

Installation view of Hauser & Wirth and Moretti Fine Art's shared booth at this year's edition of Frieze Masters, with a setting conceived by architect and interior designer Luis Laplace. Courtesy of Hauser & Wirth
这是一个巨大的聚宝盆跨越全球和时代,今年,比以往任何时候都更古老和世界艺术。你还可以在哪一个地方捡到一个近乎完美的白色环礁大理石雕像,它可以追溯到公元前第五年(David Ghezelbash),一对奇特的De Stijl彩色玻璃窗(Ulrich Fiedler),一个充满博物馆价值的房间,充满了Ben Nicholsons(Richard Green),还有一套迷人的十九世纪蜡笔画在美国印第安人勇士(Donald Ellis)的分类账纸上画?
“工作-B-62”,Takesada Matsutani著,1962年,在Hause
1963岁的Malick Sidib在当代非洲艺术博览会上1:54
这种氛围也很棒-你很有可能被锁定在与经销商和艺术家的谈话中,他们热衷于向任何人和每个人介绍一种相对较新的艺术语言。不要错过:这是一副非常引人注目的战士肖像,由Eddy Kamuanga Ilunga(十月画廊)创作,还有易卜拉欣·谢拉希(Ibrahim El Selahi)的阿拉伯之春速写本,后者在2013年举办了一场泰特展览。
Here, modernist furniture is teamed with works by Italian Old Masters and a range of contemporary paintings and sculptures. Courtesy of Hauser & Wirth
Laplace has created a conceptual domestic environment, while Hauser & Wirth and Moretti Fine Art have provided wrks by the likes of Alexander Calder, Cy Twombly, Egon Schiele, Pietro Novelli and Taddeo Gaddi. Courtesy of Hauser & Wirth
Installation view at the Mnuchin Gallery stand. Pictured, from left: Jackie, by Andy Warhol, 1964; Yellow Nunn, by John Chamberlain, 1975; Untitled XII, by Willem de Kooning, 1986; Untitled S. 080 (Hanging Five-Lobed Continuous Form Within a Form, by Ruth Asawa, circa 1950. Courtesy of Mnuchin Gallery
Untitled, by Sam Francis, 1958, on show at the Mnuchin Gallery booth. Courtesy of Mnuchin Gallery
Dominique Lévy, Marianne Boesky Gallery and Sprüth Magers teamed up to present a Frieze Masters booth of works by Frank Stella. Pictured: Requiem for Johnny Stompanato, 1958. Courtesy of the artist, Marianne Boesky Gallery, Dominique Lévy, and Sprüth Magers. © 2016 Frank Stella / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Delta, by Frank Stella, 1958. Courtesy of the artist, Marianne Boesky Gallery, Dominique Lévy, and Sprüth Magers. © 2016 Frank Stella / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Exhibiting for the fifth time at Frieze Masters, Prahlad Bubbar Gallery included two important sideboards designed by German architect Eckart Muthesius in its presentation. Courtesy of Prahlad Bubbar Gallery
These pieces originally occupied the banquet hall of the modernist Manik Bagh Palace, builtby Muthesius in the 1930s for this young patron, the Maharaja of Indore. Courtesy of Prahlad Bubbar Gallery
Pace's Frieze Masters presentation featured a selection of works spanning the career of Lucas Samaras, that includes paintings, sculptures and Polaroid photographs. Courtesy of Pace Gallery
Installation view of Samaras' work at the Pace booth. Courtesy of Pace Gallery
Together with partner gallery Colnaghi Old Masters, Bernheimer Fine Art Photography exhibited works by artists Horst P Horst (pictured), Richard Avedon, Annie Leibovitz, and Gunter Sachs. Courtesy of Horst Estate and Condé Nast
Horst offers a glimpse into the Roman home of American painter, sculptor and photographer Cy Twombly, originally captured for Vogue in 1966. Courtesy of Horst Estate and Condé Nast
Elsewhere around London, Luxembourg & Dayan is presenting the first major UK exhibition of Italian artist Rodolfo Aricò (1930 –2002) at its Savile Row gallery, with a focus on his works from the 1960s and 1970s. Courtesy of Luxembourg & Dayan
Assonometria, by Rodolfo Aricò, 1968. Courtesy of Luxembourg & Dayan
Over at The Other Art Fair at the Old Truman Brewery, the spotlight was on emerging artistic talent, including Carolina Mizrahi. Pictured: Eve Collection, 2016
Cai, by Carolina Mizrahi, 2016, at The Other Art Fair
Frieden, by Gina Soden, 2014, at The Other Art Fair
Move, by Tracey Emin, 2016, at The Other Art Fair
Coinciding with its presentation at Frieze Masters, The Gallery of Everything opened its first permanent space, opposite the Chiltern Firehouse. Courtesy of The Gallery of Everything
Formerly a barber shop, the interior has been remastered by Bafta award-winning set designer Eve Stewart with founder James Brett. Courtesy of The Gallery of Everything
keywords:Frieze Art Fair, Global Fair Guide 2016, London exhibitions