial appearance of space, and retreat back to the early longing of life.
Space should attempt to reduce design glossary, while weight bodies of diverse functions are used in definition for partitioning, and the feature of lowering weight body is used to lessen the sense of pressure.
Besides, the seemingly existent and absent space fun is created through vision yet insulated from route of movement
For the site is given with natural condition of original one-side lighting
It rids of concrete wall but resorts to block-size for open space, so that the mutually important essence of transition enters the domain of rooms
Two serial walls specializes in partitioning
With life models extend open on their own
Selection of materials is made simplified, showing the attitude of aesthetic exploration for essence of material
Dealing of vertical and horizontal intermixing, attempting to elaborate differ rent languages one single element can divulge
Space of low-color tone creates such serene atmosphere through blended light beams
Turning simplicity to become the mightiest power
Two walls are used as the intermediaries in separation of private and public domains
The serial wall renders the route of movement with entrance invisible
Sophistication transformed into simplicity
So that the area of open space possesses the greatest continuation
But the bedroom command the most peaceful and well-contained atmosphere
Finding the initial appearance of space, and retreat back to the early longing of life
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